I am having difficulty in usint distinct with row filter, how to do this without using distinct.As i think distinct does not work with row filter.
Dim dsEName As DataSet = biz.GetEvent()
Dim dt As DataTable = dsEName.Tables(0)
Dim dv As New DataView(dsEName.Tables("dt"))
dv.RowFilter = "DISTINCT EventName "
Me.ddlEventName.DataSource = dv
Me.ddlEventName.DataTextField = "EventName"
Me.ddlEventName.DataValueField = "EventName"
I would like to select a distinct query based on three fields and display the rest of the fields. For example,
I have firstname, lastname, address, city, state and zip, but I only want to use the distinct on these fields first and last name. However when i use the distinct function I get a distinct on all the selected rows. I just want to distinct firstname and lastname and display the other fields. for example,
Mary Smith New York Mary Smithy New York Mary Smith Maine
I would like the result to be:
Mary Smith New York Mary Smithy New York
I don't care about Mary Smith Maine, because i am only using the distinct for "Mary Smith" firstname and last name and showing the city.
In securing actions/controllers, do I have to create a custom filter or use MVC built-in filter?
To use the built-in attribute Authorize() on an action/controller or create a separate class that inherits the ActionFilterAttribute which has a method (OnActionExecuting) to override and do the authentication there?
In my organization we use nested groups. For a particular usage, we have a group (let's assume that the group name "kuku"), and the names of all the nested groups under it contains "kuku" as well.
We may assume that no other group in the LDAP has "kuku" in the name.
I need to create a filter which will return all the users which belong to one of the "kuku"s group.
Obviously, using this filter will bring only the head kukus
(&(&(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person))(memberOf=CN=kuku,cn=...rest of the group DN...))
How can I use wild card to fetch all users which belong to any kuku?
For example: (&(&(objectclass=user)(objectclass=person))(memberOf=CN=.*kuku.*))
I have decorated my base controller with a couple of action filters. They work fine.
One of those filters sets up the request - does things like set the culture based on the domain, etc.
I also have a handful of actions that require authorization using the Authorize attribute.
My problem is that when an user attempts to request a page they are not authorized to access, the authorization filter kicks in and redirects them to a page telling them that they cannot vie the page.
The issue is that the action filters never run so the culture and other request data is never set. This effectively causes language to be wrong in the view and other data to be missing.
I know that authorization filters run first but my question is this: How can I design this such that I can ensure that certain methods are always run before the view is returned, regardless of the authorization.
rowid pid gid dis 1 1222 aa dd 2 1222 bb cc 3 1222 cc dd 4 1331 vv cc 5 1331 cc zz 6 1414 zz cc 5 1414 xx zz
I need get distinct pid with rowid together. select * distince pid from tableone However, I get error: select rowid, distinct pid from tableone? Is any way to work out this one?
This is something I can easily do in SQL, but I'm pretty new to LINQ and haven't been able to find an answer online.
I need a LINQ query that returns two values; the first a distinct value and the second the count of the first value. This is filtered by a parameter. Here is my table:
I am using C# + VSTS 2008 + .Net + ASP.Net + IIS 7.0 + ADO.Net + SQL Server 2008. I have a ADO.Net datatable object, and I want to filter out duplicate/similar records (in my specific rule to judge whether records are duplicate/similar -- if record/row has the same value for a string column, I will treat them as duplicate/similar records), and only keep one of such duplicate/similar records.
The output needs to be a datatable, may output the same datatable object if filter operation could be operated on the same datatable object.
I got a requirement from client that he wants to know distinct users information from sites and it sub sites those have access to site. There are separate groups for each subsite (contribute, approval and full access). From these all groups find distinct user information.
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to ask. But I'm using ASP.net 3.5 & I've below code:
Now, I want to check how many elements are present in this distinct array & if the number of elements in this distinct array is more than 500, then I need to fetch only those first 500 elements. How can I achieve this?
Dim s_Person = From Person In db.People Join ProspectStatus In db.ProspectStatus On Person.Id Equals ProspectStatus.Prospect_ID Where (Person.Organization_ID = s_Organization_ID)Select Person.
I only want to return DISTINCT values of Person.ID. Right now, it returns the same person multiple times because there are several entries in the status table.
Dim s_Person = From Person In db.People Join ProspectStatus In db.ProspectStatus