AJAX :: Hide() Method Not Working For Modal Pop Up

Jan 1, 2011

I have a modal pop up that I'm trying to hide after an insert has been performed. This is usually very easily accomplished by calling the hide() method. I have a close button in the same modal pop up that does this correctly. I can't seem to get this to work with another button or item inserted event of the data source or the data control though.

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Jquery - How To Write A File To The Response Stream And Have A 'Working' Modal Window Show/hide

Feb 15, 2011

I need to to export a file to the user. It takes 1-2 min to generate the file so I'd like to have the page go into a kind-of modal mode with a layover on the page and a 'Working' spinner showing. The problem is I can't make the modal stuff go away after Save File dialog is closed.

How can I remove the layover after the dialog is done?

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AJAX :: Hide A Modal Popup When Another Modal Popup Is Shown

May 7, 2015

I have three modal popup and three link buttons the first link button is on menu i.e. login that shows login-popup and the login popup contains two links forgot password and register both of them opens a popup but the problem is the login popup isnt hiding with click on register or foreget link the popups are appearing perfectly but arent hiding.

The html for all three popup is as shown below:-

 <cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="Modallogin" runat="server" PopupControlID="loginpanel" TargetControlID="loginlink" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground"
<asp:Panel ID="loginpanel" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup">

[Code] .....

And the codebehind file that i wrote some code which also isnt working is as shown below:-

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
} protected void lnkregister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

[Code] ....

I also used breakpoints on link click event and are not going to code behind file on click and popup is just shown without hiding the other. And the css used is I found on aspsnippet site!

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AJAX :: Closing Modal PopUp Hide The Drop Down Control

Mar 26, 2010

I have a modal pop up in the master page and in page say manageuser.aspx I have some control. When i click the button to show the pop up the the popup appear and closing close it, but it also hide all the drop down control in IE6. It looks fine in Firefox and IE7.

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User Controls :: Show Hide AJAX Modal Popup From Page?

Jan 28, 2013

i have user control and in that i have ajax  modalpopup extender now, i want to use this modal popup in my aspx.vb page like



than, how can i get the id of modalpopup from the user control and do this functionality.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Not Firing The .Show () Method?

Aug 16, 2010

Ive used code that will allow me to find a modalpopup control through code behind and then show it to the user using the Show() method.The code works perfectly fine in some of my pages but not in others!Ive used breaks in my codebehind and it does find the popup and it goes into the Show() method but nothing pops up ?

View 21 Replies

AJAX :: Button Not Working In Modal Pop Up Extender?

Jan 31, 2011

i am using a button in pop panel to get back to the original screen but the button is not functioning

here is the code

OnClientClick="$find('mdlpop').hide(); return false; "

even if i write a code behind sub hide the pop up panel its not working

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Ajax Modal Popup Extender Not Working In Ie

Jan 5, 2011

I have a Ajax modal popup extender .Its working fine in FF but not in Ie .

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Extender Not Working Right In IE 7 Or 8

Jun 9, 2010

The Top is IE and the bottom is FireFox. Firfox is showing correctly. In IE, however, the grey background start directly on the left edge of the page and not across the window span, and the modal target stays below the grey background.


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AJAX :: Modal Popup Isn't Working In Mozilla

Aug 9, 2010

In my application modal popup extender is not working in mozilla. but it is working well in IE 7 perfectly.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Background CSS Not Working

May 7, 2015

Problem: When I tick the checkbox inside Gridview, modalPopup opens but its BackgroundCssClass is not being applied to it, and the popup just shows up at the left side corner of the page without changing the background and opacity.

I had installed Ajax TookKit for Framework 4.5 in Visual Studio 2013

Here is the code:

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<head runat="server">
<style type="text/css">
.modalBackground {
background-color: black;
filter: alpha(opacity=90);

[Code] ....

Also tried:
<cc1:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolKitScriptManager1" runat="server"></cc1:ToolkitScriptManager>
in place of:
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>

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AJAX :: Hover Menu Is Not Working In Modal Pop Up Extender?

