AJAX :: Dropdown List Not Binding With CascadingDropDown Extender?
Jun 21, 2010
I am trying to create a cascading dropdown list using two dropdown lists in Visual Studio 2008 Professional connecting to a SQL Server 2008 Standard database on my local machine. I have added the two dropdown lists, as well as a CascadingDropDown extenders from the AJAX Control Toolkit that corresponds with the first dropdown list. The problem I am running into is that despite the fact that I have a CascadingDropDown extender for the first dropdown list so far, and the extender is configured properly, the first dropdown list is showing Unbound in Design view. I also don't see a TargetControlID entry in the properties window for the externder.
I hard coded the TargetControlID to the extender in the Source view and, although I am not receiving any dynamic errors from the TargetControlID entry (meaning, the TargetControlID is a valid parameter, and the dropdown list I entered for that parameter exists on the same page), the dropdown list doesn't populate properly and when in Design view, not only do I not see an entry for the CascadingDropDown extender, but the target dropdown list shows as being "Unbound."
A couple of things I want to point out first:
1) I am using Master pages on this site for the header, footer and navigation. The opening and closing <form> tags, as well as the <ScriptManager> entry are in the Master page, not the content pages. I did this with the assumption that at runtime, each page would have the proper <form> tags and <ScriptManager> entry to function properly.
2) I have been able to add a CascadingDropDown extender to a page in Design view (and it initially displays properly), but by the time I have added all of the properties settings to apply it to its corresponding dropdown list, the entry appears normal in Source view but no longer appears in Design view. When I run the page, the dropdown list does not populate. Obviously, I assume that this is related to the dropdown list showing in Design view as being Unbound, but I don't know how to get the dropdown list to recognize that I have a CascadingDropDown extender that is supposed to apply to it.
Here is what the two elements look like in Source view:
To create these, I have been following Joe Stagner's example in his video on the topic (http://www.asp.net/ajax/videos/use-aspnet-ajax-cascading-drop-down-control-to-access-a-database) virtually word for word. I have set up two TableAdapters/DataSets, one for each dropdown list, and the datasets are able to accurately pull the appropriate data from the database, so I know those are working properly. I believe the problem is that the dropdown list isn't binding with the CascadingDropDown extender properly. It wouldn't bother me that I don't see a TargetControlID entry in the properies window for the CascadingDropDown extender, although I have a feeling that the absense of that property is related to the fact that the dropdown list is not binding to the extender. I searched online for causes to this problem, but I wasn't able to find any solutions.
I have 2 dropdowns, 1 regular and the other child dropdown has a cascadingdropdown component attached to it.In the past I have used 2 cascadingdropdowns but I'm not sure if the 1st is necessary as it is not being populated by any other dropdown. Can someone confirm this is the case?econdly, in the webservice used by the cascadingdropdown, the key value passed into the webservice function call has 'undefined:x' where x is the value selected. How can I ensure that the category is set correctly? Is this because the parent drop downisn't a cascadingdropdown? Is this a problem, or should I just parse for 'undefined'?
I am using List search extender for dropdowns in my application. When I type "abc" it is listing out all items which starts with abc..with items starting from the top of the dropdown. But inIE8.0 items are starting from the bottom of the dropdown which makes user again to scroll.
I am using the newest AJAX control toolkit. What I want to accomplish is I have a modal popup panel with cascading dropdown list and radio button inside. The issue is the postback. RadioButton and Cascading dropdown have postback so that will cause the modal panel disappear after the postback. I just want the panel disappear after I click the ok button on the panel and send the data into a field in a page. What I did was I placed the update panel inside the popup panel. If I did that, I would see the dropdown lists automatically refresh every time by accessing the webservice. If I placed the update panel outside, the dropdown would not be triggered. Even I set the trigger for the Update Panel, it will not see that way.
I am trying to populate 3 dropdown lists with using CascadingDropDown. DDLs shows make, model and color respectively. The last DDL is having AutoPostBack = true and I am trying to display the values from dropdown in one label control. I am pulling data from a webservice to populate DDLs. I am not getting any error while compiling but when I run the code it shows Error 500. I am not sure where I am going wrong. I am following the tutorial video of 'How Do I' -
I am using C# and .Net framework 2.0. Web Service code looks like this
I got stuck in the following problem. I am using cascadingdropdown ajax control and binding data into dropdownlist from database. I have done to display the data from database. Now I want to display the data, which is related to the item which I selected from dropdownlist, to 'Label'. ex) I have a following table in database.If I select '2' from the dropdownlist, I want to display 'Taro' to the label. If '1' from the dropdownlist, 'Ken' to the label. ID name 1 Ken 2 Taro I changed 'AutoPostback' property of dropdownlist to TRUE,then when I run the page and select the item from dropdownlist, error occured. Error messege is as belows. Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using in configuration or in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation. If there is another way to display the item into a label without postback, or someone knows how to sort out this problem,
I have DropDownList with CascadingDropDown extender.
