EntityDataSource Replace * With % Wildcard On Queries?

Jan 8, 2011

I have an application that uses EntityDataSource in many places. In the EDS, I manually build the Where clause based on user input from TextBox'es.

I would like the user to be able to enter "*" (asterisks) instead of "%" when querying data.

Is there an easy as using Entity SQL or the EDS itself to do a search/replace? I know I could actually change the TextBox after the data is entered, but when the user sees his text was changed from an * to a % I don't think he will understand.

I have tried using the T-SQL Replace command and doing something like this:

<asp:EntityDataSource ID="EDSParts" runat="server"
ConnectionString="name=TTEntities" DefaultContainerName="TTEntities"
EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="Parts"[code]....

But I get a "Server tag is not well formed" message. I can't find an equivalent "replace" function in the Entity SQL reference....

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Finding Wildcard String Replace?

Oct 21, 2010

I am using a chat script I found for free online.

It allows a profanity filter by using string replace:

ex: ChatText.Replace("hell", "!@#$")

is there a way to do a wildcard replace? It doesn't catch the word "HELL" or "Hell" for example.

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Web Forms :: Regex.Replace - How To Replace All In A String

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Passing A Wildcard Value As An URL?

Jan 10, 2011

My students are working on an ASP.net VB application for a Web Programming competition and we are having problems with a page where we want an URL string to return all values from our database.

Here is the page:


If you use the jobs by category menu on the left side, if you select a job category (ie retail) it will pull up all the jobs from that category. By using a query in the URL like this:


What we need is the URL that would show all jobs regardless of the category. I'm not sure how to do this with asp.net VB. I'm sure it's probably not all that hard, we just don't know the syntax to make it happen.

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IIS Setting For Wildcard Character?

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.NET Webforms Wildcard Route?

Sep 29, 2010

I'm using asp.net routing in a webforms app.

I would like to achieve the following url format:


where the right most category is available as a route value.

Currently I have achieved this with the following route:


This will pass all of the categories i.e. "trainers/running/nike-running-trainers" so I can grab the last one with a bit of string manipulation.

Is there a better way of doing this?

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Web Forms :: Wildcard Subdomain Using 4 Routing

Mar 18, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET 4 WebForms, and can't find information about creating wildcard subdomains.

For example, url user22.example.com must point to example.com/users/user22.

May i implement this feature only with Routing (without IIS url-rewrite, or another external tools)?

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Routing (in Webforms) Without Wildcard Mapping?

Jul 19, 2010

If you cannot turn on wildcard mapping for IIS (shared hosting) or can't be bothered (lazyness) can you still use ASP.Net routing if your routes end in one of the "known" asp.net extensions...like ending all routes with .ashx, .aspx etc?

From Chris Cavenagh's blog, could his examples of:


I'm presuming so as his last route is Default.aspx, but he hasn't included any route data with that...Is there a better way? Provided this works, it looks like the best as if the application is moved or wildcard mapping can be turned on, only the routes need to change...

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Wildcard Mapping For Extensionless URLs?

Apr 5, 2010

I'm working in a shared hosting environment, so my access to IIS is limited, but I need to know if I even need full access to IIS to use extension-less URLs the way I'm using them.

Basically I'm just calling a RewritePath() in the Application_BeginRequestion() method in the Global.asax.cs file... something like this:


will this require Wildcard Mapping in IIS?

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ADO.NET :: Linq And Dynamic Where Clause With Wildcard?

Mar 25, 2011

Linq add wildcard in the where clause dynamically I have a query, i.e.

var query = from r in context.company .....

then have some business logic and based on the validation I want to add dynamically a where clause

if(a == "1")

query = query.Where(r=> r.Name = Fullname); //works!!

else if(a == "2)

query = query.Where SqlMethods.Like(r=> r.Name,"%"+Fullname+"%"); //fails to compile , the r.Name is not found..

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C# - How To Test Wildcard Domain Logic

Nov 28, 2010

Here is an interesting problem... I have configured wildcard domains on my production site and will be using it as a customer identifier. This allows me to display the right banner/css/logos for each customer simply be pulling out the wildcard prefix (eg. CompanyABC.website.com will be displayed the logos and branding related to CompanyABC).

But how do I test this on my local Visual Studio 2010 installation? In production the site loads COMPANY.website.com etc., but locally I can only use the flat http://localhost address.

