ADO.NET :: Sql Query Select Inside A Select Statement?
Dec 2, 2010
i have two tables named
1.LookupPageInfo and (LookupPageInfoId,pathmessageID,pagemessageID)
2.Messages (MessageId,MessageText,ChannelID)
Now i need to write a query something like the query i need to pass the pathmessageid and needs to get messagetext from Messages Table,i am not sure how i need to write the below query..can someone guide me how can i write a below..
select LookupPageInfoId,
(select messagetext from Messages where MessageID=PathmessageId) as TEXT from LookupPageInfo
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SELECT * FROM table where name = ddlnameselecteditem AND type = ddltypeselecteditem
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string Statement = "SELECT * FROM Car WHERE brand = Bmw;
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Dim docDataSet As New DataSet
Dim docReader As New XmlDocument
Dim xnl As XmlNodeList
xnl = docReader.SelectNodes("/Users/user")
For Each xn As XmlNode In xnl
Dim xr As New XmlNodeReader(xn)
Next xn
Dim Dm_table As DataTable = ds.tables(0)
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Select * from user where userid in (select ID from Dm_table)
Retreive the records from the User table based on the ID's in the datatable.
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Jan 29, 2011
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So how do I get the QuestionID from the first SELECT statement?
Basically I am creating a Questionnaire that has Question Dependacies. So from the above SQL statements I would like to display the Question Title with it's relevant answer options but depending on the previous Answer selected hence the @AnswerID parameter.
The reason why I want to use 2 SELECT statements is because I don't want to have 2 roundtrips to th server. So in my code the DataAdapter should return 2 resultsets and fill the DataSet.
If there is any another solution that can prevent 2 roundtrips to the server, I would most definitely like to know how to do it.
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Jul 21, 2010
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Unfortunately, I get the following error message:Message="The ORDER BY clause is invalid in views, inline functions, derived tables, subqueries, and common table expressions, unless TOP or FOR XML is also specified."
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Feb 14, 2011
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cmd = new SqlCommand("select lab_key from tblorderwhere", connection);
I would like to add a where statement that pass variable to the select statement. How I can do this?
Where lab_key =ChargeFine( that is my variable)
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1234 506.64 4340.00
The actual rows look like this:
1234 10.00 5.00
1234 200.00 100.00
1234 130.00 130.00
1234 166.64 1000.00
totals 506.64 1235.00
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Jul 29, 2010
i have the table like
TId DG rating DGMake DGCapacity
1 1 4 DG1 1X1
1 2 5 DG2 2X2
1 3 3 DG3 3X3
i need the output like this.
TId DG1 DG2 DG3 DG1Rating DG2Rating DG3Rating DG1Make DG2Make DG3Make DG1Capacity DG2Capaciy DG3Capacity
1 1 2 3 4 5 3 DG1 DG2 DG3 1X1 2X2 3X3
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Feb 18, 2010
this might be an easy one, but I just can't get it.I am creating a page which will query a table with many columns and most items are not unique. I need to be able to get a list of records that match as many of the (up to 4) search criteria as possible.Example:am user searching for the following items, I enter at least one and up to 4 of the items below in a text box:Name, age, gender, weight (user may or may not fill in all of them).If he just enters "F" for gender, then he will get a list of thousands of females with their name, age, gender and weight.However if he enters "F" for gender and "300" for weight, he will get a much smaller list of returned records.I need to be able to create a sql statement that can perform that search with that functionality.
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Jan 31, 2011
what I want to do is get the value of
and use it in a select statement so I can link it to the right table in the database..
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Mar 21, 2011
how can i use Distinct in my sql statement like that
Distinct * from my_table ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ?
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May 10, 2010
I have a select statement where I want to get some data. The problem is that I am not geting the right answer. This is what I am trying to do:
SELECT * FROM se_cs_test WHERE
Status = 1
OR Status = 2
AND NumberOfContacts = 1[code]...
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Feb 24, 2011
here is a sql select statement,
ColA = ID
,ColB = Name
,ColC = invtotamt + (SELECT SUM(TableA.camount) FROM TableA WHERE TableA.csucceed = 1 AND TableA.cID = InventoryTotal.invID GROUP BY TableA.cID)
,ColD = ((SELECT SUM(TableA.camount) FROM TableA WHERE TableA.csucceed = 1 AND TableA.cID = InventoryTotal.invID GROUP BY TableA.cID)
,ColE = (SELECT SUM(TableB.camount) FROM TableB WHERE TableB.csucceed = 1 AND TableB.cID = InventoryTotal.invID GROUP BY TableB.cID)
it look complicated, and long statement, actually it's easy, it is like: (it's a sample, not a really one)
ColA = ID
,ColB = Name
,ColC = ColD + ColE
,ColD = ColE + ColC
,ColE = ColC + ColD/100
it looks much easier with ALIAS. But, it seems i cannot directly use alias in select stetement like that.
if i cannot use alise, i have to copy paste lots of same column definition. how can i use the alias in select statement?? this bothers me a lots of times!
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