AJAX :: Close A Popup Window Which Contains An UpdatePanel Using Javascript In Code Behind
Mar 22, 2011
I have a popup window (aspx page) which is used to save log messages to the DB. I want to close this popup as soon as the user clicks the save button and the message has been saved into the database. My issue is the popup does not close when I use an UpdatePanel in conjunction with an UpdateProgress control.
Pages and Controls: ImplantQuoteInfo.aspx, ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.aspx, ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.ascx
ImplantQuoteInfo.aspx: This page creates the popup windows using RegisterStartupScript
ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.aspx: This page holds the user control with the funcitonality
ImplantQuoteRevisionLogMessageAdd.ascx: This user control takes a message text and saves it into the database. The control uses an HtmlEditor inside an UpdatePanel and an UpdateProgress control.
C# code behind:
PS: I am using .NET framework 4.0, Windows 7, SQL 2008 R2.
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Nov 12, 2010
in my aspx page,
1. am using calendarextender bind with text box
2. button click event call th SQL stored procedure to save the form values
3. after save and get the output value from the SQL SP ( its boolean value)
4. if true i have to show the javascript alert or else nothing have to alert, so this is the code
if (CheckandBooked())
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(btnBook, typeof(string), "alertscript", "alert('Selected time period clashes with existing booking');", true);
bug: this is working good but while showing the alert time i can see the calender( it look like design view) the design is adjusted how to avoid this
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Jun 19, 2010
I have opened a pop up window from javascript.I want to do some work with this window
1- want to disable its close button
2- want to show this window always on top
3- want to change toolbar color.
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Jan 5, 2011
I open a popup window by client code. Now I want to do some calculation on this popup window & if it success then I want to save the calculation result in a session variable and close the window. I mean I want to click a button on popup window, it will do some calculation on server side and if it success the it will store the calculation result in a session variable and close the popup window.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have a login page that is loaded in popup window (colorbox) and after user logs in it should be closed and parent window should be loaded with new page.
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Do While reader.Read()
If Trim(reader("ZAP").ToString()) = Trim(textBoxZap.Text) Then
Session("A") = "1"
lblErr.Text = "incorect"
End If
So once the buton is clicked and user name and password is corect popup window should be closed and user redirected to default aspx.
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May 27, 2010
I'm working on a asp.net website developed a few years ago by other developers. They've used a poup-up window which they open from the main window. I want to get rid of this popup window and replace it by a floating div instead.
Ideally I want to re-use all the code of the popup window, put it in a asp.net user control, and place the user control in a div.
My question is, what is the best way to do it ? Should I add a hidden div with the user control on every pages from which the popup used to be call ?
Or is there a way to create the floating div on the fly whenever the user clicks on some trigger (a button or a linkbutton) ?
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Mar 5, 2010
I have all of my code into one ASPX file. Called Scheduler.aspx. I am using the DayPilot scheduler and the Obout Flyout. But i moved it all to one page to make it simpler. But one thing I am having probelms with is; when I save my popup it should close and refresh the page. And when I hit the close link it should close (which it does) and then refresh the popup when I click on it to open again (which it doesnt). Since I have this all on one form and I am calling the popup using the flyout I can't figure out how to do these.
My page is called: Scheduler.aspx
My Scheduler is called: dps
My flyout is called: EventFlyout
Right now I have the flyout opening from a label. So when I click on the label my flyout opens, I insert data and it saves to the database. But i have to close my browser and open another to get the data I just imputed to show.
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Jan 10, 2011
< asp:ModalPopupExtender
PopupControlID="popupcontent" >
this is my popup window code.. how can i include close(*) icon and make it work??
View 3 Replies
Feb 8, 2010
I produce a popup window by adding a hyperlink to a table cell dynamically in my vb.net code behind. Here is the code:
Dim sHyperlink As
String =
"<a href=""LabPopup.aspx?RefNo=" & iLabRefNo &
""" target=""_blank"">" & strValue &
"</a>" objCellValue.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(sHyperlink))
So on my web page, I will have a list of these hyperlinks and each have a different iLabRefNo. When I click on one of these links, the popup window does appear correctly.