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C# - SQL To Select Rows That Match A URL With Wildcard?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a table in the db with one column containing a URL like http://site.com/users/*/profile.I am given a URL (like http://site.com/users/234/profile) and want to select all the rows in the db that match the url (in this case * is a wildcard).

I was thinking of using Regex to do this, by replacing the * with regex for any character. But am unsure as to what the SQL or LINQ code should be for the selection.

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Wildcard HttpHandler Not Handling Static Files?

Jan 26, 2010

I had a look through some of the older questions, but I can't find anything.I have a Wildcard HttpHandler on my web app which is processing the url and working out if it can do anything with itIf it can't, then the StaticFile Handler should pick it up and just serve it as a static file (like an html file).The problem is, it's going through the Wildcard handler, then seemingly not going to the StaticFileHander. Is there something I need to do to the Wildcard handler, or in the web config?This is my web.config:

<add name="Wildcard" path="*" verb="*" type="Rewriter.RewriterHttpModule"
modules="IsapiModule" requireAccess="None" allowPathInfo="false"
preCondition="" responseBufferLimit="4194304" />
<add name="StaticFile" path="*.*" verb="*"
resourceType="File" requireAccess="Read" allowPathInfo="false" preCondition=""
responseBufferLimit="4194304" />

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C# - Regular Expression To Match IP Address + Wildcard?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to use a RegularexpressionValidator to match an IP address (with possible wildcards) for an IP filtering system.I'm using the following Regex:


Which works fine when running it in LINQPad with Regex.Matches, but doesn't seem to work when I'm using the validator.Does anyone have a suggestion as to either a better Regex or why it would work in test but not in situ?

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C# - WCF Methods Return 404 When Wildcard Mapping Is Enabled In IIS6?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a REST WCF service defined as follows:

public interface IRest {
[WebGet(UriTemplate = "/test")]
int Test();

With the following web.config:


EDIT: You can all reproduce this by creating a new WCF Service in VS2008 (new Project > WCF Service Application). Browse to the dummy method ('GetData')... you will notice it returns 400... that's fine because it shows it's still forwarding to WCF. However, if you enable wildcard mapping in IIS6 you will now get a 404, meaning WCF is no longer intercepting the request.

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DataSource Controls :: Rename Columns With Wildcard Select?

Apr 9, 2010

Is there a way to do a

"select * as"

and rename all columns with some prefix, rather than having to name columns individually? Or better yet, when doing a join and getting all columns from both tables, how do you identify them uniquely in the VB where some columns have the same name?

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.NET MVC2 Custom Routing With Wildcard Or Free Text Url?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a requirement to add specific functionality to an asp.net mvc2 web site to provide addtional SEO capability, as follows:

The incoming URL is plain text, perhaps a containing a sentence as follows

"http://somesite.com/welcome-to-our-web-site" or "http://somesite.com/cool things/check-out-this-awesome-video"

In the MVC pipeline, I would like to take this URL, strip off the website name, look up the remaining portion in a database table and call an appropriate controller/view based on the content of the data in the table. All controllers will simply take a single parameter bieng the unique id from the lookup table. A different controller may be used depnding on different urls, but this must be derieved from the database.

If the url cannot be resolved a 404 error needs to be provided, if the url is found but obsolete then a 302 redirect needs to be provided.Where the url is resolved it must be retained in the browser address bar.

I have had a look at the routing model, and custom routing and can't quite work out how to do it using these, as the controller would not be predefined, based on a simple route. I am also unsure of what to do to provide 404, 302 back to the headers also.Perhpas I need a custom httpmodule or similar but going there went beyond my understanding.

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C# - Regex To Compare URLs With A Wildcard That Alternates Http://site.com/user/*/profile?

Jul 25, 2010

I have a user specified URL that has a wildcard in it, e.g. http://site.com/project/*/accountIn this case * could be anything, a number, a character or anything else. I want to get regex that would find a match for that. The location of the wildcard * changes and could be http://site.com/user/*/title or http://site.com/user/*/*/*/delete (just as an example, depends on the site ... so all possibilities should be supported) Then comparing that with the current URL to see if it is a match.

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Web Forms :: C# Replace " With " Using The Replace Method?

Mar 15, 2011

How do you replace" with" using the replace method?

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Configure EntityDataSource From A DAL?

