AJAX :: Ok/cancel & Yes/No MessageBox?

Apr 1, 2011

How do create yes/no and ok/cancel messagebox in asp.net.

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Messagebox In .NET 3.5 With AJAX?

Jan 15, 2010

I have a ASP.NET 3.5 web site with an AJAX update panel. I simply need to process some server side code and then issue a user prompt that says "Code processing complete".

I know there is supposed to be support for Msgbox-esque methods in ASP.NET but I can't find them and any other JavaScript based solutions don't work effectively when you have an update panel.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender In Displaying Messagebox?

Jan 3, 2011

I am using ModalPopupExtender to show a MessageBox,

Here I have added the AjaxControlToolkit.dll reference.

But when I click the button to display the messagebox it is not

displaying the messagebox.. the code below,


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AJAX :: Show Messagebox From The Code Behind (other Than Javascript Alert)?

Jul 30, 2010

button click i get the result from the sql server table and fill it to DataTable

if the DataTable in empty means if the query doesn't return any results

i need to show the user "No Records" Message and fade backgrounds stop user to access the control in the background like javascript alert once i click ok button then oni i can access further (like ajax modal popup)

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Cancel Command Button Not Canceling After E.Cancel?

Oct 28, 2010

I am using a LINQ to SQL data source for a ListView and perform a validation check in the Listview ItemUpdating event:


This works great and keeps the user from updating the record with invalid data.However, when I hit cancel after this operation, it saves the text in the box rather than cancelling the operation. Here's my code for the update button:


Update Function:


I do not handle the cancel button event, as the cancel operation has worked fine... unless someone enters incorrect information and e.Cancel is set to true.What am I doing wrong? Is it the mixture of using the LINQ Datasource and doing my own updating?

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Forms Data Controls :: E.cancel Not Working - How To Cancel The Update Function

Oct 29, 2010

I have a text box that I am reading mulitple employee names into. If the user enters a name that does not belong to an employee I want to cancel the item_updating function. Here is my code:

Dim RECIPIENTS() As String
Dim NAME As String

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AJAX :: How To Cancel __doPostBack Call

Feb 17, 2011

i am doing this in my client side to make my page load and update a message that is inside and update panel, i associate the keydown event of a textbox control to this javascript:


but the problem with that is if the user type fast the page will do a lot of postback, and i just wanna make the last one, how can i afford that??

View 11 Replies

AJAX :: ConfirmButtonExtender: Hide Cancel Button?

May 26, 2010

I was wondering if there's a way to hide the cancel button on the ConfirmButtonExtender. I'd like to show the confirmbutton without it.

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AJAX :: Cancel Updatepanel Callback With Javascript Or In Any Other Way?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a updatepanel which contains of a few dynamically created ImageButtons (the ImageButtons are placed in a panel inside the updatepanel) Since the imagebuttons are children of the updatepanel they automatically triggers a callback to server, fine. But I want the user to be able to cancel the callback after clicking on the imgbutton, preferably through a javascript window.confirm.

I have managed to make it work with a jquery function returning false (i dont know why it works, dont really understand asp.net ajax functionality) but it only works until a callback is done, then I guess I have to rebind the jquery to the controls in the updatepanel or?this turned out to be a jquery question. How do I rebind the recently loaded controls in my updatepanel to my jqyery function? the controls all have the same class and I use that to trigger the jquery function.

aspx file
if(window.confirm('Cancel callback?') )
return false;
<asp:UpdatePanel ..... >
<asp:panel id="myPanel" ........ ></asp:Panel>
aspx.cs file
ImageButton dyn_ImgButton = new ImageButton();
dyn_ImgButton.Attributes.Add("class", "myImgButtons");
add dyn_ImgButton to myPanel

View 9 Replies

AJAX :: How To Cancel A Click To Another TabContainer Panel

Jul 26, 2010

so I've got a TabContainer with several tabs. I'd like to use my OnClientClick javascript event handler to cancel the click (keep the active TabPanel from changing) in certain cases. How can I stop the TabPanel from changing from the client side?

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AJAX :: Display OK Cancel Confirmation Box Using ScriptManager

Jul 4, 2013

When i write the scriptManager for messaging the information in middle between of the code it not show the message.

But its executed the statement. but its not wait, to show the message.its automatically goto next step for execution. What should I do for display the message.

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AJAX :: ModalPopupExtender Goes To Bottom Of Page After Save Or Cancel?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a wierd issue with a ModalPopupExtender. I am using a GridView and a DetailsView Control inside a ModalPopupExtender to show the details. After I Hide the ModalPopupExtender it renders at the bottom of the page. The popup works fine, just when i close it it moves to the bottom. If i click on another item and close it, it just builds at the bottom of the page. If i click Save it closes and falls to the bottom of the page and my Update sql statement contains all the values of the below popups. Wierd huh!

