ADO.NET :: Operator '&' Is Not Defined For String Insert Into Database And Type ListItem

Nov 10, 2010

I am trying to insert data from a booking reservation into my database.

MySQL = "Insert into [RestaurantSteakHouse].[dbo].[reservation]([customerid],[reservationdate],[noofguests],[notes],[tableid]) values (" & id & ",'" + Session("ReservationDate") + "'," & Session("Noofguests") & ",'" + Session("Notes") + "','" + Session("TableId")
+ "');select @@identity"

Operator '&' is not defined for string "Insert into [RestaurantSteakHous" and type 'ListItem'.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Operator '=' Is Not Defined For Type 'DBNull' And String Rejected

Oct 8, 2010

I know that the problem is my field having NULL values. However, I don't know how to have it process the code even if the field have nullshere's my code:


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Web Forms :: Operator Cannot Be Applied To Operands Of Type String And Int

Sep 1, 2013

Error 10 Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'int' 

Show Error

Line 85: v1.Text = Convert.ToString(y[0]) + "صوت";.
Line 86: h1.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32((y[0] / tx) * 100));
Line 857: Image1.Width = Convert.ToInt32(h1.Text * 2); 
Line 88: v2.Text = Convert.ToString(y[1]) + "صوت";
Line 89: h2.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32((y[1] / tx) * 100));


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How To Insert Data In Array Of Type String

Oct 22, 2010

I am selecting data from database and in while loop, i want it store all data in one variable. How to do that? The variable selectAnswer is string array type .

I used this code but this give error. Modify this code.

string selectAnswer[] = new string[];
while (rdr.Read())
selectAnswer[] = rdr[0].ToString();

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Insert ListItem Between 2 Existing Items?

Dec 20, 2010

I wonder if there is a simple way to insert a new ListItem between 2 existing items of a dropdownlist?

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How To Insert New Line In Text Of ListItem

Jun 26, 2015

How can insert new line in text of a Listitem?

I tried below code but not work..

HTML Code:
new ListItem() { Text = "part1<BR/>

part2", Value = "0" } ??

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Error - CS0019: Operator '/' Cannot Be Applied To Operands Of Type 'object' And 'int'

Jul 21, 2010

I am moving a website to a new framework. But the old site is in vb and the new on I'm coding it in C#.

I have this line of code that I can't figure out, This is on the aspx page. It's in a datagrid as well.


The line that is messing up is the second to last one where it starts with </a>(<%#Math.Round....

Here is the error I get...CS0019: Operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'object' and 'int'

I've tried to work around it but can't fix this

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DataSource Controls :: Type Safe SQL Parameters And Update/ Insert Of Database

Feb 1, 2010

I have been in the process of updating my code with security methods, and I've been learning this from [URL] (or "Security Guidelines: ASP.NET 2.0"). In the middle of the page under "When Constructing SQL Queries, Use Type Safe SQL Parameters" it says "Use type safe parameters when constructing SQL queries to avoid possible SQL injection attacks that can occur with unfiltered input". Now, what they suggested was to use code like:

"DataSet userDataset = new DataSet();
SqlDataAdapter myCommand = new SqlDataAdapter(LoginStoredProcedure", connection);
myCommand.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCommand.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add("@au_id", SqlDbType.VarChar, 11);........"

But, I was already using code like:

"var dataSource = (SqlDataSource)form1.FindControl("sqlDataSource5") ;
dataSource.UpdateParameters.Add("someVal", val);"

So now, to use type safe parameters, I decided to include it like:

"var dataSource = (SqlDataSource)form1.FindControl("sqlDataSource5") ;
dataSource.UpdateParameters.Add("@someVal", DbType.Int16, val);
dataSource.UpdateParameters["@someVal"].Size = 1;"

So, that would be how I would modify my current code base to use type safe parameters in sql updating/inserting.

Getting to my actual question, as it was said "Use type safe parameters when constructing SQL queries to avoid possible SQL injection attacks that can occur with unfiltered input". First off, this suggests that this should apply to unfiltered input. Also, in their example they only did this for an ID.

So, what I'd like to know, when it comes to "unfiltered input", does this mean as long as the input is unfiltered I must use type safe parameters, or even filtered input shall have this (just to be sure), like, input that has been ran through a regularexpression check? Shall I do this for all values I insert/update into the database, or just IDs and important things?

The way I see it right now is that it would be a good precaution to just do type safe checks on everything (literally) that updates/inserts into the database just to be extra safe. But, I really am unsure if this is really the best idea, because if I did, would this possibly cause overprocessing of information? Can this cause too much strain on server resources? If my fears serve true, what would be a good suggestion of how I could implement this properly without having to worry about what I said?

View 1 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Insert Into A Table Based On Another Tables Numeric Operator Field

Nov 11, 2010

I have a insert into statement thats inserting my numbers from a numeric text box on my aspx page. I am choosing the Amount Type then putting in a a number.

So i have a drop down that i select example Direct Charge then i enter 600.00 and click add it puts that in to the databse for me woot..

I then put in say Misc Credit and enter 200.00 it inserts in that into the database woot.

The look up table that has my amount types has a field called numeric opperator which is either + or - the Credit being a - and the Charge being a + then my stored procedure takes all my + numbers and adds them up and subtracts all the - numbers.

I want to change that so that it actuall be inserted into the table as a - number form the start. So I want choose Misc Credit enter 200.00 and click add then my event says o yea thats a credit insert 200.00 as -200.00

How can I do that?