Mar 25, 2011

I have a simple ASP.NET (Web Form) application. I created a separate project for my DAL. In the DAL, I have created an entity called Sites.

Now, I want to bind that to a form using an EntityDataSource control but it isn't visible. What am I doing wrong?

I made sure to reference the DAL.dll in the web project and include it in the code behind for the form. It's been a while since I've been in ASP.Net :-)

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Refresh DropDownList From EntityDataSource?

Mar 18, 2011

What my code does is that the EntityDataSource has a Where Parameter tied to the first DropDownList and it populates the second DropDownList, but when the first DDL changes, the EntityDataSource doesn't change the values of the second DDL. Worth mentioning this is inside a ModalPopupExtender which is inside an UpdatePanel. Maybe there is a way in just putting all the data in the second DropDownList and filter it depending on the value of the first one... or something like that... so there's no need of refreshing the data.

<asp:DropDownList ID="PaqueteKitDropDownList" runat="server" DataSourceID="PaqueteEntityDataSource"
DataTextField="Nombre" DataValueField="ID_Paquete" />
<asp:EntityDataSource ID="PaqueteEntityDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=CCEntities"
DefaultContainerName="CCEntities" EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="Paquetes">
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label66" AssociatedControlID="PlanKitDropDownList" runat="server"
Text="Plan:" />
<asp:DropDownList ID="PlanKitDropDownList" runat="server" DataSourceID="PlanKitEntityDataSource"
DataTextField="Duracion" DataValueField="Costo" />
<asp:EntityDataSource ID="PlanKitEntityDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="name=CCEntities"
DefaultContainerName="CCEntities" EnableFlattening="False" EntitySetName="Duracion_Plan"
Where="it.ID_Paquete == @ID" OrderBy="it.Duracion ASC">
<asp:ControlParameter DbType="Guid" Name="ID" ControlID="PaqueteKitDropDownList"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" />

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ADO.NET :: Is It Possible To Use OFTYPE In Where Clause Of An Entitydatasource

Nov 30, 2010

is it possible to use OFTYPE in where clause of an entitydatasource? I mean something like this:

srcUsers.Where = "OFTYPE(Doctor)";

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Is Using An EntityDataSource In Keeping With The MVC Pattern

Apr 23, 2010

I'm utterly new to APS.NET and in particular the MVC model...! I have a Telerik RadGrid control that I'm using. Until now (following NerdDinner) I was having the Model passed back to the view and this provided access to the various properties I wanted.

eg: Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<MySqlMvc.Helpers.PaginatedList<MySqlMvc.Models.Customer>>

.. lets me loop around the Model object and extract Customer data. This RadGrid control, however, needs me to use an EntityDataSource (hooked up via the designer). Does this have implications for maintaing the MVC pattern? I'm a little confused about how the EntityDataSource works in relation to my Model.EDIT: I do know there is an MVC version of the RadGrid but we also need the RadScheduler and a few others.. besides that, I'd still like to know the impact.

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C# - How To Filter Data Using EntityDataSource

Mar 28, 2011

I use EF 4, C# and MS Membership Provider.

I have a GridView with DataSource an EntityDataSource web control.

I would like filter Data using EntityDataSource, filter show apply for the Current Logged-In User, this value should be taken using MS Memebership Provider ( Membership.GetUser(); ).

Now I cannot inf any Parameter in EntityDataSource that would allow me to dot that (in Where/Automatically generate a Where expression using provided parameter ).

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C# - How To Populate A TreeView Using EntityDataSource

Jan 5, 2011

I use MS SQL, EF 4 and C#.

I have a table in SQL fro "Categories" and I need populate a TreeView in my Asp.net page.

My question are:

1 - How can i populate the TreeView?
2 - How can i use the TreeView to modify the hierarchy of my Categories?

NOTE: I use "hierarchyid" SQL Columns!

CREATE TABLE dbo.CmsCategories
CategoryId int NOT NULL IDENTITY (0,1) -- Seed = 0 and Increment= 1
Title nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
MetaDescription nvarchar(160) NOT NULL,
MetaKeyword nvarchar(128) NOT NULL,
Summary nvarchar(256) NOT NULL,
IsPublished bit NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT DF_CmsCategories_IsPublished DEFAULT 1,
CategoryNode hierarchyid NOT NULL,
CategoryNodeLevel AS CategoryNode.GetLevel()

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