ADO.NET :: Datermine Problem When Save Into Table, Doesn't Display Currentdate?

Oct 27, 2010

datetime problem when save into table, doesn't display currentdate?

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Doc.Save Doesn't Work With URI?

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//save the output to a file

But I get this error: URI formats are not supported.

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MVC :: Display Records From Table 2 Based On Table 1

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the first table is tbl1 (id,fName,lName), and the second one is scnds(id,course,tbl1id).

I am practice using MVC 2.0, so I bulilt the the class repository


Then created the Studentcontroller


The problem is if I used Details method it will show only the first record, but I want to display every course that specific a student has. I don't know if the problem in repository or in the controller.

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How To Save Table Information As A XML File

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Bellow is my SQL syntax


I want to create a XML file on my project's App_Data folder.This XML use as the source file of my AspxMenu.I know how to bind XML data to AspxMenu but i dont know how to create XML file .I want to save this table information as a XML file on my App_Data to save table information as a XML file.

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Visual Studio :: Can't Save Changes Of The Table

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How can i figure up the problem? and by the way , now I have a table call "categories" and i want to change the name to "Categories"

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C# - Save Changes Done By Javascript To A Table (gridview)?

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I have a gridview with empty cells. Whenever a cell is clicked I replace the contents of the cell (innerHTML property) with a string, using javascript.

I would like to save this changes on a 2d array when the index of my combobox is changed. However when I traverse the gridview during my selectedindexchanged event, none of the changes I did to the cells are visible (all the cells are empty). I guess the changes are not persistent.

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How To Save Html Table To SQL Server

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to save html table to sql server table with unique name and save its data in a database. For example, I have a html table like this(it is dynamically created in browser by user).

I use, C#, Sql Server 2008 express.How can after clicking on save button, create table with unique name, 2 colums int and varchar(40) types, and insert data?

I think it is possible by rendering table to XML, and then work this xml on C# classes, then save in database.

What you sing about it?


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ADO.NET :: Doesn't Add If The Same Date To Same Student Exist In The Table In DB

Dec 31, 2010

I have Attendance Table for students and im using stored procedure for add attendance:

1 means attend

0 means absent

DID STDNo L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 Date

1 2334 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 12/30/2010

date datatype is nvarchar(50)

stored procedure :

ALTER procedure [dbo].[AddDailyAttendance]
@STDNo nvarchar(6),
@L1 int,
@L2 int,
@L3 int,
@L4 int,
@L5 int,
@L6 int,
@L7 int,
@Date nvarchar(50),
insert into Att_AddDaily (STDNo,L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7,Date)values(@STDNo,@L1,@L2,@L3,@L4,@L5,@L6,@L7,@Date)

when i add attendance for example : to student number 2334 at the date 12/30/2010 to check if it's exist in table and if it's exists doesnt add it

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Web Forms :: Save Listbox Data To SQl Table?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a problem to save data into SQL table.

I have two listbox controls, one contains the Author list and another contains the author of the particular record.There are two buttons to copy data from one list box to another listbox.


And aspx.cs code file is:


When click the arrow button it adds the author from authorlist to selectedAuthors listbox and vice versa but the problem is, How can I save those authors(newly added for that record) in database columns ?

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How To Update A Table Row With Save Button Using .ajax

Jun 2, 2010

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$("td#effEndDate").click(function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass("edit")) {
var value = jQuery.trim($(this).html());
$(this).html("<input id="txtEdit" type="text" value="" + value + "" />");

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newCompany = new company
companyInfo = value.company_info,
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telling to check "static content" I couldn't get this from features, maybe because my windows server is on 2007.

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Jun 14, 2010

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 C#.

I'm creating a website and currently making tests for registration. I've manage to create a registration form in the web site and save what the user inputs in the textboxes into a sql server 2008 database.

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Sep 24, 2010

how to get value this table output is

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row 1, cell 2
row 2, cell 1
row 2, cell 2

and save automatically in database no any where click

<table border="1">
<td>row 1, cell 1</td> [code]....

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