ADO.NET :: How To Sort And Group The Datarow

Feb 22, 2011

I got a datarow[], that will further filter a datatable.

From the datarows, result, how can I add in the function to order the value and group the values?


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SQL Server :: Get Unique Page Title - SQL Group And Sort Datetime

Sep 21, 2010

Basically I have a table as follows:

Page Title ¦ DateTime
Home ¦ 20/09/2010 17:25:01
Home ¦ 20/09/2010 16:01:16
Home ¦ 20/09/2010 17:24:01
About Us ¦ 06/09/2010 17:27:01
Home ¦ 03/09/2010 14:25:01
SiteMap ¦ 21/09/2010 17:21:01

I want to get the unique page title but latest date, therefore query result would be:

About Us

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DataSource Controls :: Value Of Type 'System.Data.DataRow' Cannot Be Converted To 'dataRow'

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So, where i am getting wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Sort Column Header Text And Retain The Sort Link

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I have a simple dynamic gridview with following code -

GV = new GridView();

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Access The Group Of A Linq Group - By Query From A Nested Repeater Control?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm using a linq group by query (with two grouping parameters) and would like to use the resulting data in a nested repeater.

var dateGroups = from row in data.AsEnumerable()
group row by new { StartDate = row["StartDate"], EndDate = row["EndDate"] };
"data" is a DataTable from an SqlDataAdapter-filled DataSet. "dateGroups" is used in the parent repeater, and I can access the group keys using Eval("key.StartDate") and Eval("key.EndDate").

Since dateGroups actually contains all the data rows grouped neatly by Start/End date, I'd like to access those rows to display the data in a child repeater. To what would I set the child repeater's DataSource? I have tried every expression in markup I could think of; I think the problem is that I'm trying to access an anonymous member (and I don't know how.) In case it doesn't turn out to be obvious, what would be the expression to access the elements in each iteration of the child repeater? Is there an expression that would let me set the DataSource in the markup, or will it have to be in the codebehind on some event in the parent repeater?

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C# - Select DataTable (only Some Values) From _GetDisplayData And GROUP Data By Days Where Group Rules Is Different For Different Columns

Mar 4, 2010

Stack-Overflow :3 I've got a kind of hard-case question.

So I'll try clearly explain my idea with my poor english :/ need select to DataTable SOME values from ???_**GetDisplayData **procedure for each day of previos month (GROUP IT) where group rules for different columns is different

I need to select some values in stored procedure from other stored procedure like this :

SELECT X FROM Y_Procedure(@ProcedureParameters)Also I need to select from dynamic SQL Procedure like

SELECT X FROM Y_Procedure(@ProcedureParameters)

Also I need to load it to DataTable :-/INSERT INTO @Report (CellHorizontal, CellVertical, CellValue) --to TABLE
SELECT Date,X2,X3 FROM Y_GetDisplayData(@Param)

FROM @Report

GetDisplayData works as select with parameters and that doesn't returns SQL DataTable
And there is no way to recode GetDisplayData's procedures, it's just constant procedures for me.Finally I need to Group nodes from this table

INSERT INTO @Report (CellHorizontal, CellVertical, CellValue)
IF ((Select grouptype...)=1) T1.X2 + T2.X2
ELSE IF ((Select grouptype...)=2) AVG(T1.X2,T2.X2),
IF ((Select grouptype...)=1) T1.X3 + T2.X3
ELSE IF ((Select grouptype...)=2) AVG(T1.X3,T2.X3),
(SELECT T2.Date,X2,X3 FROM Y_GetDisplayData(@Param) T2
WHERE T2.Date>T1.Date AND T2.Date>=T1.Date)
FROM Y_GetDisplayData(@Param) T1
GROUP BY EVERY DAY ???--and here is epic fail

I can make all stuff on asp server :And C# allows me to use something like SelectCommand = IzmProc + "_GetDisplayData"; And then I will work (select special data) with DataTables on ASP.NET Server but it's better to make all on SQL ... But looking like it's just unrealizable on SQL >_<

I gonna think about C# realization,but my code is very weird , got errors and doesn't works >_<

public static DataTable GetReport(string Param)
System.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings connSetting = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["FlowServerConnectionString"]; [code].....

