AJAX :: DropDownList Inside UpdatePanel Not Updating TextBox In SelectedIndexChanged Event
Oct 26, 2013
I have 1dropdownlist and 1 textbox in my page
I want when I select item from DropDownList in textbox write"Correct" so I wrote below code
protected void DDLclass_SIC(object sender, EventArgs e)
Txtsub1.Text = "Correct";
but it didn't worked when I select Item from DDL in textbox didn't wirte "Correct"
How I can do it?
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The codebehind:
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It looks like it can't find the dropdownlist because it is inside the formview. How can I find the event?- if there is such a thing.
Server Error in '/WebSite4' Application. Compilation Error
An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request.
review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: BC30506: Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.
Source Error:
Line 13:End If
Line 14:End Sub
Line 15:Protected Sub ddlDept_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlDept.SelectedIndexChanged
Line 16: Dim ComDropDownList As DropDownList = CType(FormView1.FindControl("ddlCommune"), DropDownList)
Line 17:
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Oct 24, 2010
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protected void ddlCatg_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
DropDownList ddlCategories = grvExpenses.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlCatg") as DropDownList;
DropDownList ddlExpenseSubCategories = grvExpenses.FooterRow.FindControl("ddlSubCatg") as DropDownList;
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__doPostBack("UpdatePanel1", ""); so that i can update the updatepanel and rebind the checkboxlist inside it.
is it possible to do the rebind first, and then update the updatepanel? how do i do that? because now, the rebind happens on the second time i click on the checkbox.
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But first time this inserted item is not getting reflected in the dropdownlist. But after one postback this item is getting reflected.
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Feb 4, 2010
I've got a UserControl that's used inside of an UpdatePanel. The UserControl is a fairly simple form that appears via a ModalPopupExtender (which is also part of the UserControl). There are four DropDownLists, as well as some other UI elements. Three of the four DropDownLists have AutoPostBack="true", with SelectedIndexChanged events that fire on the server and cause some of the other DropDownLists to rebind. Two of the three DDL's that AutoPostBack are working fine. One of them, which I only just added, is showing some strange behavior. Let's say I bind five Items to it: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. I set the SelectedIndex to 0, which makes 1 the selected item. If I select 5 and then 1 and keep toggling back and forth, everything works fine. The postback occurs and SelectedIndexChanged fires. Every time. If I ever select 2 or 4, the postback occurs but SelectedIndexChanged does not fire. Every time.
If I ever select 3, something bizarre happens and sometimes the value of the DDL reverts to 1. Even though breakpoints seem to show that it's not rebinding and no unexpected code is running. I know your first instinct will probably be that I'm wrong about the rebinding code not running, but I have literally been staring at the debugger for hours trying to find my mistake. Lots of breakpoints. I don't get it -- this really isn't that complicated. But obviously I am missing something. I've put about four hours into this so far and I think I'm just grinding at this point. I could use another perspective.
HTML (and by the way, DropProtocolCycleID is the problem control):
<asp:Panel ID="PanelPopupAssign" runat="server" Style="display:none; cursor: move; width:325px; background-color:Transparent;">
<BlueUI:Panel runat="server" ID="PanelPatientProtocol" Width="500px" HeaderText="Assign Protocol">
<table cellspacing="5">
<td style="width:150px;"></td>
<td style="width:50px;"></td>
<td style="width:125px;"></td>
<tr runat="server" id="TableRowCategory">
<td align="right">Category:</td>
<td colspan="2">
<asp:DropDownList runat="server" ID="DropProtocolCategories" CausesValidation="false" autopostback="true"/>
<td align="right">Protocol:</td>
<td colspan="2">..............................
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Jul 29, 2010
I have two textboxes insie an updatepanel, the same update panel also has a trigger from a Clear Button from the other update panel. The first Textbox AutoPostBack is set to true. The first time when the textchanged event is fired, everything work as expected--the labels got populated, the focus is set to the second textbox. However after I click on the Clear button, i entered something to the first Textbox, its TextChangedEvent fires--the labels got populate, the focus seems set correctly to the 2nd textbox, but I
cannot enter anything to the second TextBox. it seems like the form is not active--when i hit tab, I expect the focus move to next control, instead it moves to the URL box. Turn off the AutoPostback then put a button next to the first textbox will fix the problem, but I am wondering if there is other workaround to keep the AutoPostback of the 1st textbox?
