ADO.NET :: Binding Data From Database To Drop Down List Using EF?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a table Person (in my database) which has fields like PersonID, PersonName, PersonSurname, etc. What I'd like to do is to bind the PersonName + PersonSurname (e.g. Mark Black) as values for displaying the data in drop down list and PersonID as the data identifier.

As I'm still new with Entity Framework I'm not sure how to manage to do it.

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C# - Data Binding To XML File / How To Link The Sub Levels To The Second Drop Down List

Sep 14, 2010

I have an XML file structured as follows:

<Level Code="T" Text="Test">
<SubLevel Type="9" Text="Nine"/> [code]....

What I want is two drop down lists, one linked to /Levels/Level and one to the SubLevels for the selected level. Currently, I have the main one bound as follows:

<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlLevelInfo" runat="server" DataFile="~/Levels.xml">
<asp:DropDownList ID="cboLevelFilter" runat="server"
DataSourceID="XmlLevelInfo" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Code">

This works fine, but I can't work out how to link the Sub Levels to the second drop down list. Is this possible using data binding?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Formview To Drop Down List?

May 26, 2010

I am trying to display data in a formview based on the value selected from the drop down list. FormView does not respond or display any data.

<b>Select a vendor:</b>
<asp:DropDownList ID="vendorDropDownList" runat="server"
AutoPostBack="True" DataTextField="CO_Vendor_Name"


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Web Forms :: Binding A Drop Down List

Mar 3, 2010

I have a Drop Down List which I need to bind to the database. Here is the situation. I am not using a SQLDataSource. It is built on the n-tier application. The datasource of the dropdown is referring to a method in the C#class. That method has a generic array list which populates information into the arraylist. The Arraylist is the parameter that is returned to the DropDown List.

I have also set the Text property of the Drop down list


However, it is not populating the DropDown list, what should I do?

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MVC :: Binding Drop Down List From ViewData?

Mar 11, 2010

I keep getting this error and i just can't figure it out:

The ViewData item that has the key 'CampaignId' is of type 'System.Int32' but must be of type 'IEnumerable<SelectListItem>'.
My Controller:
//show empty form
public ViewResult Index(int? CampaignId)


I do need to have "CampaignId" in there because I'm populating some "partial views' based on this "CampaignId" that is selected (drop down)

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Web Forms :: Binding Data To Dropdown List From Database

Jul 7, 2010

I am not able bind data to the dropdownlist from database. following is code.

DataTable dtModule = BO.GetBizModel_DDL(ServiceID);
if (dtModule != null)
ddlBizModl.DataSource = dtModule;
ddlBizModl.DataTextField = "BIZ_MODL_NM";
ddlBizModl.DataValueField = "BIZ_MODL_ID";

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C# - How To Fill Drop Down List From Database

Feb 3, 2011

How do i fill radio button list and drop downlist from database.

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How To Get The Selected Item In Drop Down List And Insert It Into Database

Jan 29, 2010

how do i get the selected item in the drop down list and insert it into database (togethi populated the drop down with the values from the tables in database. It is dynamic, not static.i have a button in the gridview called 'add'. so when user clicks on it the row (whatever columns in the row) would be inserted into database. i am doing insertion/create for this.

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DataSource Controls :: Pass Drop Down List Value ID To Database?

May 11, 2010

i have a small app. the database has two tables. Category(CategoryId, Category), Quote(Id, CategoryId, Quote) these two tables are related via FK (CategoryId). In my page i have a simple drop down list, button and lable. user selects a value from drop down list like 'politics', 'comedy', 'famous' etc and then they hit the generate quote which should fetch a quote from the quotes table by passing a value like 'politics'.

however, i need to pass an int value (ID) from my drop down since that is the value which will fetch corresponding quote using my SP but (1) how do i pass a drop down value's ID and (2) is the SP below correctly done?

SP code:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetQuote] (@CategoryId VARCHAR(2))

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Access :: Search From Sqlserver Database From Drop Down List

Jan 8, 2010

i am trying to search from 2 dropdown lit from my databse (sqlserver)

1st drop down list contain(Dr, Hospital, Bloodbank) and 2nd dropdown contain areas(like in hyderabd areas are HITECK CITY, VIDYANAGAR, DILSUKHNAGAR and so any)

how to serach from dropdown list.

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Web Forms :: Drop Down List Dependant On Selection In Another Drop Down List?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a drop down list that has the initials of about 12 of our sales guys.How can I make it so that when they select their initials from the list, the next drop down list only shows their customers.In my database there is a column for customer name and salesman.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Show Multiple Columns In Drop Down List Or List Box

Jun 24, 2010

I have drop down list box that I would like to show two columns, is this possible? Or can it be done with a list box?The query correctly retrieves all of the table data to be displayed, one colum is an abbreviation, the other a bit longer description.

