AJAX :: Using CalendarExtender Inside ModalPopupExtender Modal Popup?
Jul 17, 2015how to get modal popup value in current webpage from modal popup access.
View 1 Replieshow to get modal popup value in current webpage from modal popup access.
View 1 RepliesIn my First Page i have a text box and button.
When i click button a new pop with grid view data should open.
After selecting the row in grid view the selected row value should be display in text box and modal should be closed.
I can open the grid view with data but can't able to close and get the value to my text box.
Code for opening popup:
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Fill Form in Popup" OnClick="Button1_Click" />
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender id="mp1" runat="server" popupcontrolid="Panl1" targetcontrolid="Button1"
cancelcontrolid="Button2" backgroundcssclass="Background">
<asp:Panel ID="Panl1" runat="server" CssClass="Popup" Style="display: none">
[Code] .....
I am trying to get a modal popup inside a modal popup?, also i want to fire the modal popup on a condition in a text change event of a textbox?...is this possible and can anyone give me directon on this
View 5 RepliesI saw guide on here [URL] ....
Which I found useful to create gridview with dropdown filter. What my gridview differs from your one is based on ID, a modal is loaded. E.g. there is a column called "review" and in that column there is image that when clicked it loads a modal with details. My question is, how do i do this using the code provided by you. So ID is passed back to code. (So backend knows which row is clicked).
i have created a class as follows which will create a dynamic popup
public static void createModal() {
Button btnShow = new Button();
btnShow.ID = "btnCancel";
Panel p = new Panel();
p.ID = "ModalPanel";
p.Height = Unit.Percentage(300);
p.Width = Unit.Percentage(800);
And in my page my design is as follows
<asp:ScriptManager ID="script" runat="server"></asp:ScriptManager>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="up" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional" ChildrenAsTriggers="true">
<asp:PostBackTrigger ControlID="btnShow" />
</Triggers>--%> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button ID="btnShow" runat="server" Text="Open" OnClick="btnShow_Click"></asp:Button>
This is my code on button click to show the popup
protected void btnShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
If i didnot include the trigger on the page modal is not showing, but if I include the trigger modal popup is showing, can this be achieved with out registering the triggers.
In my asp.net4.0 page, I have 3 Images each embedded in LinkButton :
<asp:LinkButton ID="panImgLnkBtn" runat="server">
<asp:Image runat="server" ID="panImg" BorderStyle="Ridge" BorderColor="Turquoise"
Width="130px" Height="100px" ImageUrl="~/CRMImages/no_image_symbol.png" />
On each image, I want to open a popup with "Download" & "Print" buttons.
I was thinking to create a panel and open a popup on linkbutton click by using ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender . But, I realized that for I will need 3 such panels & ModalPopup's for each image as got to set TargetControlId for each link button.
In my other page, I will have more than 10 images.
What can be the best way to achieve this goal in such way that thru out my app I can call this popup and download or print the image ?
I used modal popup in vs 2010 that is working fine. When user click on button modal popup comes up immediately , I want it comes in transition from top to middle so it looks good.
View 1 RepliesI hav One dynamically created LinkButton in Table.. I want dispaly Modal popup exrender Link button Click event.. on
What Should i specify In TargetControlId field=?..
i tried
void amendQty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ //throw new NotImplementedException();
LinkButton amendQty = sender as LinkButton;
amendQty.ID = "lnkamend";
but itd doesnt work.. and also i tried
void amendQty_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//throw new NotImplementedException();
LinkButton amendQty = sender as LinkButton;
amendQty.ID = "lnlamend";
I am working on a website where i used bootstrap and popup box is of jquery. whenever a popup appears on the screen it hides behind the master page.
View 1 RepliesI want to generate a modalpop by selecting the item either from menu tool or the dropdownlist tool using asp.net c#.
View 1 RepliesIn the problem code, there is a modal popup that is shown using .Show, and that part works fine. A textbox in the popup needs to display text, but I can't get that part to work.
There is a Ajax ModalPopup in one of my web page and 2 buttons inside modal pop up.
HTML code:
<asp:Label ID="lbl" runat="server"></asp:Label>
<cc1:ModalPopupExtender ID="mpe" runat="server" PopupControlID="pnlPopup" TargetControlID="lbl" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground">
<asp:Panel ID="pnlPopup" runat="server" CssClass="modalPopup" >
[Code] ......
I want that when I click on "button 1", I automatically jump to certain <div> tag (at the bottom of Modal pop up) which is related to "button 1" similarly, when I click on "button 2", I automatically jump to certain <div> tag (at the bottom of Modal pop up) which is related to "button 2"...
I'm doing a website with Ajax and Framework3.5.
I have a update panel inside a modalpoupextendar which is in another update panel.
When user need to click the button in the parent update panel the modal popup will appear,
then in the popup if user click a button there I Need to show some text in a user control which placed in the panel.
See the html tag and tel me any solution. Its not working for the first click its working in the second click only.
I've got a datalist sitting inside a modal popup and i'd like to pass a querystring value to it when the user clicks to open the modal popup.an anyone point me in the right direction?Written w/ C#.