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Sort Expression - How To Reset A Gridview Or Prevent It From Doing A Sort

Sep 23, 2010

Just spent about 8 hours googling and looking through this forum for a solution on how to make sure that I can dynamically sort. Here is the situation.

I have 1 Gridview that displays 10 different scenarios based on what button is clicked.

I am also returning only top 10 records. I am doing all of the data binding pragmatically. So I have BoundFields, HyperLinkFields etc.

I also want to sort some records. When I change DataSource SQL statement the gridview somehow remembers what the last sort value was and it errors out saying that value "x" cannot be sorted because it does not exists.

I tried this:

Tried setting gridview1.sqldatasourceid = null; gridview1.allowsorting = false; gridview1.databind();

Here I get an error that says that the data source does not support sorting? Doesnt it say gridview1.allowsorting = false;

I also tried gridview1.sort("", SortDirection.Ascending); This does nothin... except query my database one more time because i have a onSorting event that looks like this:


Here is an example of just one of those SLQ statements inside GetSQLQuery:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort Data In GirdView Via Sort Icons Clicks

Feb 28, 2010

i read Matt Berseth article also i downloaded this source. But i can not do sorting event. Everything is ok but sorting is not working.


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Forms Data Controls :: User Group List Like Graph / Get The List Of Users Under A Group

Oct 26, 2010

I need to develop a page in my applicaiton like the image for the user lists.

I need to get the list of users under a group and need to show likw this.

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Visual Studio :: Group Profiles Settings - Users In The Group Update The Same Settings?

Jan 19, 2010

We have many different clients, and each client can have multiple user accounts.Right now, we have user settings set up on the ASP project, and a WinForms application can see these settings, depending on which user logs into the winforms application. They are specific to the user. I want to make them specific to the client, so users can be in "groups" by their client, and all users in the group would see/update the same settings.

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ADO.NET :: How To Cast DataTable To DataRow

Jan 5, 2011

I m trying to cast DataTable.Rows to DataRow in VB but could not manage!

Here is the sample code:


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ADO.NET :: Returning A Blank DataRow?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a method like

public DataRow
EntityType, long EntityID)

This fetches a row and returns it. Pretty simple.

However I can't test in the method to see if the row was fetched, as the method has to end with:

return ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];

If the row wasn't fetched, this errors as there is no row at position 0.

I can't do this:

DataRow dr;
if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count
== 1)
dr =
return dr;

.. because then I get an error that I can't return an uninitialised variable (dr).

I can't stipulate what the columns are and return a "blank" DataRow as far as I can see, because it's dynamic so I don't know what the columns will be. There doesn't seem to be a way to instantiate the DataRow return var except by assigning, er, a DataRow. Which I may not have.

I don't really want to switch to using the ItemArray and pass arrays about, I'd rather just pass the DataRow object as this is in a loop which might process a lot of rows.

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Web Forms :: Add Linkbutton Into Datarow?

Nov 29, 2010

[url=][img][/img][/url] [code] private Controller ctl = new Controller(); ..... DataTable db1 = new DataTable(); ArrayList arr1 = new ArrayList();
arr1 = ctl.getAlljob(); db1.Columns.Add("IDjob"); db1.Columns.Add("product"); .... db1.Columns.Add("report"); foreach (Job j in arr1) { DataRow dr = db1.NewRow(); dr["IDjob"] = v.getjobid.ToString(); .... dr["report"] = "Report"; <=== it show
"Report" but i want to it show as report linkbutton db1.Rows.Add(dr); } GridView1.DataSource = db1; GridView1.DataBind();[/code]

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Forms Data Controls :: Group Data,- The Group's Header Be On The Top ?

