AJAX :: Checking Validation On Tabchange?

Aug 31, 2010

I am having around 15 tabs in my application, on change of every tab i need to validate each tab controls .

Is it possible to do client validations.

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public string RetOptionalQuestion(string seq_numm, string question, string answersOpt)
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Feb 8, 2010

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Nov 7, 2010

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Nov 28, 2010

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I have tried several different scenerios and just don't seem to be getting it to work right...

I either get a full page postback which is not what I want or get a very peculiar extra textbox added to my page after OnTextChanged is executed...

currently the update panel is working as expected but it inserts an extra textbox into my form "magically"... so strange...the textbox that is added keeps a running history of what is submitted...you can take a look here at the behavior.. it is the email form in the middle of the page


Here is what I am working with...


and then in the code behind I insert a image to let the user know what is going on..


not sure why an extra textbox is added but everything else seems ok.....

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Sep 8, 2010

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Dec 25, 2010

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Oct 9, 2010

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Jan 26, 2010

validation only works when the user selects the next button, How do I also check when user selects the tab. code to follow.

Here is the main aspx page






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Jan 22, 2011

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protected void AsyncFileUpload1_UploadedComplete(object sender, AjaxControlToolkit.AsyncFileUploadEventArgs e)


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Validation In Ajax Updatepanel - Not Working

Mar 15, 2010

I have a panel (say, panel1) inside another panel (say, outer-panel)….The panel1 is visible only when a checkbox is checked in the outer-panel. I am using ajax update panel to do this.
Now I have many text boxes in the panel1. I have to put a validation on all the boxes.

I tried to test this by putting validation on 2 boxes and this works fine on my local machine. When I put the same logic on the server, it does not. Of course the page on my local machine has fewer text boxes compared to the page on server. But I do not understand why the same logic works on my local machine and does not work on the server. I did try to put a validation group, but of no use.The page on the sever is a very long one and also it has a captcha control….. when ever I try not to enter text in one the text boxes which has validation and then hit submit…it redirects me to another page with out prompting for the validation error.

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AJAX :: Validation In Update Panel?

Jul 24, 2010

I have problem with validators in update panel. Tried to look for solutions in google but failed to find working solution. So this is my code (simple login panel):


When LoginLinkButton is clicked validators doesn't fire. I have no idea why :(. Tried with/without ValidationGroup, setting UpdateMode to always/conditional, removing triggers etc.

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Mar 8, 2011

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Html File


asp.net page [CheckusernameAvailable.aspx]


Asp.net code behind asp.net page [CheckusernameAvailable.aspx.cs]


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AJAX :: Call AsyncPostBackTrigger After Validation?

Jul 31, 2010

my page is using an UpdatePanel to do some ajax function after a button click. So here is what I got.

I have a textbox and a button.. The button clicks and the animation fires... But i dont want that, I want to validate the textbox and if everything is ok then fires Animation. Here is the code. My question is how can I fire this animation after all validations are ok?


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Oct 22, 2010

Just setup the collapsible panels, there are different fields within the panels that are required. When i submit the page, i get my validation summary, but if the panels are closed, then i cant tell which fields are failing.. so i wou,ld have to open each panel up again to see where i missed something. Is there anyway to have the panels open up if there are any controls that failed validation?

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AJAX :: Client Side Validation?

May 31, 2010

I have MaskedEditValidator, which set u pt ovalidate datetime entry into text box. After that the button (html button input control )is pressed in order to start some process. Button is running the client side function (JavaScript).

Now in case of wrong input validator shows proper message, but how I can prevent button to be pressed and start the process. I.e. is it possible to check on client side the status of the validation?

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Oct 13, 2010

Is there a way to get the modalpopup extender to only execute if all the validation = true on the same button. As soon as I tie the modal popup to the button with the validation check, the validation either doesn't happen or the popup displays and the validation works behind and that's not what I want.

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AJAX :: Validation Of Viewstate MAC Failed?

Dec 29, 2010

I have a search page and it works most of the time but every now and then when I enter another word to search again, I kept getting this error in the Firefox's Error Console:

Error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster. Source File: http://www.MyComp.com criptResource.axd?d=zNx0Fk9xi1ETKBw_Fc9MJ3a9Kp9CNPrHQDabGthwzSh32Wkw_OzriOYrMMZHyFSHnzqpp01wziW_tN0f9jEcZnJcMuTjBAcDB3ptDE0FILLyGwC956G8jI5pQ19F3beEYg0dkW9A9W-jBl1ZBsRms11V-vdOFaHdfpkaWww0H0tuL7am4AbVTa36mnOyWkDq0&t=2610f696 Line: 1508

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AJAX :: Autocomplete Value Not Found Validation?

Mar 18, 2010

Have implemented autocomplete functionality from ajaxcontroltoolkit.

Am using a webservice to query the sharepoint list. if nothing is found the count of the list will be zero.

If nothing is found i need a label to be displayed saying 'nothing found' on the webpart

how do i get a value from a webservice page to a webpart?

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AJAX :: Using Validation Group With CollapsiblePanelExtender?

Apr 28, 2010

I have one small issue with my page, i have two CollapsiblePanelExtender in my page and some required field validators are used for the textbox controls that are there within the CollapsiblePanelExtender.And i have also assigned two different validationgroups for all the validators.

Say if first validation group fails to validate then i want to expand the first CollapsiblePanelExtender1, similarly if second validation group fails then i want to expand second CollapsiblePanelExtender2.

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AJAX :: How To Credit Card Validation Using Web Services

Jan 30, 2010

hw i can validate credit card using web services... since am new 2 dis asp.net nt knwng much abt it..

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