.net - How To Disable Certain Items In Listbox Control When Binding

Jan 28, 2010

have an datatable with valuees like this

ListItem ddlItem;
foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
ddlItem = new ListItem(dr["names"].ToString())

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Web Forms :: Dropdown To Exclude Or Disable List Items Based On Listbox Selections?

Mar 12, 2010

I have a drop down that lists all our 40+ locations.. I then have a list box with all our locations as well. The client is presented with the question which locations have you worked at before. If they pick say 3 locations, i need to remove or disable those 3 from the drop down. I have other code for creating a drop down, but not sure where to go with this.

Here is my code for the controls and code behind:


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Javascript - Add / Remove Items From One ListBox Control To Another ListBox Control?

Oct 10, 2010

I'm moving itmes from one ASP.NET ListBox control to another ListBox control from client-side. It works on the client-side but when I tried to count items in destination ListBox on the server-side, it's always nothing. Below, is the jQuery code used to add/remove items from ListBox control.


I know that we can add/remove items from ListBox from server-side. But I'd like to get it done from client-side. Why there isn't anything in the destination ListBox when counting the items from the code-behind, eventhough the items are added from the client-side already.

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How To Add Items To ListBox Or Another Control From XML

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I have XML file with the following structure:

<rule ID="16" Attribute="Savvy" Parametr="">
<term Operation="AND">

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AJAX :: Add ListBox Items To ListView Control

Dec 24, 2013

Run mode as follows

In Listbox as follows



Listview (control) 

I want to display the above Listbox items into Listview. for that how can i do in asp.net using c#.

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Web Forms :: Listbox Control Unable To Select Items With Same Value?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a list box control (Multiple Selection):

<asp:ListBox ID="mLbMoney" runat="server" Rows="15" AutoPostBack="True"

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How To Add Hyperlink Control Items To A ListBox Control

Jan 7, 2010

I want to add multiple hyperlink control items to a asp.net listbox control. I have written below code but it is not generating required output.

lstBoxAttachments.Controls.Add(new HyperLink() { Text = someText, NavigateUrl = someURL });

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Forms Data Controls :: Listbox Control Items Count Shows 0?

Jun 25, 2010

I am working on a screen where in it has a typical 2 listboxes & 2 buttons(add/remove), so when these buttons are clicked the items have to move from one listbox to another. its all working fine with javascript.but the issue is, I am not able to get the items of the 2nd listbox in the codebehind. I tried with html & asp.net listbox controls. I even tried to access the listbox using Request.Form["ControlName"] - which gives a null value.In the listbox1 the data's are coming from database.The data's choose from listbox1 will be moved to listbox2. And again i have to update this data to one of database table.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A ListBox Control That Supports Display Of Items In Two Columns

Mar 29, 2011

I want to create a ListBox control that supports display of items in two columns. It also needs to support selecting multiple items.

and the ListBox items should be CheckBox. What I need to do?

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AJAX :: Menu Control With Dynamic Url / Set The Menu Items As Enable/disable In Two Different Modes Say Edit/new?

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Binding A ListBox To An ObjectDataSource?

Apr 6, 2011

I tried binding a ListBox to an Object Data Source, but I can’t get the field to show up in the Data Source Configuration Wizzard for the ListBox. I got it working programatically populating the listbox using the DataReader but I’d like to be able to use the Object Data Source (Unless there are compelling reasons not to that I haven’t heard of yet.)

The code:


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Binding A Listbox With Value And Text?

Jan 25, 2011

i am creating a listCollection like this:


however my text and value in the drop down, both show the text. When i debug the above code li.Value = row.Item("risCode") shows the Code correctly, but why does it not reflect when i try to bind it to the dropdown list?

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Get The Items In Listbox One By One Using C#?

May 3, 2010

how to get the items in listbox one by one

e.g : in my listbox i have items (roll no's)


how to get the items on by one

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MVC :: Binding A Listbox To A Controller Action?

Feb 24, 2010

how do I bind a a Listbox to a form?




evTemplateSelected does not contain any rows, although there should be. But it is not null!