Feb 5, 2010

I'd like to gruop data from a table, for example, by DATE or CATEGORY, something like this:
News 1
News 2
News 3

News 1
News 2
News 3

or group by CATEGORY, like this:

News 1
News 2
News 3

News 1
News 2
News 3

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How To Store Array Values Into Datarow

Oct 5, 2010

I have string array values in


Dim _arr_Entry_Ids() As String = Split(_Entry_Id, ",")

i want to store this array values in datatble column


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Web Forms :: Looping Through Values Of DataRow?

Mar 19, 2010

im trying to retrive all the values in the datatable

but i keep getting only the first value

since i just finished learning C# i have no idea how to solve that

here the code i use let me know what am i missing


View 17 Replies

Getting The Bound Datarow Of A Datagrid On Postback?

Feb 18, 2011

I want to find out the bound datarow or datatable of a datagrid on postback. I have a ButtonColumn in the grid. On click of the button, I'm trying to determine the datarow so that I can access the primary key and pass it to another page. The primary key is not bound and therefore not visible in the row.

For example I have a list of Customers, with an edit button. On clicking of the edit button, I want to open CustomerEdit.aspx?id=10. I am able to trap the click event on the server side in the DataGridCustomer_ItemCommand event. But am not able to get access to the datarow of the e.Item.ItemIndex.

On postback I'm NOT binding the datagrid. On accessing DataGridCustomer.DataSource, I get "Nothing". Is there a way to get the DataSource or the Datarow?

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C# - Moving From String Array Into Datarow

Dec 22, 2010

I have a problem with assigning string array into Datarow. Firstly, i have created the object for string array and put 2 values in the array out of 100(whole size). How many values should be placed in the array dependds on a different, which i am not showing here, though.

Then i tried converting into DataRow. But it says. "object reference not set to an instance of an object"

DataRow dr = null;
string[] strconcat = new string[100];
dr["concat"] = strconcat[i];

Edit-- Actually i was trying put these string array values into dropdown (ddchooseadeal).


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ADO.NET :: Copy Datarow Content Without Foreach

Jan 12, 2011

have 5 datatables and will add up more, what i need is to copy the content(rows) of the each and every datatable in a separate datatable. All the datatable columns are same. Is that possible without foreach statements. We can achieve the results in foreach
but the datatables will contain more rows, so iterating each and every datatable will affect the performance.he code i implemented is exact thing i need, but without foreach statement. To copy content of each and every datatable and put the content in a final datatable

DataTable dat = new DataTable();
DataRow Dr = dat.NewRow();
dat.Columns.Add("c1", typeof(string));
Dr[0] = "01";

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ADO.NET :: Converts A Datarow To BaseClasses.Subscription?

Jan 23, 2011

I have a few procs which use a datareader as illustrated below:


In the real scenario there are many more fields than the 2 in the example so each time I make a change to BaseClasses.Subscription I have to change code throughout. I already have a method which converts a datarow to BaseClasses.Subscription which I call like this:

public BaseClasses.Subscription RowToSubscription(dr)

It would be great if I could do it with the datareader too, something like this:


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How To Assign DataRow To Variable In Grid

May 10, 2013

Right now I am using a grid control from ComponentOne which I have to stay with. When I click an link in the row which fires a grid_ItemCommand event one of the parameters passed is e As C1.Web.C1WebGrid.C1CommandEventArgs. I want to change it where I am selecting a row with a checkbox in a column and then click a button to process the row selected. So I need to get the value it is putting in e and pass that which is used in another sub.

Here is how e is assigned to "row" as DataRow.

Private Sub grid_ItemCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As C1.Web.C1WebGrid.C1CommandEventArgs) Handles grid.ItemCommand
Select Case e.CommandName
Case "Renew" ' Renew barcode
Dim row As DataRow = CType(e.Item.DataItem, DataRowView).Row

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VS 2008 DataRow Error System.NullReferenceException?

Jul 26, 2010

When I click on my btnMissionary_Click which is suppose to add a datatable row I am getting the following error:

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. If I add a entry right away it seems to work fine.

Here is my form
HTML Code:
<div id="container">

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C# - Simple Way To Convert Datarow Array To Datatable?

Jan 23, 2010

I want to convert an datarow array into datatable.. Wat is the simple way to do this?

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