AJAX :: Control Tool Kit Missing?

Jul 5, 2010

I downloaded Tool Kit.Create New Website-->Add Tab(Ajax Control Tool Kit)-->Choose items-->added dll file
All the controls Appeared in the tab.I closed VS 2008 and opened again.Created new website.I cant find the AjaxControl Tool Kit Tab.I thought that i should add it for every project.So again Add Tab(Ajax Control Tool Kit)But, a popup said that Tab name "AjaxControlToolKit" already exist.But i cant see that tab.How can i see that tab in all the projects..

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AJAX :: Find Timer Control / Downloaded Latest Version Ajax Control Tool Kit?

Jul 22, 2010

guide me a place to find the Timer control? I jus downloaded the latest version Ajax Control Tool Kit i don't see Timer control.


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AJAX :: Reg Maintaining Of State Management In Tab Control Of Control Tool Kit?

Feb 23, 2011

I had a webform, in which I included the ajax control toolkit. From that, I inserted the tab control on to my webform, having 4 tabs in that tabcontainer. So, I am allowing the end user to enter the information in the first 3 tab panels, and want to display the entered info on the 4 tab panel, which shows all the info entered in the 3 tab panels.

So, how should I manage the information, and display the entered information on the 4th tab panel.. I had some plans of implementing an accordian ajax control for each 3 tabs info, allowing the user to edit at the 4th tab itself..Is this the right idea, or else suggest me, how to display the all the entered info in the 4th tab,like can i use details view, or grid,or suggest something else!!! I added a button to each panel, so that after the user enters the information, he will be redireted to the next tab panel after firing the "Save and continue" button.

AFter the user confirms the data on the 4th tab panel, and presses the submit button, then the entered info has to be entered into the database, for this to happen,. whtat should i do...??Can you plz help me out with some detailed explanation, as I am newbie , need support from you kind of ppl...In the first tab, I had some 4 text boxes, and 3 dropdowns, and a save and continue buttton, and in the next panel, some more text
just give me helping hand, by hinting..

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Ajax Control Tool Kit?

Sep 27, 2010

i need to work on ajax toolkit in my project(vs 2008).i downloaded it from


now i wanted to show in my toolbox in left side of VS IDE.i added its dll in project but does not showing in toolbox

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AJAX :: Error When Use Control Tool Kit?

Oct 2, 2010

When I use some control of toolkit like watermarkextender the ajax dissable. If I not use any control of tool kit all goes ok. Why Can I use tookkit? I use vs 2008 and dll of version 3.5 of toolkit is loaded correctly.

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AJAX :: Tool Tip To Appear Above COntrol In Mouse Move?

Feb 9, 2011

I want Other Tool Tip to Appear above COntrol in Mouse Move in Nice View Insted Of Tool Tip or Can I Customize Tool Tip

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AJAX :: Attaching Control Tool Kit To VS 2008?

Dec 16, 2010

I'm new to AJAX control tool kit....

I have downloaded the ajaxcontroltoolkit.Binar.NET3.5.zip and extracted the file to a folder in local box. i have done the following steps to attach the toolkit to vs2008.

1. Right clicked in empty place of toolbox ==>Add Tab, Named the Tab.

2. Inside the new tab, right clicked ==> choose Items...

3. In the Choose Tool Box Items window, browsed to the dll,

4. After that i can see the Ajaxcontrols in Choose Tool Box Items window and all of them were checked, but when I click ok in that window, its not adding the Items to the list.... Tried this several times....

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AJAX :: Control Tool Kit For Visual Studio 2005?

Dec 2, 2010

I have been facing a problem in implementing AJAX control tool kit.Currently am using visual studio 2005 for development, downloaded the ajax control toolkot from the follwoing URL. Downloaded the toolkit from [URL]As instructed in the page, if we add the solution file to the project and when we proceed to build the solution, landing in the follwoing error
" The type or namespace name 'Script' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" Unable to add a reference System.Web.Script.

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AJAX :: Unable To Add Control Tool Kit Controls To The Page?

Jul 1, 2010

I downloaded ajax control tool kit and added it to the tool bar. But when I double click on the controls the controls are not getting added to the page. Does anyone know how to solve this issue?

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Way Of Creating Tabs Like Ajax Control Tool Kit In Webforms Without Using Jquery

Mar 3, 2011

I saw some example in google..and all of them with jquery...is there any way of creating tabs like ajax control tool kit in webforms without using Jquery...its not a requirement..i want to know the best way of doing it..I am very new to MVC and I know its not posibble to use Ajax control tool kit in mvc...I just noticed in this asp.net site My Profile page got some cool tabs..can anyone know how to do something like

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AJAX :: Control Toolkit 3.5 - Missing Add Extender Option In VWD2008

Dec 23, 2010

I'm using VWD2008, I just downloaded AJAX Control Toolkit 3.5 and installed it following the steps in the official site but can't find "Add Extender" option. I also have another problem that I cant fine the "EnableHistory" property in scriptmanager control properties.

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AJAX :: Calendar Control - Highlight Date And Popup Tool Tip With Details OnHover

Apr 16, 2010

suppose I have appointments and events on certain dates.I want to show this on a calendar that shows all 30 days by having the date bold.Further more, I want the user to be able to hover over that bolded date, and have a popout that will display the appointment/event name and details.

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AJAX :: Missing "Ajax Control Toolkit Web Site" Template?

