ADO.NET :: Sql Select Results To Messagebox / Label

Sep 9, 2010

For example I want to get the price of a particular item from table items. I created the connection string and the cmd for the search and put the result in an sqldatareader. How do I put the result in a string so I can use it later? Code so far of what I've done: (Code is in

conn =
conn As SqlConnectionNew SqlConnection("Data
Source=ComputerSQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=database;User ID=id; password=password")
Dim cmdSelect
New SqlCommand("SELECT Price FROM Items WHERE Code = Item1, conn)
dtrReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader
While dtrReader.Read
lblPrice.Text = dtrReader.GetDouble(0).ToString

Instead of the price the table is left empty.

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How To Show Label If No Search Results

May 26, 2010

I want a labet to be visible if there is no records found when search the database.

here is the code and the code behind:

Text="Sket gav null treff. Prv igjen!"


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How To Assign A Value To Label Based On Results From SQL Query

Apr 5, 2016

I have an entry page that contains a datalist. I also have an ascx user control page that when it runs on page load, renders an html table template which contains category information from an SQL self referencing table. When the SQL query run on page load, it bind the results to a datalist called dlCategory, and repeats for all rows that have no value in a field in this SQL table called ParentCategoryCode. The SQL table is called ServiceRequestCategories and basically consists of CategoryCode, CategoryTitle, and CategoryDescription, and may or may not have a ParentCategoryCode associated with it.

Records without a ParentCategoryCode are top level categories, and anything that has a ParentCategoryCode are second or third level categories. The way I have the data set up, it ends up being 4 rows that are returned and rendered as 4 html tables. Each one of these is tied to the user control, and each user control runs another datalist, and shows all CategoryTitle values for each Category that has a ParentCategoryCode (second level categories). This works when you click on a LinkButton for any CategoryTitle. This all works fine.

My question is, how can I use an SQL select query to plug the value of the CategoryTitle into a label called lblCategoryBreadCrumb on my main entry page? Here is my code, but it does not seem to work.

Protected Sub ShowBreadcrumbLabel()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim dsData As DataSet
Dim dtData As DataTable

[Code] .....

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SQL Server Select Top N Values But Skip M Results

Apr 7, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.Net project to display information on a website from a database. I want to select the top 10 items from a news table but skip the first Item and I'm having some problem with it.

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1"
runat="server" ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ClubSiteDB %>"

This is what I have so far but I can't find any info online about how to skip a record

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Web Forms :: Count Query Not Displaying Results Properly In Label Control?

Apr 18, 2013

The query I used here is

SELECT top '"+lblCount.text+"' Company_Id, CompanyName, All_Countries,All_Industries,Employees,Revenue, Status FROM SN001CompanyTable where Client_Id=100 ORDER BY [Company_Id] DESC

but its not showing proper results..

In this lblCount contains the no of row to be displayed..

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ADO.NET :: Using Stored Procedure After Select Statment Give The Old Results?

Mar 12, 2011

When Select an entity by linq with entity framework 3.5 ...and thenn select it again using stored procedure ..which change the value for a field for that entity ... i got that with old value ...not procedure value...............When i called that procedure before .. the select ... i got the correct value.........but in my case i shall call the procedure after select with linq statment

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DataSource Controls :: Need To Get A Number Of Results And Do It In One SELECT Statement Or Just One Result Set?

Jan 14, 2010

Im using SQL Server 2005 and im using stored procedures. Is this possible? i need to get a number of results and do it in one SELECT statement or just one result set. Im using MS Chart Controls for reporting and they cant seem to process multiple result sets this is my problem, so basically to run a barchart i need to assign a column to the X axis and a column to the Y axis and it will then display my results.

My stored procedure below returns a result set with columns subpolicy_name, building_name, floor_name, room_name and total_savings. Im just wondering is it possible to split my total_savings column into 4 columns, for example subpolicy_savings, building_savings, floor_savings and room_savings, i need everything in a separate column. If you run this stored procedure you will see the result set.