I have tried both using the OKControlID and creating an event handler to do a ModalPopupExtender.Hide(); neither works. I have used the ModalPopupExtender a number of times and have never seen this happen.

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdown List Cancel Selection

Mar 25, 2010

is there a way to cancel the current selection for a cascadingdropdown list ? For example, user changes selection, I present user with option to cancel selection and if he chooses to cancel, then the old value should be reverted.

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AJAX :: Cancel Button Is Not Working For The ConfirmButtonExtender Control

May 21, 2010

When the webpage is in Edit mode, I need to warn the user "Do you want to continue, You may lose you changes" with Ok cancel buttons.I want only one ConfrimButtonExtender control, and I can use some kind of delegation. If any of the Navigation links are clicked, I want to call a javascript method which will trigger the click event of the main Orginal extender button. The code works fine. When I click the any of the navigation links, the Extender controls are fired and Confirm popup is shown. But the Issue is Cancel button is not working. If I click the Cancel button, the page still navigates to other pages

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AJAX :: Cancel Button On ModalPopUpExtender - Reset Parent

May 11, 2010

I have a web form that has a gridview with a dropdown in it. When the selects NO, I show the ModalPopUp with a comment field and that has a Save and Cancel button it. When the user clicks the Cancel button, I want the ModalPopUp to close (which it does), and reset the dropdown in the GridView to {Please Select}, right now, its keeping NO selected which I don't want if Cancel is clicked. is there anyway to accomplish this? So far I haven't found anything online showing/saying it can be done

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AJAX :: Coding Cancel Button On Serverside Fro Modalpopup?

Jan 9, 2010

i am using a modalpopup extend in asp.net using ok and cancel buttons

on cancel click ai m able to activate / execute the cleint side script but i need to activate or execute the server side code when the cancel button od modal popup is clicked

this is the on server side

Sub CancelButton_Click(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Handles CancelButton.Click

but not able to do it

i am using update panel

View 7 Replies

AJAX :: ModalPopUp Cancel Button Event Doesn't Fire?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a modalpopup that i have opening on a radiobutton selection. That works great, opens when it should and closes when you click cancel. BUT i have the following on my cancel button event that is not firing


I also have a button event for my "OK" button and that works great, but my cancel event doesnt seem to fire or work. Maybe the ClearSelection() is not what i need..

I want to clear the radiobutton if they cancel out of the ModalPopUp so they can make a new selection, since its a required field.

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AJAX :: Cancel Button Not Working Inside Update Panel

May 7, 2015

I try to clearn asp.net form on cancel button click using String.Empty but it does not seem to be working. Here's my aspx code:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="AddEmployee.aspx.cs" Inherits="AddEmployee" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajax" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Update,cancel Using Ajax Hovermenu Extender?

Sep 23, 2010

i have simple gridview


here i need to put this template field insted of command fields

<asp:TemplateField HeaderStyle-Width="0px">

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Messagebox With C#?

Jun 17, 2010

i want to have a message box , actually i have a button for saving something, i want if saving is not done, i have a message box, i wrote somethings with javascript but those when boxes appear my page will be disappear, i want to have amessagebox on my page.

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MessageBox Is Not Displaying The Right Value?

May 27, 2010

I have a DropDownList, and when SelectedIndex is changed any event is triggered.

I'm putting on it for exemple msgbox, but it's not working.

EDIT; now that's working after doing AutoPostBack = True.I did this, but i't giving me always '0' as result

Protected Sub VD_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
MsgBox VD.SelectedIndex
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Messagebox With Yes No Button C#?

Feb 4, 2010

how can i prompt messagebox with Yes No button c#.

if yes {
so something
I tried messagebox, but error : messagebox does not exist and then trried to using System.window.forms, error: window does not in the namespace

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Web Forms :: System.Messagebox?

Sep 22, 2010

Using asp.net 3.5. In one my web application I am using the messagebox from system namespace.The messagebox works, but it is always minimized on the bottom tray. I need to click to show up.How do I make it visible when the function is called ( like a regular modal popup)

result = MessageBox.Show()...

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Messagebox Is Shown As Minimized

Dec 31, 2010

I am using MessageBox to display a message in my asp.net application. For this I have included the namespace using System.Windows.Forms; Now When I click the submit button the messagebox is displayed as minimized. I want the messagebox on screen istead of getting minimized.


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How To Show Messagebox From MVC Controller

Feb 5, 2010

showing message box from MVC controller?

The scenario is -

I want to show a message box with Yes/No buttons. On clicking Yes i want to show a confirmation message box. I want to do this using MVC controller?

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