If I want to retrieve data from the database for update to what I should assign the data...... to the dropdownlist or to CascadingDropDown extender and to what properties exactly I should use?
i have a religion dropdown1 , on this selectedindexchange i have to populate castes into the listbox(not dropdownlist).
i am unable to use cascadingdropdown as it is tightly binded with dropdowns.
please guide me how do i update listbox items based on the dropdown selected value using ajax.
i tried with pagemethods getting the dictionary object using JS function and thought of binding it.
but i am unable to bind the list.
//html code Religion <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlReligion_RS" runat="server" TabIndex="6" onchange="GetCastes_RS(this.value);"> </asp:DropDownList> <br /> Caste <asp:ListBox SelectionMode="Multiple" ID="lstBxCst_RS" runat="server"> </asp:ListBox> //js function function GetCastes_RS(relgnID) { abc.BLL.Services.AjaxService.GetCastes(relgnID, function (resp) { var ddlCaste= document.getElementById("<%=lstBxCaste_RS.ClientID%>"); ddlCaste.length=0; var castesList = resp; alert (resp); if(castesList.keys.length >0) { for(var i=0 ;i< castesList.keys.length;i++) { op=castesList.keys[i]; ddlCaste.options[ddlCaste.length]=new Option(castesList.values[i],op); } } }, function(val) { alert(val.get_message()); } ); }
i could call the webmethod, but i am getting this error in javascript.
Type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]]' is not supported for serialization/deserialization of a dictionary, keys must be strings or objects.
when gone thru few links i have seen few examples supporting dictionary object , why not in my case?
and I have 3 DropDownList that refer below thread [URL] ...
I use cascadingdropdown for these 3 dropdownlist below are codes:
[WebMethod] public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetCountries(string knownCategoryValues) { string query = "SELECT state FROM stateTest"; List countries = GetData(query); return countries.ToArray(); }
[Code] ....
at first I should select Item from DDLsate then DDlcity and at the end I should select Item from DDLregion
above code work correctly for ddlstate and ddlcity but it doesn't work for ddlregion...
I mean when I select Item from ddlcity in ddlregion shows:[Metod error500]
one drop down list cointains all country list ,when we select thet particular country the other drop down list has to show all the states in that country ,this is what i am thinking to do ,can some one guide me how to do ,and give you give some reference links
web form (table) with 32 dropdown fileds.paging implemented (100 rows per page)populate down button next to each controlfreeze pane implemented for first three columnsWorkinguser will change values of each drop down at runtime inorder to update the information in database.when populate down button is clicked, all the dropdown values below will be replaced with current selectio
- i have two drop down lists- ddl_SelectClient, ddl_SelectApplication
- when a client is selected in ddl_SelectClient, i have to show the list of the clients applications in ddl_SelectApplication
- i have written the below code in the ddl_SelectClient_SelectedIndexChanged routine to do the same
- i am getting the error("Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack") in the catch block when the ddl_SelectApplication gets binded
I have an AJAX Calendar Extender inside an ASP.NET Repeater, which binds date data from a table and allows users to change this. I have an issue however - if the date is null, it returns an error as it cannot bind null as a selected date. Are there any ways around this?
How can i generate dropdown lists based on what has been selected in the checckbox list. Below is an example of what i need. if the user selects the options day, lotID and waferID, then 3 cascading dropdown lists should be displayed. And then a gridview displays data based on what has been chosen in the dropdown lists.
Day LotID SlotID WaferID VendorID ToolID LocationDetected ProcessStep Stage Precipe WaferStartMaterial WaferStartVendor WaferStartLot WaferDiameterCOA WaferMapTitle BreakPoint BreakpointSide BreakpointMeasurement
I want to use the animation extender when the drop down is changed. something like when a item i selected, then the details of that item is shown in a panel/div which behaves like a tooltip of that value selected in the dropdown.
I saw the example of animationExtender in [URL] Here we have event OnClick in animations. do we have something like onSelectedIndexChange or Onchange so that I can display the panel when items in the dropdown is changed.
I am using the dropdown extender with several panels on a single page and when the page loads in anything other than IE 8 (in non-compatibility mode), the panel that I designate to be the dropdown shows on the page floating (and not near the panel being extended). A behavior worth noting is that when I click through all of the dropdowns, the floating panel disappears until the next page refresh.
The version I am using is 3.5.40412.0.
I am interested in learning about the direct answer to this issue or learning some best techniques/practices for debugging issues with the Ajax Toolkit.
I have a Cascading drop down list that is working fine to load the correct lists however I would like to have the last one initiate a query and display a datagrid on the same page containing the results of the query. Without Ajax involved this seems rather easy by using autopostback on the drop downs. If I could do it through Ajax that would be great but I can settle with having the page to reload to display the data. Right now I'm not sure how to do either. I enabled autopostback on the last drop down and wrote a method for it but I get an error at runtime saying:
Is there a way to show year and month drop down on the calendar extender like the jquery ui calendar, If so could you kindly post it for me. If not would you be willing to show me how to do the jquery ui calender with Start Theme.
but I can't edit text manually there. I can do Text box with Ajax DropDown extender but I can't select->Insert to textbox there. Only display. how to create DropDownList which I can edit manually ?