View 5 Replies

Web Forms :: Changing Select Parameters -use Different Procedure To Return Results?

Oct 15, 2010

It seems like this would be fairly straight forward. I've got a gridview that loads up using one stored proc, but I've got a searchbox to filter the grid, and when the user enters some criteria I want to use a different proc to return the results. Something tells me I should be doing this with one procedure, but I can't seem to make that work either. When the form loads, my grid is populated. And if I leave my search criteria blank and search anyway, my grid is still populated correctly. But if I enter search creteria, I get diddley squat. What gives? Here is the relevent snippets.


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Web Forms :: Select CheckBoxList Items Based On LINQ Query Results

Apr 29, 2010


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Data.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
namespace find.Admin
public partial
class WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page
class servicetimeofday
public int servicetimeofdayid {
get; set; }
public int serviceid {
get; set; }
public int timeofdayid {
get; set; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e
List<servicetimeofday> servicetimesofday =
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 1, serviceid = 1, timeofdayid = 1 },
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 2, serviceid = 1, timeofdayid = 2 },
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 3, serviceid = 2, timeofdayid = 1 },
new servicetimeofday() { servicetimeofdayid = 4, serviceid = 2, timeofdayid = 3 }
GridView2.DataSource = servicetimesofday;
var itemstocheck = from
servicetimeofday in servicetimesofday
where servicetimeofday.serviceid == 2
select ne
GridView3.DataSource = itemstocheck;
foreach (var timeofdayid
in itemstocheck)
foreach (ListItem i
in CheckBoxList2.Items)
if (i.Value == timeofdayid.ToString())
{ i.Selected =
true; }

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Row On GridView By Clicking Next Button / Want To Display 3rd Row Results In A Panel

Oct 27, 2010

I have a button called Next outside the GridView. If I click on Next, I want to highlite the 2nd row and display the details of the 2nd row below in panel. If again I click on Nextm i want to highlite 3rd row and want to display 3rd row results in a panel

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ADO.NET :: SQL Query Using ASP Label In SELECT

Jan 4, 2011

I'm trying to write a SQL Query that will grab items from a database that match the username of the currently logged in user. They are logging in using Active Directory credentials through a forms-based login page. I decided to create an ASP Label that will hold the username of the person who has logged in and the login status control, code:


I added a statement to the Page_Load event that should automatically populate the field with that user's name, code:


However, I get the error "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The multi-part identifier "lblUn.Text" could not be bound." when I attempt to load the page after logging in. How can I fix this? Also, I might need to place this in a separate thread, but can someone check my SQL Syntax on the query? I'm not fully convinced it will work properly when I go to load the page. Code:


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C# - Select Something From A Table And Output To A Label?

Mar 15, 2011

Using odbc how do I select something from a table and output to a label on my page?

OdbcConnection cn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; Server=localhost; Database=gymwebsite; User=root; Password=;");
OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand("SELECT * FROM User (FirstName, SecondName)", cn);
OdbcDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
Name.Text = (reader[0].ToString());

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How To Remove A Check Box Which Label Is Select All In Jquery

Sep 22, 2010

how to remove checkbox and its label

<input type="checkbox" name="CheckBoxBind$0" id="CheckBoxBind_0">
<label for="CheckBoxBind_0">Select All</label>

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Disable Select/Copy Of A Label (not Textbox)

Feb 27, 2011

Anyone know how to disable select/cop of an asp labe (not textbox) in VB.NET (not Javascript), please? I have 27 of them on a form

I have searched Google and all the results are for textboxes, which is not what I want

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SQL Server :: Display Data From Select Statement To A Label?

Oct 19, 2010

sql_select = "SELECT auid FROM tbl_auAccount WHERE username='" & IUN & "'"
'Add Error Trapping Later
con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Execute the SQL Command
'Close the connection
con = Nothing

Now this works and I was able to put the value into a dropdown list box, but I need the value returned placed into a label such as:

lblShowNewUserID.Text = ? (? being the value returned from the Query). I thought this would be simple, but it is not (at least for a newbie like me). NOTE: (I will have instructions before this to be sure that only one value will be returned and taht the value will not be null).

