AJAX :: Accordion Inside Gridview Fetch Gridview Data When Expanding Accordion
Oct 27, 2010
using asp.net/vb.net 2005
I want to create an accordion inside a gridview with the following functionality:
The user will only see one field of the gridview initially, the ProductCategoryID. When the page loads it will only query the ProductCategoryID and this will be the only field displayed.
Next when the user clicks on the accordion to expand it inside the gridview I would like to query the database to get all Products that are part of the ProductCategory. I will query using the ProductCategoryID that is being displayed.
I need to do this for performance issues. The main thing I am looking for is how to query the database once the user expands a given ProductCategoryID.
but now I think of it one thing I need to know: when you bind an accordion to a dataset will it create one pane for each record returned? It might be better to put the gridview inside the accordion. I'm willing to do either, as long as it works
I've got a databound accordion. It's on a page that is passed an id (via querystring) of the pane to open. I can get the id and identify which pane to open no problem. I just can't open it programmatically. I've tried every combination of everything I can find using my good friend google. I've tried setting in the PreRenderComplete (after all the databinding's done, when I can tell which pane contains the id I want to expand) using accordionid.SelectedIndex() = int.
I've tried $get(clientid).set_SelectedIndex() and $get(accordionid).set_SelectedIndex(). I've tried $find(clientid).set_SelectedIndex() and $find(accordionid).set_SelectedIndex(). I've tried $get(clientid_AccordionExtender).set_SelectedIndex() and $get(accordionid_AccordionExtender).set_SelectedIndex().
After I add a new author I am displaying the author inside the gridview in an Accordian and I need to expand the accordian for this one record, in the btn_AddAuthor event I am trying this:
the problem that I am having is that nothing happens: , the accordian is not expanded but I need it to be expanded.
im trying to display some data using a gridview inside ajax accordion. i have called the method accordion1_itemBound at the accordion properties but it still doesnt show me any data at the gridview... i check all my query string and everything seems find. below are my codes at the source page
I run into this problem while playing with accordion for a project. Sometimes VS 2008 auto generates code, without me wanting to!!!. Less generally I have an Accordion with 2 Accordion Panes in it. When modifing properties of the Accordion VS 2008 adds an Accordion extender and duplicates the two Accordion Panes!
My original code
My code after pressing space between the properties of the Accordion
AutoSize is set to "none" which has the desired effect of epanding the accordion according to the number of panes. This also has the desired effect of pushing down the footer past the content in the left column, but not allowing it to move the footer up to the point where it's being over-printed by that left column.
Pseudo-HTML has my page designed as follows:
My problem is that when I expand one of the accordion panes, it extends past the height of the body element of the page - appearing as if it has an inherent 'float' property assigned to it.
I've tried all sorts of tricks - background color assigned to content-container, background image assigned to the body tag to provide a pseudo column-esque background to the entire page.
Nothing seems to work...I always end up with the following look:
I've also tried binding a jQuery 'click' method to the AccordionHeader class which does a great job of displaying the current height of the Accordion, but doesn't capture the expanded height - even when adding a delay to the height() call.
i am creating a menu which has the below structure. what i would like to do is use a jquery ui accordion control.
can i place an accordion in an accordion?... i.e. menu 1 expands out in an accordion and then the sub menus in menu 1 need to expand out in another accordion.
menu 1 sub menu of the menu 1 menu item menu item menu item sub menu of the menu 1 sub menu of the menu 1 menu 2 sub menu of the menu 2 menu item menu item menu item sub menu of the menu 2 sub menu of the menu 2
i make 2 table in database 1st department have ideptid,deptname and 2nd table is subject which have subid,subname,deptid,flag(boolean)i make page which have accordion , acc(accordion ) have header deptname and deptid, and checkbox acc content have a grid which have all subject have deptid where that in header,i want when i update row from grid and make check true ;checkbox in header is check
in another word when no check in grid must no check for cheched in header
i need to add accordion pane in gridview for each data in database..this is basically for getting the data from the database to setup like inbox in rediff mail.com..
I have an AJAX accordion from the ajax control toolkit on a page with a datagrid inside on of the panels. I have a custom itemtemplate for the one column to create a multiline textbox when I click edit on the row. When I click update on the row, the original content of the textbox gets rendered into the textbox. It is supposed to update and go back to the literal not the textbox. When I put the DataBind() into a !IsPostBack, it doesnt get rendered when I click on the accordion pane.
I'm using an accordion control with a textbox to get data that I'll use later to get values for a ObjectDataSource, that use the data of the textbox as ControlParameter.
my problem is that I'm getting a 'Not found control error...' because the textBox is inside the accordion how can I reffer the control into my ObjectDataSource?
I have an accordion which contains a dropdownlist. In my code behind I'm trying to get the value selected by the user. I've tried so many different ways but couldn't get it to work. The latest one I tried was: (accordion1.FindControl("ddlGender")).ToString or
if Request.Params.Item(ddlGender.UniqueID).Length <> 0 then
I'm using and accordion Ajax control, and when one tab is clicked on, I want the iframe inside it to automatically refresh. I'm not sure how to do this.
Create a new website based on master pages (ASP.NET Web Site template in VS2010 [File] - [New] - [Website]). Add an ajax control toolkit accordion control on a page using master pages (Default.aspx's "Main Content" asp:content block, for instance). Add styles for the accordion control in the site.css file. The accordion control completely ignores the styles, regardless of whether they are assigned as an id or a class, inline, etc. The header and content styles are used, but the accordion control itself ignores all styles. The accordion control also ignores the ajax animationextender when placed inside an asp:content block. I haven't investigated whether there are other controls that ignore styles when used with master pages, but this is a major blow to a project that has been designed with the use of master pages. If I find more controls that ignore css styles inside of master pages it will completely sabotage the entire project and use of Microsoft's technology.
I have the following problem: I have a web form which contains ajax accordion. Each accordion pane contains a usercontrol. Each usercontrol consists of several textboxes and 2 buttons. All the textboxes and 2 buttons (inside these usercontrols) are wrapped in the UpdatePanel. Following updatepanels is the UpdatePanelAnimationExtender for some animation whithin each usercontrol. Each UpdatePanelAnimationExtender has a different animation id from other usercontrols.
Basically when i only put one usercontrol in the accordion pane everythign works. I have my javascript to clear textboxes and the submit button does a postback to server. However, when i put 2 of these controls in 2 different panes only the last one works. Since the last one works i assume it is because it was last to be parsed on pageLoad. So how can i make it that when user clicks on the accordion pane, the usercontrol is ->?re-initialized?<- so that it could work.
Here is 1st UserControl: uctl1.ascx
Here is 2nd UserControl: uctl2.ascx
when i click on pane and fill up the information in textboxes i click on submit and usercontrol should postback to server for processing.
I am trying to fill a gridview inside a repeater and I am getting an error. Firstly, here is my code for the page...
And next is my code....
So basically what happens is, the accordion is populated by a dataset and in turn the gridview is then supposed to populate with data depending on the hidCusType from the parent pane of the accordion.
But I get the following error...
The name 'AccordionItemType' does not exist in the current context on this line...
I am using an Accordion control for the first time in my VS2008 web app which is databound dynamically. I am using a details view in edit mode inside in the Accordion.
The details view contains dropdown list and few textboxes with an insert button. Everything gets displayed in the coolest way!
I would like to know how I would fetch the values of the controls on postback. I need the values of the dropdownlist and textboxes of the selected pane of the accordion in the click event of the button