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Getting An Object From A Listbox / Cannot Cast Expression Type System.web.ui.webcontrols.listitem

Jan 4, 2010

have an issue with a list box. I populate the list box using :

listbox1.datasource = myCollectionOfCars

When i go to retrieve the selected item from the listbox using

Car myCar = (Car)listbox1.selecteditem;

an error is generated

cannot cast expression type system.web.ui.webcontrols.listitem to type car

i have read several tutorials and many of them use the above code.

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Insert Record Into MSAccess Table - Syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Mar 19, 2016

As I am learning . when i try to insert record into msaccess table why it says -

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'user1','' ,'12312456')'.

As i found the same code at the following link [URL] ....

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
OleDbConnection con;
using (con = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + @"DATA SOURCE=C:Database iershop.mdb")) {

[Code] ....

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ADO.NET :: Insert A Null String Value Into An SQL Database?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm having some problems with the interface I've created. After some searching, I've discovered that it is inserting an empty string into my database fields as opposed to an null value. I need my application to insert null values, not emptry strings. Can someone provide an example of how this is done?

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Type Is Not Defined

Mar 1, 2010

me how can I fix this error message: Type 'dsFaq' is not defined


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BC30002 Type Is Not Defined

Apr 23, 2010

used wsdl.exe to create a .cs class for my wsdl service connection.I made a Visual Studio project to compile the .cs into a dll having namespace CalculatorService (CalculatorService.dll).I created an project added my namespace import:%@ Import Namespace="CalculatorService" %I right-clicked on the project, clicked Add Reference, found my .dll, added it, built the project, checked /bin to ensure my dll was there (and it was).All is well LOCALLY while debugging. It found the CalculatorService, connected to it, got the XML and displayed it.

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MVC :: Type 'Project' Is Not Defined?

Jul 17, 2010

Why I am getting this error 'MVCApplication1.Purchase.ProductInfo' is not defined?


<%@ Control Language="VB" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl(Of MVCApplication1.Purchase.ProductInfo)" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="MVCApplication1.Purchase.ProductInfo" %>
<%For Each item in Model.Product%>


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Type 'MailAttachment' Is Not Defined / How To Fix This Error

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to attach static attachment with email but I am getting following error in my code: Type 'MailAttachment' is not defined.

My code is as follows: Code:


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Type 'AjaxControlToolkit.ToolkitScriptManager' Is Not Defined?

Feb 5, 2011

i m getting this error on my certain .aspx pages ,although i added tool kit in my project "Error4Type 'AjaxControlToolkit.ToolkitScriptManager' is not defined.C:UsersIramDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectsgfln1gfln1CreateNewConference.aspx.designer.vb3451gfln1

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Web Forms :: Type MessageQueue Is Not Defined

Apr 10, 2010

I have a simple test page in 3.5 vb with a button and a label. The code behind is;


I get a compliation error - Type 'MessageQueue' is not defined.I thought it was, since I have imported System.Messaging.

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MVC :: Entity Type Has No Key Defined Error?

Mar 28, 2011

have been trying to get to grips with the entity framework using the music store tutorial as a base reworking it to fit an existing application i havei have a database table called AuthorDetail. I also have AuthorDetail.cs Model, and a View AuthorDetail.cshtml strongly-typed to the Model. It's also declared as DBSet in the Entities class :DbContext under the application Models namespace.

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BC30002: Type 'MySqlCommand' Is Not Defined.

Feb 25, 2010

I'm getting the following error. Error Message is "BC30002: Type 'MySqlCommand' is not defined.". Here i give my code

<%@ Page Language="vb" debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> [code]....

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Can't Convert System / Use Its Own Pre Defined Type?

Jan 14, 2010

So, I've been programming for a number of years. Finding some intricately asinine issues w/ ASP.NET and VB.NET as I learn them. How about this one:


The issue is not Date1
The issue is Date2.

No kidding. I had to String.Format Date1 for some odd reason, even though I'd already validated it. And, yes, I tried to parse and convert Date1 but I kept gettting the typical "Argument 'Date2' cannot be converted to type 'Date'." error. (Did you catch the copy & paste? I didn't edit it from my existing error, but Date2 should be Date1.) Yeah, that's the error I'm getting now with the above ...

"Argument 'Date2' cannot be converted to type 'Date'."

Date2 is a system defined type. Why can't the system convert and/or simply use it's own pre-defined type?

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ADO.NET :: Error - Type 'DataSet' Is Not Defined

Aug 20, 2010

I try the example on the folow I get error on TYpe DataSet is not defined, I use net 1.1


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Web Forms :: Type 'MailAddress' Is Not Defined?

Mar 6, 2010

im doing a registering user by the admin and i trying to use random generated password and send to the user e-mail

This the 1st time i use this MailMesage thing found from the internet

I follow accordingly but found some problem with the method for MailMessage. Below is my code

The problem is the MailAddress it say Type 'MailAddress' is not defined, and

SmtpDeliveryMethod - Name 'SmtpDeliverMethod' is not declared


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2.0 Compilation Error BC30002 Type Is Not Defined

Jul 12, 2010

First of all, let me explain the situation, I know this is a bit complicated.
And I apologize for my poor English.I have created a dll library which contains the classes I created.I tested the library with Console Application and web site created with Visual Studio 2005,everything works fine.So I copied the dll to the "Bin" folder of a running ASP.NET 2.0 web site, added reference to the dll file, imported the namespace, then trying to initiate instances of objects in the dll.

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Databases :: BC30002: Type 'MySqlCommand' Is Not Defined?

Mar 31, 2010

I developed a web application using and mysql database. I upload the web pages in my server. I'm getting the following error "
BC30002: Type 'MySqlCommand' is not defined.". How to solve this? Here i attached my code also.

<%@ Page Language="vb" debug="true" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="System.Web.Mail" %> [code]....

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