I am using IE8, here is a simple test page:
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Dec 25, 2010
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but, when the Dropdownlist postsbacks (it needs to do it, and that's why it's inside the updatepanel) my script suddently stops to work.
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Oct 20, 2010
Basics: I have a text box (txtDepositAmount) that people can enter a deposit amount into and a drop down (ddlSelectedTerm) that sets the terms. Through these two values I calculate the APY (lblCurrentApy).
Rules: If only one of the values is selected I still want to do an update on the current APY label and clear it. If either value changes I want to update the current APY and recalculate.
The problem: As soon as I click away from the textbox and onto the drop down to select my term the drop down flashes and closes because the textbox TextChanged event was just fired.
I have to click on the drop down a second time to be able to select anything!
Do I need to change what event I'm looking at or do I need to move some of the controls outside of the UpdatePanel? Can this only happen if some of the business rules change? Should I just give up and go to javascript?
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Mar 30, 2010
In Visual Studio 2008 ,in my application page 'TEST.aspx' have an 'Ajax TabContainer' inside update panel , and Tab Panel "Product Group Identification" containes textboxes ,DropDownlist and button like 'Save' and 'Cancel' , on clcik of 'save' or 'cancel' buttons only dropdownList Disappears for a second and reappears this is due to Update panel.
Below you can find my sample code
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Mar 11, 2011
I have a checkbox, textbox and requiredfieldvalidator inside the updatepanel. Once user checks selects
checkbox I am enabling requiredfieldvalidator.
I have one more textbox, requiredfieldvalidator, validationgroup and Linkbutton outside updatepanel.
Strange thing is Checkbox checked event not firing in some cases,
1. Check the checkbox (which enables requiredfieldvalidator)
2. Click the Linkbutton (fires two validators)
3. Uncheck the checkbox (which should disable requiredfieldvalidator)
4. Click the linkbutton again (again it fires two validator, which should fire only one validator)
Note: The problem only arising when I add javascript block to linkbutton in page load event.
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Sep 7, 2010
I had been created some dynamic radio buttons in a loop inside a dinamy table which is inside an UpdatePanel , but i can not handle the events my code is below:
public void MetodoCreacion()
RadioButton RBtn = null;
Table table = new Table();
TableRow row = null;
TableCell cell = null;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
row = new TableRow();
cell = new TableCell();
RBtn = new RadioButton();
RBtn.ID = "RBGN_" + i.ToString();
RBtn.GroupName = "RBGN1";
RBtn.Text = "Opcion " + i.ToString();
RBtn.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(RBtn_CheckedChanged);
RBtn.AutoPostBack = true;
UpdatePanel1_UpdatePanelAnimationExtender.Controls .Add(table);
public void RBtn_CheckedChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = ((RadioButton)sender).ID;
and the controls doesent call the event.
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a calendar extender tied to a textbox. When I select a date from the calendar, it displays the selected date in the textbox. When I click a submit button, it passes no value. why the textbox doesn't store the value from the calendar?
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May 7, 2015
I have a UpdatePanel which is having a Datalist inside it , and in datalist i have a country dropdownlist whose autopostback = true , now it is causing postback which i want to trigger , but i am unable to set it as AsyncPostBackTrigger inside update panel because update panel won't find the dropdownlist as it is in datalist.
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May 7, 2015
I have a ImageButton inside a gridview. The gridview is inside update panel. i want to redirect to another page with the Clicking of the ImageButton. But it is not working inside update panel. what should i do?
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Feb 9, 2011
I have a DropDown which is bounded to an ObjectDataSource. On its data bound event, I am adding "--select--" value on the 0 index. I have a LinkButton on the page and on its client click, i am selecting different item on drop down (using JavaScript). Suppose there are 3 items like --select--, option1, option2 and option3 and now on link button's client click i selected option3, now if I select the default value "--select--", it does not fire the SelectedIndexChanged event. If I select any other value then it fires. Why does it not work for the default value?
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May 7, 2015
ImageButton inside Datalist inside update panel is not firing in my asp.net web page. what should i proceed??
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