View 5 RepliesI have a gridview control which displays columns Name,Comments,Image. when click on an image i am need to open a modal popup extender which will be assigned to panel that contains a textbox,fileupload control,upload,cancel. And now problem is when i press the update button the button_click event i am not able to find the file inside the fileupload control where as i can find text inside textbox. My code is as follows:
<asp:GridView ID="gdvMngTeam" runat="server" CellPadding="4" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None" Width="100%" DataMember="ID"
<FooterStyle BackColor="#507CD1" Font-Bold="True" ForeColor="White" />
For the past couple of days, I've been scouring the Internet looking for a good solution, but it seems all of the examples I'm finding have one or more drawbacks. I've looked at various javascript, jQuery, and AJAX Control Toolkit ModalPopup code and I'm not yet satisfied. I have a web form that does postbacks to update the database and I want it to run in a window such that the user cannot return to the page from which it was launched until it has been closed. I would also like to be able to refresh all or parts of the launching page from the popup page when needed before closing it.
If anyone has successfully implemented something like this, I would be very interested in seeing the particulars in how you made it work.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%=text_searchArea.ClientID %>").autocomplete({
source: function (request, response) {
url: '<%=ResolveUrl("~/Service.asmx/GetLocations") %>',
Modal PopUp Extender Catch exception error and display on modal popup
I have a webpage containing a link to open modal popup
In that web page i there is a label where i want to get the value from modal popup.
Suppose in modal popup i have text box and button when i worte any thing in that text box and submitting that text by popup button then entered text will be appear on the label of webpage.
I have an Ajax ModalPopupExtender on a page. To summarise. I have a link on a page, when I click the link the modal popup displays. On this modalpopup I've a textbox and an 'ok' and 'cancel' button. I wish to find out what was entered in the textbox when the button is clicked I try this but the value of ((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")) is null.
if (((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")).Text == "")
void okButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//if i try this tt does not compile//The name 'theTitle' does not exist in the current context//if(theTitle.Text == "")//{//}
Button button1 = (Button)sender;
//TextBox theTitle = ((ImageButton)(e.Item.FindControl("theTitle")));
if (((TextBox)button1.Page.FindControl("theTitle")).Text == "")
catch (Exception)
I am getting an error while calling a javascript from a dropdownlist which is placed inside a modal pop-up panel. if i am ebeding a small script like onchange="javascript:alert('hello');", it works fine. But if i m using <script> </script> for embeding a javascript its showing 'object doesn't support this property' error. when i debugged it the compiler does not get into the javascript function.
Below is a screenshot of that page.
I have a gridview (gridview-a) with a link button when the user click on this link button it opens a separate modal pop up extender with another grid view (gridview-b) (working fine) I added a close button inside the panel. When the user click on it the modal pop up is getting closed. Excellent.
Now my problem is When I add Edit,Save and Update buttons to the gridview-b ( i.e. Present inside Popup) when ever I click on the edit , or save or update buttons it is going to the gridview-a. How can I avoid that? Do I have to keep the gridview inside a update Panel and make the update mode conditional? If thats true how can I edit , save and delete the rows ( I need to call stored prcedures and all row-databound functions to do that)
I am sending you the code. It Has two PArts First is CLIENT SECTION and Anpother is STATION Section
1) CLIENT SECTION : It has a dropdownlist binded to SQLDataSource and with this it has an imagebutton bAddClient
bAddClient will open the ModalPopup which will ask user to Add new client. And After Adding the New client when User
will close the ModalPopup MY DropDownList is not getting Populated with the New Client. I have Used UpdatePanels Also
2) STATION SECTION : It has a DropDownList, an Image BUtton , And Grid View. In Grid View it shows station details
On particular client selcted above.
I have given the delete station command on deleting the station that particular entry doesnot goes away.
It Should not be visible after it get deleted
Now when i click on imagebutton a modalpopup will open.
Now In modalpopup i have given dropdownlist , image button(to add new station), Some station Info and save button
Now when i click on dropdownlist it used to close the modalpopup then i seet the autopostback = false. Then it works fine. Is it correct way?
Now when i click on imagebutton it asks user to add new station with a textbox , save station button. When users click on savestation button then it adds station to the DB and it should update the dropDownList of ModalPoup without closing it.
But when I am clicking on imagebutton it is closing the modalpoup.
And When user clicks on ModalPoup SSave Button in end it should update GridView of STATAION SECTION too.
<%-- ************** CLIENT SECTION START HERE*******************--%>
<p class="heading">CLIENTS</p>
<br />
<asp:ScriptManager ID="smClientMgmt" runat="server" />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upCMClientInfo" ChildrenAsTriggers = "true" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat ="server" >
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I want to show model popup, I have One asp page in that Collapsible Panel and tow user control and one button, Suppose I click on button then show the model popup and hide the panel and user controls..
View 1 RepliesI'm trying to load a gridview based on selection from dropdownlist. When i run the program, it displays empty gridview. How to solve this?
Name of dropdownlist: CatCode
Code behind:
Private Sub BindProdGrid()
Dim conString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("SY_InventoryConnectionString").ConnectionString
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0
Dim box11 As DropDownList = CType(SalesGView.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(1).FindControl("CatCode"), DropDownList)
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