Jan 20, 2010

i am displaying drop down in modal pop up ,when i validate ,i want to show error through hovermenu ..error is

Line: 4044

Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Two components with the same id 'hm1' can't be added to the application.

if i use outside (not in modal pop up ) hover menu is working properly


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AJAX :: A Modal Pop Extender From A Grid View Is Not Working

Jul 7, 2010

ng to do is to populate a modal popup gridview from a grid views link button click.I am not using any update panels.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Compensation " SortExpression="Compensation">
<HeaderStyle Wrap="False" Font-Bold="True" HorizontalAlign="Center"
VerticalAlign="Top" />
<ItemStyle Wrap="False" HorizontalAlign="Left" />

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AJAX :: Hide ValidatorCallout Extender When Modal Popup Extender Is Closed

Nov 25, 2013

I tried to find any methods to validate items inside Modal Popup Extender

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Extender Stops Working In Gridview?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a gridview in an updatepanel that is set to always update. I have a delete command button in an item tamplate. For this delete button I am using a ConfirmButtonExtender and ModalPopupExtender for deleting. This works fine initially when the page first loads. However, if I edit an item in the grid (which hides the grid and displays the selected item's info) and either save or cancel (which displays the grid again) and then try the delete, the modal popup displays, and if I click yes to delete, the row will now not delete. The delete command does not fire. Here is the code for my gridview.


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AJAX :: Modal Popup Vertical Scrollbar Not Working In Firefox (OK In IE)?

Oct 24, 2010

I am having a problem with a modal popup that has a vertical scroll bar. In IE the vertical scroll bar works as it should. However in Firefox, if I try to click and drag the scroll box or "thumb" along the track the whole modal popup is draged accross the screen. The scroll buttons will advance the scroll, I just can't grab the tumb without dragging the whole screen.

The popup text is in a div with the following properties:

<div style="height: 465px; width: 742px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; float: left;">

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Extender Not Working With Master Page And Panel

Apr 27, 2016

Modal popup not working, I need to open modal pop up inside a panel, below is my html, senerio goes as :

On page load on only panel with id="pnlgrid" is visible and button with id btnaddnew is visible on clicking addnewbutton panel grid is visible false and panel with id=pnlFormEdit is visible true.

Inside there is linkbutton1 on which click i want to open popup. but on clicking it goes postback.

<%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="DutySlip.aspx.vb" Inherits="_DutySlip" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="cc1" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" runat="Server">
<style type="text/css">

[Code] .....

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AJAX :: Validation Summary In JQuery Dialog Modal Popup Box Not Working With Update Panel

Dec 23, 2015

I'm using the ASP.Net Validation controls and I want to display the Validation Summary in a JQuery Dialog instead of the native javascript alert messagebox. I've found this solution (aspsnippets) by overriding the clientside WebForm_OnSubmit() function:

<script type="text/javascript">
function WebForm_OnSubmit() {
if (typeof (ValidatorOnSubmit) == "function" && ValidatorOnSubmit() == false) {
title: "Validation Error!",
modal: true,
resizable: false,

[Code] ....

The WebForm_OnSubmit() function is being rendered by the BaseValidator control and in the form tag te following attribute is being added: onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();

I am running into a problem on a page which has an UpdatePanel. The input field with the validator (1 to make it simple) is in a Panel within an UpdatePanel. The Panel is set to Visible=False at the first Page Load. There's a button inside the UpdatePanel which makes the Panel with the Validator Visible.

When this happens, the WebForm_OnSubmit() function and the onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit(); attribute of the form tag are not being rendered because it's an AJAX callback and the form tag is outside the updatepanel (in a master page), so the validation summary will not be shown in the jquery dialog.

Validation is being performed, so the validation summary wil be shown in a div on a page, but the validation is not being called by the WebForm_OnSubmit() function in this case, because it's not being rendered.

Here's the markup of the page:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="btnNew" runat="server" Text="New" />
<asp:Panel ID="pnlEdit" runat="server">

[Code] ....

So, when the validators are not visible at the first load and they will be made visible by an AJAX callback, the WebForm_OnSubmit() function and the onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit(); attribute of the form tag are not being rendered on the pag. Because of that, the WebForm_OnSubmit() function will not be called and the validation summary will not be shown in the JQuery dialog (although it is being shown in a div on the page). How can I get the Validation Summary to be shown in de JQuery dialog in this case?

Is there another function that has to be overriden for this case? I know I can use a Full Postback for the New button and then all the stuff needed is being rendered on the page, or I can make the panel not visible by using a style, but I don't prefer that because there are a lot of pages with this situation.

One solution is to use a dummy textbox with a dummy validator (with a dummy validationgroup) of which I set the display to none. Then this dummy validator will cause the the WebForm_OnSubmit() function and the onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit(); attribute of the form tag to be rendered.

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AJAX :: Get A Modal Popup Inside A Modal Popup / Fire The Modal Popup On A Condition In A Text Change Event Of A Textbox?

