ADO.NET ::Convert Dataset Into List

Nov 10, 2010

I am developing a website using Visual Studio 2010, SQL server 2008 and WCF. Already i have developed DAL (Data Access Layer), for some of pages i want to use WCF services and Silverlight, I am new for WCF and i understand that all should be done in List<> for Silverlight and WCF. But all my methods in DAL will return the records in DATA SET format, So my ultimate aim is to convert the DATA SET into List. I browsed in internet and got many explanation like serialization , IEnumarable and so.... but i have 1000 of methods in my DAL, so for the each method i do not want DATA SET to LIST convertion. So i am thinking of having one common class the responsibility of comman class will be get the dataset and return the List [Convert DATA SET to LIST ] For example(Just Psedo explanation for undertanding, Ignore the Syntax error )

Public List< > DsTOLi(dsRecord)
// Here we will convert DATA SET to LIST
return liRecord;

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Does entities support stored procedure that is returning more than one table, I mean more than one entity?! If not, This is another BIG problem Microsoft didn't think about.

I must tell you the truth: I am really disappointed about using Entities. There is no logical support for Stored Procedure and too many problems when you want to have N-Tiers. It is like Microsoft have done only half of the work needed so this will be really usefull.

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