ADO.NET :: Retrieving An Image From SQL Into Data Access Layer?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm trying to retrive images from SQL (2005) using ASP.NET 2008

At present I have a business object layer and a data access layer to get some data from the database. This works fine but now, i would like to also retrive an image along with the data.

part of my business object layer is shown below, how can i incorporate the image into this.

I have a DLL file which will take care of displaying the image in the web page once i have retrived it.


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Architecture :: Data Access Layer And Business Logic Layer?

Jun 24, 2010

I am building a web site following the tutorials on I am using dataset as data access lay, and writing classes to access the dataset. But the example is just basic ideas, how do I retrieve individual table column value in the business layer?For example, if I have a table called Product, I only want to find out what is the product name by product id. I did this in my ProductBLL:

public ProductBLL
public int GetProductName(string productId)
ProductDataSet.ProductDataTable prodData = Adapter.GetProductById(productId);

Is there a better way, or am I doing this correctly? Can anybody give me a reference to a more complicated business logic model?

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Can Get The Data Access Layer .cs File

Feb 2, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Connectionstring In Data Access Layer?

Nov 1, 2010

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The connection string is stored in the data access layer in Properties.Settings and has not changed.Does anyone have a clue why these exceptions occur and how i can avoid them?

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.net - Data Access Layer As A Web Service?

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DataSource Controls :: Why Should Use A Data Access Layer (DAL)

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I'm now reading this article:[URL]But I don't understnad why this is better than just writing code, methods that connects to DB and get from stored procedore what I need.
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C# - Developing A Data Access Layer Using ADO.Net And LINQ?

Sep 21, 2010

I have a potential project where I would be working on developing the "Data Access Layer" of a reporting application using ADO.Net and LINQToSQL.

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Feb 4, 2011

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SQL Server :: Calling Methods From Data Access Layer?

Nov 15, 2010

I have created a table adapter in DAL. I have created a gridview in the page and want to fill the gridview with a table data by calling a method. My table has 11 columns but i want to display only 2 columns of the table. My getSong() method has a query as Select title, category from Muisc. But it diaplyas all columns with no data except title and category and the autoincrement primary key column with negative values. The pic is given below. How can i solve it?

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Creating Data Access Layer For Small Website?

Feb 10, 2011

I am creating my application in 3.5. I have to make my Data Access layer, in which I am doing the traditional method of fetching/updating the data. Which is SqlConnection than SQLCommand, than SQLadapter. Will there be any other way I can create my DAL layer easily.


My website is small. Approx 7-10 pages. Database has around 80 tables.

What I know:

Linq to SQL - I don't want to use it because I am not fully aware about the LINQ statement and I need to develop the application really fast. [3 days :-( ]. Also, there are 100% chances that the table structure will be altered in future. Enterprise Library: It will take too much time for me to integrate to my application.

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DataSource Controls :: Deleting Row In Data Access Layer?

Jan 27, 2010

I can use similar code below to select a row in my database when I enter a value (username) in text box and it successfully retrieves.however, I'd also like to delete row from database based on the username i enter in text box. My code runs but no row is code is:


private AdminTableAdapter adminGetUsers;

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ADO.NET :: Creating A Generic Function - Data Access Layer

Feb 1, 2011

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ADO.NET :: Handle Errors In Data Access Layer Code?

Feb 28, 2011

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Web Forms :: Auto Generating The Data Access Layer?

Sep 1, 2010

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Build A Data Access Layer For New Web Based Application?

May 17, 2010

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Actually my main aim is to make a framework, from DAC, DAL, BL to GUI. I want suggestions from you guys that what should i adopt, what give me flexibility, which suits for both small and large size applications.

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Sharing Connection And Transaction In A Data Access Layer?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm building a Data Access Layer for my application. I would like to be able to share connection between different classes in order to manage transaction, but I don't know how to do that.


I have 2 classes, Order and OrderDetail.

I will call my DAL Order class for a SQL insert of a new order.

Inside the Insert method, I want to call my OrderDetail class to insert my order's details, and I would do that with same connection and transaction.

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DataSource Controls :: Data Access Layer And UI Seperation?

Apr 13, 2010

I keep all of my code in codeLib.cs and use it on various ASP.NET pages. However, I still have to do the databind(); in the code behind page for each aspx file. How can I eliminate all code in the aspx file so I just have the UI in the aspxand the code and databind(); in codeLib.cs.

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.net - DotNetNuke: GridView Incompatible With Data Access Layer?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm working on a DotNetNuke module in C#, and in order to cut down on the amount of complexity I have elected to try and keep the configuration of the module in one page (other than the standard Settings module). I now wonder how wise of an idea that is.My module is a simple image gallery, with one or many images. Each image has a title, an image source (url) and a destination (another url). Therefore, I figured that for my admin interface, I could have a simple 'grid' of data where you can edit all of the existing entries or add a new one, all on the same page, sort of like this:

Title Image URL Anchor HREF
[A Picture! ] [ ] []
[Another Picture!] [] []
[ ] [ ] [ ]

Looking through WebControls, I found the GridView, which at first blush seemed like the sort of thing I was looking for. However, taking a closer gander at it, I found that it needed to be bound directly to a data source, while it seems like the DotNetNuke standard of doing things in the Data Access Layer is to create a collection of data objects like so:

// EditDiscovery.ascx.cs
DiscoveryController objDiscoverys = new DiscoveryController();
List<DiscoveryInfo> lstDiscoveries = objDiscoverys.GetDiscoverys(ModuleId);[code]....

Is there something I'm missing with the GridView, or should I be changing the GetDiscoverys function to return a DataSet as opposed to a List of DiscoveryInfo objects? Or is there a better approach that does things that align better with DotNetNuke's DAL?

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FormView Editing TableAdapter Data Access Layer

Jul 2, 2012

I am somewhat new to ASP.Net and the interesting ways to build forms that edit data. I am working on a FormView and have come to a hurdle that I can't seem to figure out how to get past.

This link will open the form and a dummy record where ID=2. [URL] ....

The ID is the variable to open a specific record. That's pretty obvious. Clicking the Edit button switches the FormView from ItemTemplate to EditItemTemplate. My problem is that after changing some values then clicking Update, the record is not updated.

I need to have the record updated and return to the ItemTemplate view. I believe there are issues with the fmvData_ItemUpdating and fmvData_ItemUpdated functions. I am not sure what has to go in there.
I also want the Inspection Date field to be formatted to mm/dd/yyyy when switching to the EditItemTemplate.

My TableAdapters are creating using the App_Code/DataSet.xsd method.

I am using Eval("fieldname") in the ItemTemplate for values and Bind("fieldname") in the EditItem template.

This is my Markup:

HTML Code:

. do you need to see these details? .
. do you need to see these details? .

This is my Code Behind:

Imports System
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Configuration


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Application Block Connection String From Data Access Layer

Jun 4, 2010

I am making use of 3-Tier architecture while making my project. And in Data Access Layer I am making use of application block, but application gets a connection string from web.config; but ClassLibrary of Data Access Layer doesn't contain web config file. How can I access connection string from Data Access layer?

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Architecture :: Exception Handling Between Data Access Layer And Code Behind?

Jul 20, 2010

If an error happens in the DA_layer, how do I pass it do the code_bedhing to show the user?


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