AJAX :: Slider Control - Change Max On Client Side?
Mar 24, 2011
I am dynamically changing a slider control's maximum value based on an onchange event on a different control.
This works successfully. The bar's maximum value has changed, however, my slider can now be moved off of the bar, past the maximum value.
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function Test()
= 'Your new value';
The problem i am having is: I am trying to input the code, but when i type in the javascript, it is not recognising the "innerHTML" value. It is not being promted in my intellisense, therefore the function is not working..is their something i am missing?
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<asp:RadioButton runat="Server" ID="RadioBetween" GroupName="DateGroup" CssClass="date_group_options_control_radio" />
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<script type="text/javascript">
function ValidateDateFields_Client(source, args) [code]...
There are two instances of this control in the page. When running the client side version it hits the wrong one (the version of the control which is disabled). You can see from the generated HTML both are correctly specified. I'm not sure how .NET works out which clientside function to call given they both have the same name.
<script type="text/javascript">
var ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator = document.all ? document.all["ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator"] : document.getElementById("ctl00_MCPH1_QueryTextValidator");
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I know how to do it via RowDataBound as follows: Is there a way to wire it up in ClientValidationFunction property?
Dim NewDte As TextBox
Dim PrvDte As Label
NewDte = CType(e.Row.FindControl("EditReadingDate"), TextBox)
PrvDte = CType(e.Row.FindControl("lblEditLstRdgDte"), Label)
NewDte.Attributes.Add("onkeyup", "javascript:ChkDteMultiple('" & PrvDte.ClientID & "')")
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Feb 8, 2011
I ran an ASP.NET page that i have under development on my local IIS. It uses some dragPanelExtenders as well as some other AJAX Control Toolkit AJAX client side stuff, and in order to show the page to somebody, I wanted to put it up as a plain HTML file, hosted on a live web server (running APACHE). (This is the only public web server I have access to, and I want them to be able to drag some panels and experience the page as it would be when "live")
So, I viewed the page running on my local IIS, then saved the source as a HTML file.
Then copied this HTML file to the web server ( as well as necessary CSS, JS and image files).
When I view this HTML file through the web server, I get this error :
ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.
By debugging, I see that the following lines were in my saved HTML :
<script src="/Insata10/WebResource.axd?d=VAXZudqFsChpNfB" type="text/javascript">
<script src="/Insata10/ScriptResource.axd?d=Dwbyv-OIp-kJQdqf_UMh7wUzi2" type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof(Sys) === 'undefined') throw new Error('ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.');
So, at runtime, the referenced resources "ScriptResource.axd" and "WebResource.axd" were not found.
Is there any way to get whatever is needed from those AXD's to my HTML file, without actually executing anything on IIS?
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but got a readonly error.
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a async file upload control and I am doing client side validation for Image."OnClientuploadstarted" I am doing the client side validation.My validation is working fine but my problem is that the file upload control text box goes green (i.e file is loaded on the server) even if the validation fails which is I dont want.What I want is when the client side validation fails the file does not gets loaded on the server and the Async file upload textbox does not goes green.I have goggled but have not found a suitable solution.
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Aug 27, 2010
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Feb 4, 2010
I have set the ajax tabs disable on form load. ON button click, I want to enable the tab server side,not client side.
protected void btnEnableCostPetroleumTab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TabContainer2.Tabs[0].Enabled = true;
But its not enabling the tab?
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May 18, 2010
in a form i have a buttoin, when click both OnclientClick and postback should happen. on clicking the "Email" button a client side "mailto" tag should do the work and pull a new message window on the client's machine.
whereas, the email addresses should be invoked by the post back. so , when clicking the button the server side post should happen and on return the client side script should be invokded with the values read during post back, and populate all the email addresses.
i need know how to first do a server hit take the values and then execute the client script with those values without using AJAX
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Jan 24, 2016
I am calling server side methids from client side using PageMethods. Can those methods return value back to client side. If yes then how and if no then how can that be achieved? refer to my code below.
function getValuesFromPSS(s,e)
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Jul 16, 2010
I am using VS2010 and .NET4 for a web app. I have a script manager/update panel that has a couple of grids.
The client just leaves the page opens and views an updated grid every 30 seconds or so.
I want to refresh the grid by calling the server side method to load the grid, but not load the whol page using meta refresh or similar (too much screen flicker and unnecessary bandwith).
Is it possible to set some timer using javascript or something and call a specific server method to refresh controls?
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Feb 28, 2011
I want to do something a little bit tricky here. I want to call a server side fonction from the javascript. I know it can be done but I get some errors. This is my Javascript fonction where I want to call the server side fonction:
And this is the code in my VB page:
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Feb 16, 2010
Requirement: An AJAX slider control have two sliders on a single bar. So that max and min can be selected.
Reference: http://www.google.com/finance/stockscreener#c0=MarketCap&c1=PE&c2=DividendYield&c3=Price52WeekPercChange®ion=us§or=AllSectors&sort=&sortOrder=
- see the company distribution slider. Here there are two bars and moving it changes the bided control value as well.
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May 20, 2010
For the ASP.NET validator controls, I want to use both client-side validation for the user experience and server-side validation to guard against hackers. ASP.NET documentation leads me to believe that if EnableClientScript="True" then there will be no server-side validation if client-side validation is possible for the user agent. To get server-side validation, the documentation says use EnableClientScript="False", which bypasses client-side validation altogether.
Am I misunderstanding how the validator controls work? I ask because it seems obvious that many developers would want both client and server side validation together, and I find it hard to believe both together is not possible with one of the standard validation controls.
If I am understanding the ASP.NET documentation correctly, then I can find only two options:
Use two validator controls exactly the same except for their ID and EnableClientScript properties. Obviously ugly for maintaining two controls almost the same.Write some code behind to check if postback then invoke the Validate method on the validator group. Why write code behind if there a way to be automatic from the control?
Is there a way to do so using a single validator control with no code behind?
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Feb 14, 2011
Can i change my Page name on client side like
to like that
so user not know the Page name...............
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