Mar 31, 2011

I follow the instruction from this video http://www.asp.net/ajax/videos/how-do-i-use-the-aspnet-ajax-cascadingdropdown-control-extender to create a new web site but I do not see "Ajax control toolkit web site" template to choose after clicking File>New>Web site.

I have AjaxCtrlToolKit4_0 on the machine and in my other project/solution I controls under Ajax Toolkit in the Toolbox. That means I have the Ajax Toolkit. Why doesn't it allow me to create a "Ajax control toolkit web site"?

Another question is do I need to create a separate web site for ajax web service? I already have a web app under a solution. I have a page in this app. This page has some controls such as dropdowns, textboxes, etc. I want to make the dropdowns cascading and do not want to create a separate web site. But the example in the video requires a creation of a new "Ajax control toolkit web site" which includes .asmx file.

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AJAX :: How To Set Tabcontainer ( Ajax Tool) Width Size According To Users Desktop Screen Resolution

Mar 25, 2010

I am a newbie in web development I came from win form environment. how to set tabcontainer (ASP.Net Ajax Tool) width size according to users desktop screen resolution?

(setup and tools)

visual studio 3.5 sp1


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How To Get Ajax Tool Tip From Database

Apr 6, 2010

ow tool tip in my web application over an image whose data should come from database using asp.net not javascriptprobably like Ajax tool tip.i wnat to show tooltip

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AJAX :: Slide Show Tool?

Jan 12, 2010

i make ajax page , i added to it slide show tooli make the source code for the page like that :


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AJAX :: Regarding Too LScript Manager In Tool Kit

Aug 6, 2010

I have download ajax Control toolkit 3.5......but when i add any control to my design page ,i'm unable to see any control .

i have added script manager too.. but when i trying to add tool script manager i'm unable to add that also....

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AJAX :: Adding Controls From Tool Kit?

Dec 8, 2010

1. I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Version 9.0.30729.1 SP version instaslled in my system.

2. I have AjaxControlToolkit.dll of the version 3.0.11119.25533

3. I created the custom tab named (Ajax control Tool kit) in the Toolbox of the Visual studio editor and added the ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll

4. I opened a new page and added register script tag in the aspx page as given below

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %>

But when I try to add the any control from the Ajax control tool kit as given below

<cc1:toolkitscriptmanager runat="server"></cc1:toolkitscriptmanager>

the solution does not build and the error message says

Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. P:WebSite2Default.aspx

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C# - Combo Box Extender Ajax Tool Kit?

Jan 24, 2011

have a filter on the page and i am using 5 combo boxes. The data in the combo box is getting filled properly. However when i select the drop down of combo box and select any item from the list. I get this error.."Invalid Argument"and the debugger points to style.width = bestWidth + 'px'i tried searching everywhere but no common errors.

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AJAX :: Unable To Add Tool Kit On Vs 2008?

Jul 7, 2010

How to add Ajax controls into VS 2008.

I did the following steps,

Tool Box ->(right click) Choose Items

Got a new window, there i clicked Browse button but not getting the location selection window.

I did the same on vs 2010 there i can but 2008 can't,

OS : Windows 7 64bit Ultimate

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AJAX :: Customize Controls In Tool Kit?

Dec 21, 2010

I am using AjaxControl Tool kit and disabled all controls in it except the option that helps to create hyperlinks.Is there a way to prevent paste option to text editor, I mean shouldn't allow users to copy text from some where and pasting it using ctrl+V. [I disable the 'paste' option that comes with tool kit.

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Web Design - Silverlight Control (domaindatasource) Missing

Feb 21, 2011

Iīm just starting to program for the web, so please bear with me. I need to develop a website with a connection to a database. I would like the database to be access, but if necessary I can upgrade it to sql server. In visual web developer, I know how to connect to the db, and it works so for the moment thatīs ok. However... thereīs got to be something very wrong with the vwd. Even the simplest things donīt work. I canīt even place a textbox right. when you change a property, nothing happens. The controls are all over the place, they even move from the default.asp to the master page. 90% of the time is spent on trying to figure out how to get rid of borders from a table and such stupid things (wich by the way is impossible). So I thought of silverlight.

But then of course thereīs the thing with the data interchange. Iīve learned to send variables via querystring. However that wonīt do when I want to dsiplay a large table of data in a gridview for instance. So Iīve gathered Iīm supposed to use RIA. I studied this tutorial [URL] Itīs just that when Iīm supposed to put the domaindatasource control on the asp page, itīs not there. And when I try to add it via the "choose item", itīs not in the .net list. Itīs in the silverlight list though. Is vwd supposed to be this bad? Itīs ridiculous really. Or did I mess up the installation? I use the express version of 2010. If you know of a good tutorial please point me in that direction. I donīt know any c# though so that wonīt work.

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Web Forms :: Missing Label Control In Toolbox

Nov 16, 2010

I am running Visual Studio 2010. I do not see a label control in my toolbox HTML tab. How can I add it?

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Web Forms :: User Control Html Missing?

Feb 3, 2011

I have created user control and placed inside panel in main form. i made panel visible property false because i want to avoid user control html to load at form load time. The problem is that when i make panel visible true on checkbox selection user control is loading in main form but its html is not loading means when i check html code by source view its same as the form load time and because of this i am getting ajax problem as my calendar control is not working. If you know the solution of this

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AJAX :: Missing Scrollbar In ComboBox?

Jan 27, 2010

I have three ajaxtoolkit comboboxes on my page where the user can enters his date of birth : day, month, year.


for the days and years a scrollbar is shown when the user hits the arrow button. For the months no scrollbar is shown with the problem that december is not visible to the user.

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