ADO.NET :: Find Table 0 In Dataset?

Feb 15, 2011

I have a service that runs to error below. It errors at two methods one at timer_elapsed because it in turn is calling another method

GetFolderAndAddWatcher(). I' m tring to debug this and unable to figure out why? Here is my code for these two methods. I know that it is not able to find the data set but cannot figure out how I could fix this


An error occurred in the following application: PSXSTL.Service.MoveProofFiles

In the following module:

The Source was: System.Data

With the Message: Cannot find table 0.

Stack Trace: at System.Data.DataTableCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)

at MoveProofFiles.MoveProofFile.GetFolderAndAddWatcher() in C:$SERVICES2008PSXSTL.Service.MoveProofFilesMoveProofFile.vb:line 240

at MoveProofFiles.MoveProofFile.Timer1_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) in C:$SERVICES2008PSXSTL.Service.MoveProofFilesMoveProofFile.vb:line 177

Target Site: System.Data.DataTable get_Item(Int32)

Additional Info: Error occurred in /Timer1_Elapsed

at System.Data.DataTableCollection.get_Item(Int32 index)

at MoveProofFiles.MoveProofFile.GetFolderAndAddWatcher() in C:$SERVICES2008PSXSTL.Service.MoveProofFilesMoveProofFile.vb:line 240

at MoveProofFiles.MoveProofFile.Timer1_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) in C:$SERVICES2008PSXSTL.Service.MoveProofFilesMoveProofFile.vb:line 177

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

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I get the following columns from DS.Tables["Item"]:





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Protected Sub Button_updateDatabase_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_updateDatabase.Click
'I have created a session variable for my data adapter
Dim commandbuilder As SqlCommandBuilder = New SqlCommandBuilder(Session("Adapter"))
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'I created a session variable for my dataset
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<asp:table id="tblcampaign" runat="server" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<asp:TableHeaderRow ID="content_table_heading">
<asp:TableHeaderCell Width="39"><img src="Images/table_heading_bg_lft.gif" alt="" width="39" height="41" /></asp:TableHeaderCell>
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<asp:TableCell width="121">Target Segment</asp:TableCell>
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MCMS.DAL.Dataset.MobileCampaign mob_cam = new MCMS.DAL.Dataset.MobileCampaign();
MCMS.BL.MobileCampaignHandler obj = new MCMS.BL.MobileCampaignHandler();
mob_cam = obj.GetCampaignDetails();

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The m_id is a primary key..I want to auto-increament it everytime a data is inserted into the table so I have configured (isIdentity) to Yes and Identity increament to "YES"..I don't know if its right or not..I already added some data manually into the table but now I want to add more data using the above code..but its not working..


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this is my code....


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Jun 1, 2010

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Here the code I've used

SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["NorthwindConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("TABL", cn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataAdapter dad = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
GridView1.DataSource = ds;

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Apr 23, 2010

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I have the following stored procedure:


I have been mokeying around with it because of what is happening. I have a dataset, call it dataset1. I drag this stored procedure onto the dataset. I EXPECT a datatable to appear, instead the data set adds this store procedure to the queries table adapter and sets the exec mode to 'NonQuery' which unless I am very mistaken, means "don't expect a dataset back from this' when in fact you DO expect a dataset back from this.

The SQL server is a Windows 2000 Server running SQL 2000. It has never caused us a moments grief since we set it up oh-so-many years ago.

If I connect to a different database and drag a query into the same dataset I get a datatable as I expect. I cannot see where / how this procedure could be wrong. The query when executed returns exactly the data I expect, in the format I expect (looks like a table, acts like a table in the Query analyzer).

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WCF / ASMX :: Dataset Table Order Returned By Web Service On Framework 4?

Jul 13, 2010

I have recently converted all my applications to framework 4.0 and am very happy as a whole.

I have, however, run into a bit of a bind: i have exposed quite a few web services that have methods returning datasets.

Clients immediately started complaining that the order of the tables within the returned datasets were different. I investigated and can confirm that the webmethods are indeed shuffling the tables within the datasets. The order of tables in the method result are markedly different from the table order in the code before being returned.

My question is: is it possible to hard code the order of tables within the dataset being returned by a webmethod? I know that clients should, ideally, be referencing the tables via the table names, but that is - unfortunately - not the case in the really real world.

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Programmatically Change Table Names In .net Strong Typed Dataset?

Oct 29, 2010

I've developed an application using strong-typed dataset with .net framework there a way to change the source table for a tableadapter programmatically?

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DataSource Controls :: Bulk Update In Table Using Dataset With Only Differences?

Feb 25, 2010

I select few columns from table A in dataset. Example "EMP_ID","Name","Address","Phone_Number". I want to save data in this dataset into some other table B.

I want to save data from dataset into table B. But i want to have following functionality

1. Before saving a record from dataset to table B if that record if previously present in table B, if yes then check if any value are different, if yes then update that record with the record from dataset, if all the values are same then leave the records as is.

2. If the record is not present in table B then insert it new records in table B from dataset.

Is there any efficient way to implement in .NET C#.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update One Or Two Columns In A Table Without Using Dataadapter / Dataset?

Mar 14, 2010

1. As per my knowledge we use dataadapters/dataset when we want to deal with the huge amount of column/data. Is there anyway that if I want to update one or two columns in a table without using dataadapter/dataset?

2. There is a way that without clicking a button we can get the data using objectdatasource, I mean to say that there is no data in the code behind then how to debug if there is not data in in code behind.

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