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Dropdown List Binding From Database Using Java Script?

Jan 4, 2011

web form (table) with 32 dropdown fileds.paging implemented (100 rows per page)populate down button next to each controlfreeze pane implemented for first three columnsWorkinguser will change values of each drop down at runtime inorder to update the information in database.when populate down button is clicked, all the dropdown values below will be replaced with current selectio

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Save The Order Of List To The Sql Server Database In Jquery Drag & Drop

Nov 5, 2010

I wanna save the order of my list to the sql server database in jquery drag & drop using c#. How can I do this?

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Web Forms :: Create A Dynamic Drop Down List And Bind With The Value Coming From Database?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a query give me two column and several rows say 20.

The first column i want to bind with dropdown list and second to textbox.

i would like to dynamically create dropdown list as well as textbox as i do not know how many rows i will get it every time.

My select query is like this -

"select subcatid,categoryname from category where catid=10"

That give me say 12 rows with two columns,i want to select the subcatid and bind it with dropdown list and categoryname to textbox that can be edited by user.

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Web Forms :: How To Have 2 Cascading Drop Down Lists For The Same Drop Down List

Mar 12, 2010

How can I have 2 Cascading Drop Down Lists for the same Drop Down List?here is my problemi have 3 drop down lists read from database1- Schools List 2- Classes List3- Teachers ListEvery School will have more than 1 Class and more than 1 TeacherWhat I want is when user select a School from Schools Drop Down List then BOTH (Classes and Teachers) should be refreshed based on the School Drop Down List

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Button To Select Data From A Drop Down List?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a drop down list that populates information about the product from an access database (vb) when the user makes a selection. would like to have minimal product info on the home page so when the user selects the button for example 'view details' they will be taken to the product screen with the item already selected in the drop down list and information showing.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Drop Down List

Oct 27, 2010

when i am using dropdownlistin when i amselect the value from the list it cannot that the selected value but it can take only the first value of list.

How can i select the value in the dropdownlist.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Get The Value From The Drop Down List?

Jul 9, 2010

I have a gridview with a drop down list. When I do the update I try to get the value from the drop down list, but I get an error saying that the drop down list control 'ddlType' can't be found.

Here's the code.


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Web Forms :: Get Drop Down List Data Using SQL Command?

Sep 15, 2010

i have generate AccNo in my form for user (AccNo will appear in form when they click for registration-"AccNo" not saved yet into database..

i want to read the "AccNo" and recheck("AccNo" check availability and update to next ID if available) and update to database when user click "SAVE" button..

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Position The List Drop Down

Dec 30, 2010

In this code you can see the select statement that the customers are selected for display to the user. Order by is at least being used to disply in name order. but this example here is one of several similar dropdowns. I would like that if they picked one customer then the next view show should be the same customer

order by customername
ConnectionStrings:SecurityDB_20101025ConnectionString %>"
* FROM [Customers] WHERE ([CustomerId] = ISNULL(@CustomerId, '') OR @IsSuperAdmin = 1 )

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Drop Down List To Certain Pages?

Apr 14, 2010

I've built my own CMS using vb. It displays the pagetitle, summary and body from a database, depending upon what parameters are passed in the url.

Some pages require a drop down list where users can select a document from a list.

Is there a way to add this to the page?

something like:


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C# - How To Add A Data Object Of A Class Array To A Drop Down List

Oct 12, 2010

I have an array for type Person

Person[] Traders = GetTraders();

Person class contains data objects such as first name, last name etc.

I want to add all first names to a dropdownlist. How can i do that? I tried doing it like this, but it won't get the first names:

ddl_traders.DataSource = traders;


Person has the following string fields: FirstName, LastName, login.

I want the dropdownlist to display FirstName, but the value has to be the logins. I'm fairly certain that is possible, although I have no idea how it can be done.

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Adding Data From More Than Two Columns In Drop Down List (not Concatenating Them)?

Jun 22, 2010

adding data from more than one columns of a table in drop down list but not concatening them.

Like a table having columns Station_1 , Station_2 , Station_3. All these columns having place names.

Now I want to list the distinct station/place names from each columns Station_1, Station_2 and Station_3 in my drop down list.

How to do this I serched everywhere in but not found the solution..

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MVC :: Receiving Data After User Select From A Drop Down List?

Apr 19, 2010

I have a drop down list that I'm suppose to get results according to user selected value ,

I can't figure out how to get the data in the target page how to manipulate it on the view. This is what I have tried

In the controller


this is my index file


this is my target page


as you can see i have tryed a few things but ...

One more question , am I taking the correct approach or is there another way to do it(passing data according to user selected item )

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