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Visual Studio :: SQL Select Query Result To A Label?

Oct 19, 2010

sql_select = "SELECT auid FROM tbl_auAccount WHERE username='" & IarUN & "'"
'Step Three is Creating Connection Object and opening the database
'Add Error Trapping Later
con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
'Step 4 is to Execute the SQL Command
'Step 5 Done. Close the connection
con = Nothing

This works fine, but I want the returned id (which I will right code to make sure it is not null and that it is only one returned) to show up as a label (or the text of a label)

lblShowNEWUserauID.Text = ?

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Change Label Text On A Row Select In Gridview?

Sep 5, 2010

How to accomplish the below:Whenever users selects a row in the gridview, "text" of a label control changes from 'A' to 'B'. Both label and gridview are on the same aspx page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Select - Edit Field Command - Display Table In Label

Dec 12, 2010

i have gridview i added it select command field i want when it is clicked,the id of the table displayed in label and i have update command field but the problem the update can't update the primary key i want when it is clicked update all the record

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Forms Data Controls :: When The User Clicks On The Select Link Want To Get The Text Of The Template Field And Put In A Label Control?

May 26, 2010

I've been searching in all the forums, and websites for the last 4 hours without finding a solution for a problem that in the beginning I tought it was an easy one!!!This is my problem, I have a gridview with the following colums: select (link), Room Type (for hotels), and TotalThe total field Is a template field it has in the custom binding property a function: find_total(Eval("Room")) this function makes some calculation and returns the calculated Total value, and shows in the gridview without problems,The thing I cant do is: when the user clicks on the select link I want to get the text of the template field and put in a label control.

I tried, almost all the events of the datagrid, to reference the content of my template field but sometimes I receive a null value (seems that Im looking for the value before the find_total function has been executed) or I get an error "the index is out of range".I dont know how to approach this, I tought It has to be much easier, but Im very confused right now, if anybody knows how to do this

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Messagebox With C#?

Jun 17, 2010

i want to have a message box , actually i have a button for saving something, i want if saving is not done, i have a message box, i wrote somethings with javascript but those when boxes appear my page will be disappear, i want to have amessagebox on my page.

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MessageBox Is Not Displaying The Right Value?

May 27, 2010

I have a DropDownList, and when SelectedIndex is changed any event is triggered.

I'm putting on it for exemple msgbox, but it's not working.

EDIT; now that's working after doing AutoPostBack = True.I did this, but i't giving me always '0' as result

Protected Sub VD_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
MsgBox VD.SelectedIndex
End Sub

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Messagebox In .NET 3.5 With AJAX?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a ASP.NET 3.5 web site with an AJAX update panel. I simply need to process some server side code and then issue a user prompt that says "Code processing complete".

I know there is supposed to be support for Msgbox-esque methods in ASP.NET but I can't find them and any other JavaScript based solutions don't work effectively when you have an update panel.

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Web Forms :: Messagebox With Yes No Button C#?

Feb 4, 2010

how can i prompt messagebox with Yes No button c#.

if yes {
so something
I tried messagebox, but error : messagebox does not exist and then trried to using System.window.forms, error: window does not in the namespace

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Web Forms :: System.Messagebox?

Sep 22, 2010

Using 3.5. In one my web application I am using the messagebox from system namespace.The messagebox works, but it is always minimized on the bottom tray. I need to click to show up.How do I make it visible when the function is called ( like a regular modal popup)

result = MessageBox.Show()...

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Messagebox Is Shown As Minimized

Dec 31, 2010

I am using MessageBox to display a message in my application. For this I have included the namespace using System.Windows.Forms; Now When I click the submit button the messagebox is displayed as minimized. I want the messagebox on screen istead of getting minimized.


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