I have a button on the popup window that closes the popup. But I get this message in an alert box when click on my button:
The webpage you are viewing is trying to close the window. Do you want to close the window?
If I click OK then the window close. But I just want to close the popup wondow without this message. What do I need to do?
Here is my code for the button to close the popup:
<script type="text/javascript">
function CloseWindow() {
View 11 Replies
Aug 15, 2010
On successfull update a popup is appearing that "Data updated Successfully." with the Ok button. I used following piece of code:
"alert('Record Updated successfully.!');",
I want if user click OK button then window should also close.
View 10 Replies
Mar 15, 2010
I inherited a poorly designed ASP.Net web site. Here are some of the main parts;
1. Default.aspx. This web page conatins several user controls that do the bulk of the work.
2. Alerts.ascx. Used by Default.aspx
3. Dashboard.ascx. Used by Default.aspx.
4. LabResults.aspx. Popup window called from Alerts.ascx
bear with me while I describe the scenario:
1. The user clicks a button on default.aspx and a page in Alerts.ascx is displayed. This works fine.
2. The user then clicks a hyperlink control on Alerts.ascx and the popup window LabResults.aspx displays. This also works fine.
3. The user clicks a button on the popup window. Here is where I am having problems. I want to close the popup window and do a post back but not to Alerts.ascx. i want to instead call dashboard.ascx and run a particular event which displays some patient info. I do not know how to pass control to the dashboard.ascx user control at his point. Presently, my popup window closes which is good but the Alerts.ascx page is still displayed. I want to close this page and open the dashboard.ascx instead.
View 12 Replies
Sep 11, 2010
I have been reading up on a few atricles, and am now vey confused on which is the best option and how to go about it.
I have an aspx page that has a gridview with x amount of records. Each record has a checkbox to selet that record for processing. When a user clicks a button it runs some vb.code behind which generates a file for all the records selected in the gridview. This works fine, however, I also want to display a report at the end.I created a rdlc report ("ItemListing") which I can display in a reportviewer. What I want to do is show this report as a popup / new window infront of he current aspx page , to allow the user to print or save . I also want the user to be able t close this window.
View 10 Replies
May 4, 2010
I copied the code from this tutorial:
[URL] into a page in a test project.
The problem is that when i push the client side button, it shows the popup and immediately refreshes (reseting to initial state of course).
Why is this happening in my new web project, but in that tutorial's demo doesn't?
I'm using IE7, FF3.5, VS2008, latest Ajax Control Toolkit.
View 8 Replies
Sep 30, 2010
I have a asp.net page that has a list of items. When one of the items from the list is clicked a details page is displayed. This details page has a link button to show a popup for history of the item. The details page also has a button with text 'Back'. The back button has onclick event set to "javascript:window.history.back();".
This back button works fine and goes back to the first page. However when the user is on the second page and opens the pop up by clicking on the link button, the back button stop working and displays Webpage has expired message.
View 2 Replies
Dec 3, 2010
I have the following HTML
<td class="label" valign="top">
Affiliate Party
<td class="field">
<input type="hidden" name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyId" id="AffiliatePartyId" />
<input name="ctl00$MainContent$ExternalAccountAttributes$AffiliatePartyName" type="text" id="AffiliatePartyName" class="PartyLookup" />
and the following Javascript/jQuery
$(".PartyLookup").after("<img src='Images/book_open.png' class='PartyLookupToggle' style='padding-left:4px;' />");
$(".PartyLookupToggle").click(function () {
window.open("PartySearch.aspx", "PartySearch", "width=400,height=50");
return false;
I need to be able to flag ANY PartyId input field with class="PartyLookup" so that it will modify the DOM and include the image next to the input field. The popup window returns data to populate both the hidden and text fields, but since the click() is generic I need to pass it the ID of the input field.
