AJAX :: Can Not Load AccordionSimple.Default

Jun 7, 2010

I am trying to ge tthe basic tutorial on the simple accordion to work and I am getting an error. The error read "Could not load type 'AccordionSimple.Default'.

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State Management :: Show  default Country, State , City At Page Load Of Default.aspx ?

Sep 18, 2010

Here is my scenario.In default.aspx page user selects the country, state, city from drop down list, and store them in cache for further use. but when other user open the web site from other computer it shows the same country, state, and city selected by user 1. Is there any problem related to cache? I have stored data as following.

cache["ctryID"] = ctryID;

cache["stateID"]= stateID;

cache["cityID"]= cityID;

I want to show default country, state , city at page load of default.aspx

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How To Load A Page With Its Default Values After A Postback

May 14, 2010

I'm creating user controls that i will put into an update panel and make them visible only when required using triggers. Once visible it will float in a dialog box so it has a close button which will just hide the control on client side.

The controls have multiple post back states, like a wizard, i'm using a multi view control to accomplish that. My problem is that once the user is at step number two in the control, if the user closes the dialog, than opens the dialog again, (note that the control is made visible on the server and reloaded by updating the updatepanel) the second step will still be displayed. The reason is . because whenever there is a postback the control will load its state using the viewstate, even if EnableViewState is false it will still load it using the LoadControlState method. so my quesion is how can i force a user control to load fresh with its default values without any postback data.

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How To Load Default Content On A Master Page

Nov 23, 2010

I have the following placeholder in my main master page. I would like to not have to duplicate my news content in several content pages, so I choose to simply not provide this content in them, and the master page should provide its default.

<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="SideBarContent" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="newsGrid" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" Width="100%">

When I try the following code, I get an error because newsGrid is null. I assume I'm doing this at the wrong place in the page lifecycle, but I don't know where the right place is.

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
newsGrid.DataSource = _newsService.ListActive();

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Web Forms :: IIS Default Content Page Load Twice?

Mar 15, 2010

I create a website with enable default content page. the default content is login page index.aspx. During testing, I found one interesting issue. If I type the URL in browser without specify the page, the site is working fine.


If I change the url with specify the default entry page, index.aspx, the login page is working correctly. The problem is, in navigate to another page, I can see one Get index.aspx request send back to server. I don't see this 200 request in the previous test. Why? is that anything wrong?


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Parser Error: Could Not Load Type 'Default'?

Mar 2, 2010

I have built an application in ASP.NET 3.5 framework and it is working fine on localhost but when i am uploading it on my server the page gives an error on loading "Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'Default'." <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Debug="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="Default" %>

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MVC :: Use SelectListItem For Default Selected Item On Page Load?

Mar 7, 2011

how to make a item the default from a dropdownlist, I want to make the value GBP as the option selected when the page loads, i've spent all day trying to get ddlist to work and now i'm stuck on this.


= new
{ Selected = true,
Text = "United
Kingdom (GBP)", Value =

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Parameter In SqlCommand - Default Zero While End User Load The Data Again

Dec 7, 2010

I have a data entry form. the end user supposed to key in the data as integer. if they do not enter. I do not have default value to put. for the text, I will put the space as default value. Since there will be a lot fields, I really do not like to code as default zero while end user load the data again.

Dim iAAGraduate
As Int16If Len(Me.txtAAG.Text) > 0
iAAGraduate =

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C# - Load A WebUserControl.ascx To A Panel In Default Page?

Feb 17, 2011

I am having a default page namely default.aspx in this i will have panel. And i will have 2 other forms namely Webusercontrol1.ascx and Webusercontrol2.ascx i will design the page with some controls now is it possible to load this page in to the panel which was on default page like as we did in WINFORMS.

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Configuration :: Parser Error Message: Could Not Load Type 'Default'?

May 20, 2010

I have build an web application in Visual studio 2005. Its working fine in the loal. But When I upload the same web application in the remote server, It produces the error,Parser Error Message: Could not load type '_Default'. I have tried the rebuild solution, rebuild website, and rebuild project. But the error remains same.If any one came accross similer error and resolved the issue, Please help me to solve this issue.

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Web Forms :: Make Default.aspx Load Automatically After XP Boots Up?

Nov 21, 2010

Users turn on their computers and XP boots up.I have an ASP.Net website.Is there a way such as a login script that runs that will run the default.aspx inmy ASP.Net website so that the first thing that the user sees after XP boots up is the default.aspx web page in my ASP.Net website?

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Web Forms :: Master Page Header Image Does Not Get Load Into Default File?

Dec 15, 2010

I am building master page in the wwwroot directory and also i have AboutUs folder in wwwroot directory.

I have default.aspx file in AboutUs folder, and it is using master page , but when i run default.aspx file then it does not load header image, which is part of master page.

can someone tell me why header image does not get load? and everything else from master pages gets load?

I am sure this is something to do with file path?

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AJAX :: Trying To Create A Progress Bar For Page Load As It Takes Long To Load?