Jan 17, 2010

I am trying to get a modal popup inside a modal popup?, also i want to fire the modal popup on a condition in a text change event of a textbox?...is this possible and can anyone give me directon on this

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C# - Automatically Hide A Modal Popup Control?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a model pop extender control like:

<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="basketPopUp" runat="server"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" Style="display: none" runat="server">
<div class="PopupBody">
<br />

What i want is to show the popup for 5 seconds and HIDE it AUTOMATICALLY after this period of time.

I've tried this, but, running on the server side, of course it is not working:

public void showAndHidePopUp()

Do you know how to hide it in a proper way?


For announcementes i've decided to use jGrowl-> [URL] and not ModalPopUp Extender.

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AJAX :: Modal User Control On Top Of A Modal Popup + Javascript Causes Page Flash

Jul 29, 2010

Modal Popup user control (its a message box) on top of a modal popup with javascript that maintains postback on a scrollable div all inside of an update panel causes my page to flash on postback of the user control. If any one of the peices (user control, modal popup, javascript) are missing everything works fine. The javascript is maintaing scrollback on a scrollable listview on the page. A modalpopup is shown on top of this main page that is for report parameters. The user control is used for validation and is displayed if a parameter is invalid. I know this may not be the best design, but it can't really change unless its a minor change. Heres the js if anyone wants to see popup or styles let me know.

//Begin methods to maintain or reset scroll position during postback.
var controlIds = [];
var scrollTops = [];
//Register a control to maintain its scroll position on postbacks.
function MaintainPostback(controlId) {
//Find the div/control id in the controlIds array and set its scroll position to 0.
function ResetControlScrollTop(controlId) {
var index = 0;
while (index < controlIds.length) {
if (controlId == controlIds[index]) {
scrollTops[index] = 0;

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JQuery :: Show / Hide Modal Dialog Box On Page Load?

Oct 19, 2010


show / hide modal dialog box on page load?

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Using Modal Disappear In Postback

Jan 24, 2013

I look for a good way for arrangement Admin pages Items

for example Admin Upload Page consists of these sections:

* make a new folder

* delete folder

* upload file in folder

* show folders information (in a gridview)

* download test

so I think one way is showing this sections in modal

but when I tried make a new folder in modal after clicking in create folder button modal disappeared.

Is there any way that  modal doesnt disappear until user click close button?

I mean I want modal to behave like a page.

If there isn't a way what to do for classification sections?

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AJAX :: Get One Modal Popup To Trigger A Second Modal?

Aug 19, 2010

How can I get one modal popup to trigger a second modal? And in between each modal, I need to execute server code.

Page load, check if question needs answering -> Modal 1 -> User answers -> run server code to check if question two needs answering -> Modal 2 -> show page.

I could do this using a series of asp:Views if there is not a clean way, the management just really likes the modals

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Asynchronous C# Method Calls In Page Working On Debug, But Not Working On Live Site

Jan 25, 2011

OK Here is the situation:

I have a web app with a table of statistics on our salesmen's customers, and each row has a sparkline graph showing the general trend of the sales data for the last 12 months. Each page shows a particular salesman's customer list, and some of them can have an enormous number of customers = an enormous number of rows = an enormous number of sparklines (e.g. one in particular has 125 and takes 15 seconds to load).

For this reason, jQuery sparklines could not be used - they completely pinned the CPU of a user accessing a page with a lot of sparklines with IE.

So I moved on to using the Google Chart API, which worked much better, except for two issues: 1) it's on a secure site, and the Google Chart API URL is only served over HTTP (solved by using a small wrapper script to download the graph dynamically and re-serve it from our secure server); and 2) on a page with 125 sparklines, it was still very slow due to the number of requests (even when the 0-9 server prefixes are used to maximize the # of available connections).

So my next step beyond this was to try to make each of the "download/grab/re-serve image" method calls asynchronous - and it worked!

...but only on my dev box running in debug mode.

When I pushed it up to the live site, it was faster, but it left some of the images unloaded, which is of course unacceptable.

So here is what I was hoping some SO hotshot would know:

1) Why are my asynchronous method calls working while debugging, but not working on the live site?

2) Is there any easier way to get a large number of sparklines of some sort to load quickly on a secure server without making me want to tear my hair out?

2a.) Does anyone have any experience using the ASP.NET Chart Library? Is this something I should investigate?

2b.) A co-worker suggested I make my own sparkline routine using a 1x1 CSS background image and varying the height. The problems are a) it is completely un-extensible in case we want to make changes; b) it seems hacky as hell (leaves about a bajillion DIVs per sparkline in the markup); and c) I have no idea if it will be fast enough when there are 100-200 of them on one page - what are your thoughts on the feasibility of the 1x1 sprite approach?

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