View 2 Replies
Apr 16, 2010
I want to receive value from parent's control to popup window's code behind. for example
<asp:RadioButton ID="rdoRate" GroupName="CouponType" value="0" runat="server" checked/>Rate
<asp:RadioButton ID="rdoAmount" GroupName="CouponType" value="1" runat="server"/>dollar
and recive selected radiobutton's value from popup window's code behind. My Solution is make querystring and pass the value.
for example >
window.open(url + ?selectedRadioVal=" + $("#~~checkedradiovalue~~) .. blah balh)
and receive the value by Reqeust.Querystring.Get().
But I can't send very long string. (maybe the url length is limited, right? Is there any good way to solve?
View 1 Replies
Sep 23, 2010
we are running a click-to-call service, my idea is basically like this: website have a link on their page, when the link is clicked, a web page(say it is popup.aspx) hosted on our server is popup, user can input their phone number, and click "call me" button to let the website call him. In the button click event, I want to get Request.UrlReferrer, then query the db to get website's phone. But in IE, Request.UrlReferrer is null(firefox is ok, not test chrome yet),my question is how to get opening window' url in IE? we put popup.aspx on our server because
our client website is not force to use asp.net. we have the control what we put on the popup window, and can modify the page just from our side, if we put the pop window on our partner's side, if we have 100 partner, and we change the page's design, we will notify everyone of them to change this, change that. we can implement a statics system to know how popup a day, which site is most popular,etc
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Jan 5, 2010
I am using the javascript alert in code behind but after click the Button i trigers the javascript,it's working fine with the update panel but if i using update panel now action work on my program
View 1 Replies
Sep 2, 2010
I've got a Jquery function that I wrote which blacks out the screen after a certain amount of inactivity, creates a pop-up that allows the user to click a button to stay logged in, and logs them out (closing the application window) if they do not respond in time.
The environment is ASP.NET (VB). We don't technically use master pages, but we do have a parent page in which our header, footer and nav reside, and my Jquery code is called from that window, loaded via an IFrame.My problem is that if one is working in a child window, the parent window doesn't recognize that the system is in use, and will automatically engage at the allocated time.I've tried everything under the sun I can think of and nothing works properly. My event handler is working, and it does call the parent window function, but the timer is not being reset.
I have this function in the parent window:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function window.reportChildActivity() {
SESSION_ALIVE = true; [code]....
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Feb 1, 2011
How can I close a Ajax Modal Pop-up through VB.net? All i want to do is just click the cancel button in the code behind, or if you can think of something better?
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Feb 13, 2011
I have a pop-up CustomControl which I use in a large-scale web application. The pop-up works well everywhere other than when used inside an asp:UpdatePanel, the problem arises when controlling the visibility of the pop-up (the pop-up is nested in a table) with other controls:
When I click the button to open the window I get Error: Object expected and when I try to debug the error with IE 8 JSEditor I get ``Source Code is not available for this location.
I believe that the code of the pop-up is not being initialized completely, but it is just my guess and I don't know how to resolve this issue.
View 2 Replies
Dec 9, 2010
My popup is a usercontrol, which as datagrid , OK button and Cancel button. My ModalPopup Extender is in page(Page1.aspx)How do i close the popup without posting back. I cannot use CancelControlID because mymodalpopup extender is in page1.aspx and my Cancel button is in Usercontrol.
View 4 Replies
Jun 1, 2013
I am using model popup to allow user to input there information . In this model popup . I am having two option Like OPtion-1 and Option-2 . When User will select Option-1 a panel should open on modelpop up to take Option-1 Detail .Simillarly When Option-2 is pressed another panel should open where User Can fill data. User Ca Fill only single option either OPtion-1 or 2 .
How I can do this without postback and without model disappear. I don't want to use radio or checkbox button .I want something good looking and with working function.
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Dec 3, 2010
I have opend a popup window using javascript. now in that popup window i have got a button and on click on that button i wants to changes size of that (current/same page) popup window.
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Sep 14, 2010
I did a little research and all i can find is binding the js to a control that will fire the popup.Is there a way that i can use in code so i can trigger a popup window from vb.net code? If it is to complicated then is there a way to have a button set with the popup message i want the user to view and make the button click with .net code so the onclick event will fire and show the popup window?
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