Jul 7, 2010

I am trying to create a progress bar for page load as it takes long to load. I need help to resolve jscript error 'null' is null or not an object on line $get("btn").click();


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AJAX :: UpdatePanel - Textbox Focus - Load A Page Instead Of Using A Control To Load

May 14, 2010

Control ctrl = new Control();
ctrl = Page.LoadControl("uc1.ascx");
ctrl.ID = "DynamicCtrl";

instead of using a control to load can we load a page .. like example.aspx

page mypage=new page();
mypage= Page.Load("example.aspx");

how to do this. as i am getting the erro

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AJAX :: How To Load Update Panels After Page Load Complete Event

Apr 11, 2010

I have a update panel on the ASPX page,When thepage loads the content in the update panel shouldnot load ( Update panel should show the Updatepanel progress control) but after page load update panel contents should load . How do i get this efect.

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How To Load Ajax Contents Into A Div On Page Load Using FBML And FBJS

Jun 18, 2010

I'm developing my first Facebook application in ASP.NET 2.0 and doing a simplest thing, that is, to show a navigation on top with four hyperlinks where each link targets to another .aspx page. How can I do this using FBML in ASP.NET 2.0?

Otherwise coming to my question, where I'm struck after trying above thing at myself and failed then had to go around the Ajax way of doing this. Now I'm using Ajax call over the onclick event of each hyperlink from top navigation and it's succesfully loading external .aspx pages (for example,[URL]. The problem is when user comes on the application on first time, it only shows the .aspx page which has a navigation and a Ajax content place holder which is programmed to be filled with contents on click event.

How to load Ajax contents into the Ajax content place holder on page load without a click event?

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Set Default View Of Multiview On Page Load Programmatically

Jun 30, 2010

I need a way to change the ActiveViewIndex of a multiview control based on some query results. Right now I test to see if I have rows returned from my linq query. If so, set a certain view active. If no rows are returned, I would like to set a different view active. I would like to do this on Page_Load if possible.

Right now I get the fatal "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error on page load with it bombing at line 12. My count is given a value at runtime so that is not the issue. Can anybody tell me why this is and how to get around it. Code is attached.

I also tried this both the pre render and Page_Init event but both yielded the same behavior with the Object reference not set to an instance of an object error. I can do this just fine in an onclick event for a button, but now I need a way to run a test and set the default view when the page loads. Seecode below

void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
eCrystalPSGDBDataContext psgDB =
int count = (from st
in psgDB.studyTbls
where st.patientid_i ==
Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["PatientId"]) && st.studystatusid_i
== 1 select st).Count();if (count == 0)else
if (count == 0)
StudyInfoMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 1;
StudyInfoMultiView.ActiveViewIndex = 2;

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Data Controls :: Keep Nested (Child) GridView Expanded On Page Load By Default

May 7, 2015

I am using the code provided on the web portal for nested gridview and its working fine too.

But I want to make the child row expanded onĀ  the first page load how to do that..

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Default Values Of Items In A Datalist In Code Behind On Page Load?

Apr 14, 2010

I've got a few labels in a datalist that are being populated based on the values of a queryString but without the query string the datalist is empty.

How can I access the labels in the datalist and set a default value to them on the load of the page?

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Forms Data Controls :: When Page Load, How To Default The Detailsview To Show The First Record From The Gridview

Mar 12, 2011

A few questions regarding detailsview and gridview:

1) when page load, how can I default the detailsview to show the first record from the gridview? SelectedIndex does not have any effect to my detailsview.


2) how can I select a record in the gridview if my table has 2 key fields using below syntax?


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AJAX :: How To Load Controls After Page Load

Jan 15, 2010

I am facing performance problem on my asp.net page.

So I want to load some of the contols after page loaded properly.

Is this possible using ajax.

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MVC :: Load View And Partial View (Master / Detail) With Default Parameter?

Sep 8, 2010

Members view (index) that lists members that users can select to show a partial view in the same view with details for the selected memberUses jquery (Ajax.ActionLink) to call a partial view method in the members controller to then load the members detail sectionWorks fine up to here....but I'd like to load the partial view with "member" details for a default or random member on initial load -- ie not through the Actionlink selectionHow do I invoke the partial view method on the initial load?

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Configuration :: Could Not Load Type "default.page1"

Nov 6, 2010

Line 1: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" Master PageFile="Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="page1.aspx.cs" Inherits="default.page1" %>

It works when i run the project on my computer but after uploading it to my hosting site i get that. The site is running all .net up to 4.0. Ive tried rebuilding the entire project. deleting the default.dll and building. Also tried replacing CodeBehind with codefile and that didnt work.

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AJAX :: Default Value Cascading Dropdown?

Nov 19, 2010

Suppose parent dropdown is car (Values are car1, car2, car3)and its child is color(for car1 R Y G B, For car2 R Yand for car3 G B).Now on selection of car2 R and Y will appear and select R, then again made the change on car and select car3 then again select is comiing with G and B and select B.

Now if I select again in car, car1 then the child is populating with the values of car1 but it takes the B as a default value as it was previously selected and also present for car1 too.This case is only happen. on select of child value which is availble for both parent selection.

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AJAX :: Check All The TreeNodes By Default?

Mar 4, 2011

Is there any way i can make all the nodes of the treeview checked by default other than looping through the nodes and setting each node property Checked=true; I dont want to unnecassary loop through the node collection to set each node property. There should be easy way of doing this by setting simple property for the entire treeview. Oh i am using the RadTreeView, I dont have the


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