Convert Joomla CMS As There Is No CMS Like Joomla

Mar 3, 2010

As a developer, I get a lot from the community and feel like giving back something to the community.

And after knowing and working on Joomla i found Joomla CMS as the most flexible, easy and user friendly cms.

As a developer, I like most of the features of it.

Now, i want to have a version of joomla, available free to the community.

I wanted to start it from scratch and it would be a copy/same as joomla.

Would that be a good idea to go with it?

Are there any CMS (same as Joomla) available in

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&& ds.Tables[0].Columns[0].ColumnName["Status"] == "Y")
disableloc.DataSource = ds;
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rtrim(ML.address) + (CASE WHEN ML.Address2 IS NOT NULL THEN ('' '' + rtrim(ML.Address2)) ELSE '''' END) + '' - ''+ + '', ''+ ML.state as address,
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FROM merchant_statistics
WHERE type = ''merchant''
AND locationID= ML.LocationID
AND status = ''clicked'') as stat,
'' '' as button,'' '' as blank ,
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FROM merchant_location ML , Merchant_Pages MP
WHERE MP.LocationID = ML.LocationID
AND ML.merchantid = @_merchantid Order By '

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