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Handle Two-way Binding Of A SqlDataSource On A ListBox?

Jan 4, 2010

If I have two listboxes, with a button between them, how do I update the Items of ListBox2 if ListBox2's items are databound?

<asp:ListBox runat="server" ID="ListBox1" DataSourceID="DataSource1"
DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="ID" SelectionMode="Multiple" />
<asp:Button runat="server" ID="addButton" onClick="addButton_Click" />


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Disable Listbox's Click Event?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a listbox which acts as a list of items. If you click on some item, it's contents are shown in the panel on the right (few textboxes etc.). I need to have a validation on these controls as all of them are required fields. And I do have it. The problem is that, even when the validators are not valid, user can click the listbox and change active index (that doesn't have impact on the panel on the right, as SelectedIndexChanged isn't fired). The validators are standard RequiredFieldValidator with their Display property set to "Dynamic". So, what I want is to disallow the user clicking on the listbox and changing the index untill all validators are Valid. What would be your solution for that? Is that even possible?

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MVC :: Save All Items From Listbox?

May 11, 2010


public ActionResult Create(int id)
ViewData["ProductId"] = _repository.getLaborId(id);
ViewData["OperationOrderList"] = _repository.List<OperationOrder>();
return View();
public ActionResult Create(OperationOrder operationOrder,OperationProduct operationProduct)
foreach (var R in ViewData["ProductId"]as SelectList)
_repository.Create<OperationProduct> (operationProduct);
_repository.Create<OperationOrder > (operationOrder);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View();


<%: Html.ListBox("ProductId")%>

Q:How can I save all itmes from listbox to another table, Have I use "foreach" to save ?

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C# - Select All Items In The Listbox?

Jun 29, 2010

if checkbox is clicked i need to select all items in the listbox in asp.net...

how to show the items all selected in listbox once the 'selectall' checkbox is clicked

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Add ListBox Items From Dataset?

Feb 25, 2010

I have this C# code.j = myAccountDataset.Tables["AccountsTables"].Rows.Count;

for (i = 0; i <= (j - 1); i++ )


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Web Forms :: Data From Table Binding To A Listbox?

Nov 22, 2010

I am trying to bind data in a column to a listbox. Here is my code:


Here is my sp:


Am I going about this the right way? Nothing is showing up at all..

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How To Dynamically Generate Listbox Items

Nov 23, 2010

This has got to be more simple than I'm making it. I want to generate a listbox with years for the values. It needs to be dynamic. It needs to list from 17 years ago to 25 years ago. This is what I have so far, I get the correct number of items in the listbox, but I don't get the correct value. They are all "1985".

Dim y As Integer
Dim NextTime As Date = Now
Dim bday_yr As New ListItem()
y = 0
For y = 17 To 25
NextTime = DateAdd(DateInterval.Year, -y, System.DateTime.Now)
bday_yr.Value = NextTime.Year
bday_yr.Text = NextTime.Year
<asp:DropDownList ID="BirthYear" runat="server">

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Web Forms :: How To Highlight The ListBox Items

Jan 26, 2010

I am moving an app from Silverlight back to ASP.NET. (Don't ask!) I really liked the ability to highlight ListBox items as the user moved the mouse over the items. I have been Bing'ing all morning and cannot seem to find any way to do this in ASP.NET with an ASP:ListBox. I tried setting the onmouseover event for the list items themselves. But that did nothing.


I then tried setting onmouseover event for the list itself. I can get the event, but I don't know how to determine which item I am over. I only seem to have the selectedIndex. If I am just moving the mouse, I have no selectedIndex.

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Web Forms :: Spacing Between Items In Listbox?

Feb 8, 2010

I am not able to give spaces between two items in list box. I tried with css- padding, but no luck.

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Web Forms :: How To Get All Non Selected Items From Listbox

Jun 29, 2010

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Web Forms :: How To Append Items To A ListBox

Jul 13, 2010

Can you append items to a listbox?

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