Secure WCF Operations Depending On The User For Authorization Means?
Jan 27, 2011
My scenario is a 3-Tier app where the data tier is a SQL Server database, the middle tier is a WCF application hosted in a Windows Service and finally the presentation is an Asp.Net MVC application.As usual, the middle tier is the one that performs all of the business logic. Access database, define business rules.. etc. BUT now here's question: How do you handle security in such a scenario? I mean, the user has to log in on the ASP.NET application, but I want to authenticate it not only in ASP but in the WCF middle tier as well, since a WCF service is supposed to be accessed by more apps.
I want the user to log in on the Asp.Net application and let WCF know the credentials as well. Is there some kind of session in WCF in which to specify a logged in user? How do pros handle security in this case? I know you can secure the WCF services with message security, but how do Asp.Net and WCF sync on a single logged user? I want to secure WCF operations depending on the user for authorization means.
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<authentication mode="Forms">
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May 19, 2010
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Jan 27, 2011
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Mar 28, 2011
Suppose some users log in to my web app. They get authenticated (as something other than the anonymous user), so they can access any resource in the directory. The system.web/authorization section of web.config is set to deny access to anonymous users like this:
<deny users="?" />
Actually, from what I understand, this only protects files accessed through the ASP.NET system. If I drop a JPG file in there, it's accessible to everyone, without authentication/authorization. In order to ensure all files are protected, there's a different section for that:
<add accessType="Deny" users="?" />
Of course, now when someone attempts to access the JPG file, they don't get redirected to the login page. Instead, they get a nasty HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized.
Now, suppose a user causes a file to be created on the server. How, in context of this elaborate Forms Authentication and Authorization scheme, do I ensure that only that user's web browser can access the file via it's URL? For example, must I modify the web.config file? If so, do I have to do this manually or can it be done through code? Will modifying it frequently cause the application to be interrupted/restarted?
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Jun 11, 2010
Iam building a website and i need to store somehow some informations that i will use in the whole site depending of the user type logged in.
1) User XPTO logs in
2) Query DataBase to see where he belongs
3) Store those 2 or 3 fields that i will get in Database in a persistent way to use it in the whole site.
Whats the best practices to do this?
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Oct 27, 2010
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Jun 11, 2010
I´m building a website and i need to store somehow some informations that i will use in the whole site depending of the user type logged in.3) Store those 2 or 3 fields that i will get in Database in a persistent way to use it in the whole site.My question is: Whats the best practices to do this?
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Jul 13, 2010
My web application will be launched through existing thick client applications. When launched, an HTTP POST request will be generated including information like the userID and additional context information (basically stuff like the target user's name, birthday, etc.).
My plan for authentication is for there to be a look-up table in the database. If the username is already there, automatically login the user, but if there is no entry in the database, redirect the user to an initial login page which will be used to create that database entry.
My question is how to secure this against MITM and other security holes. How can the request generated through the thick client be on an SSL connection? Doesn't an SSL connection have to be authenticated with the username (and password) first? And if so, will the additional context information be publicly exposed until the user is logged in?
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Oct 25, 2010
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Mar 1, 2010
In my environment, we use Active Directory as our password repository. I'm writing an app that uses the users windows session (windows auth) to authenticate the user. This is working well, but I need to provide a way for users to log in as a different user. I setup a web form to accept a username and password. My question is this, I need a secure way to validate the user's credentials against AD. I cant have the credentials passed as clear text. Ive come across the impersonate user functions, but i'm leary because you have to pass a clear text password into the password field. I know I could also use LDAP, but without a certificate, I know plain LDAP is relatively insecure. Can someone point me in the right direction of a more secure solution to query AD with the credentials?
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a Menu control in MasterPage based on web.sitemap file. My website has roles enabled (AspNetWindowsTokenRoleProvider) and uses Windows authentication mode. So, user has to be in a specific Windows Group to be able to access the site. I need to allow some users to see all menu nodes and some restricted set of nodes. How do I do that?
I would like to be able to create, say following Windows groups:
and code sitemap nodes this way:
<siteMapNode url="~/MOC_Masterdata_MOC_Approvers_Plain.aspx" title="MOC Approvers" description="MOC Approvers" />
View 5 Replies
Oct 24, 2010
I have a custom mini login user control that I have embedded in the top of my website which shows on every page. These pages are non-secure HTTP://. I would like to avoid having to redirect the user to a HTTPS page to perform the login but I definitely don't want to send login credentials to the server in plain text.
I am trying find a method to send the user's login credentials encrypted via https from a non-secure (http) page.
I tried to set the postbackurl for the login button to itself but in https, but the user's input is not retained and the buttonLogin_click is not fired when I set the button postbackurl property. My web application is VB.Net framework 4.0
I am assuming this can be done because I see lots of websites where login fields are on available on every page and they are running http and I can believe they are not encrypting the login credentials.
View 3 Replies
Apr 8, 2010
Requirment is to stop more than one user to login at a time using same user id.I am storeing user id in session. I searched the internet and found some ways but somehow they do not work in these situations:If javascript in brower is turned off. If user do not click logout and directly close brower.
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Feb 10, 2010
I have created an site with anonymous access turned off. Its for an internal (intranet) system which uses User.Identity.Name.ToString() to get the users login windows ID and then displays some records from a datagrid depending on their login ID. Is this secure? Also i am struggling to workout how best to store the result of User.Identity.Name.ToString() as I am not keen on storing it in a hidden text field and would rather not call it all the time unless this is the best way?
View 3 Replies
Nov 2, 2010
I have an asp TreeView that has images associated with each node. I am using this CSS that I found on the web to create spacing between the image and the node text:
It works fine, the thing I am struggling with understanding is the " img" part of the style declaration. What is that? It seems apparent that the style pertains to the image portion of a TreeView... How do I know what values can be there? I.E. Is ".TreeView node" valid?
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