AJAX :: Webservice Not Being Called

Feb 24, 2011

I am new to ASP.NET (2 months) and my very first assignment is to create a website for a municipality. Purchasing as much reading material as possible, I got started and after some time, I have a decent website (coded in C#) that is ready to be internally tested on the departmental webserver. The Web server is running IIS 7 and the pages were developed with Visual Studio 2010. On the main default page, I wanted to implement a slide show using the AJAXControlToolkit which I installed. I watched the ASP.net tutorial [URL] and literally coded my slide show verbatim. I try to launch my slideshow within my default.aspx page and absolutely nothing happens. The steps that I took are

1. Created a webservice (SlidesService.asmx) which generated a code behind file (SlidesService.cs).

2. I created the web method GetSlides() containing a 22 element array which I place in the code behind file.

3. Implement the ToolkitScriptManager establishing my image control.

4. Defined my Previous, Play and Next buttons.

5. Implemented my SlideShowExtender providing my SlideShowServicePath and SlideShowServiceMethod.

Assumptions: In doing all of the above, I noticed that the SlidesService.asmx file needs no code (as I placed all code within the codebehind file). The SlidesService.cs code behind file should reside in the App_Code folder whereas the the SlidesService.asmx file can remain in the root folder. No Button e.g Button_Click needs to be attached to the code behind source file. If I have conveyed my steps properly, can anyone shed some light on why when clicking the play button, nothing happens? Code is listed below.


SlidesService.asmx - code
<%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/SlidesService.cs" Class="SlidesService" %>

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type: "POST",
url: "/services/CheckUsername.asmx/CheckUsername", // this doesn't get called
//url: "/services/CheckUsername.ashx/ProcessRequest", this gets called
data: '{ "context": "' + "username" + '"}',
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AJAX :: Getting A Function To Run On OK When ModalPopupExtender Is Called?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm having some trouble getting this to work. basically I got the modalpopup to show, and when it's shown i have 2 buttons (Yes and Cancel). When yes is clicked i want a function to be called. Here is my asp.net code:


<asp:Button ID="btnMpeDummy" runat="server" Text="Test" style="display:none" />
<ajaxtk:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="cbeDelScn" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnMpeDummy" DisplayModalPopupID="mpeDelScn" />
<ajaxtk:ModalPopupExtender ID="mpeDelScn" runat="server" TargetControlID="btnMpeDummy" PopupControlID="pnlDelScn" OkControlID="btnDelScnYes" CancelControlID="btnDelScnCancel" BackgroundCssClass="modalBackground" />
<asp:Panel ID="pnlDelScn" runat="server" CssClass="modalDialog" style="display:none; width:300px;">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="upnl3" runat="server" ><ContentTemplate >
<asp:Label ID="lblDelScn" runat="server" Text="Delete Iteration" />
</ContentTemplate></asp:UpdatePanel><br /><br />
<asp:Button ID="btnDelScnYes" runat="server"
<asp:Button ID="btnDelScnCancel" runat="server"
ToolTip="No" />


And here is my VB code:

Protected Sub btnDelScnYes_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UI.UIIterationList.IterationListEventArgs) Handles btnDelScnYes.Click
Dim scn As dat.Iteration = New dat.Iteration(e.iterationID, SessUserID)
End Sub

Not sure if this is useful, but just some info: My page have a list of iterations. there are several columns to this table. when the last column is clicked, the modal popup shows and asks the user if to confirm if he/she wants to delete this iteration which is this code:

Dim scn As dat.Iteration = New dat.Iteration(e.iterationID, SessUserID)

so i'm trying to get the funtion to be called, but it's not working. when you click "OK" nothing happens. when i debug it and trace the logic it doesn't even go into the above VB subroutine.

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AJAX :: JQuery WebMethod Not Getting Called?

May 7, 2015

My problem is that I have a jqury function basically I want to add gridview row into data base .so that pupose I am doing that by accessing webmethod ,but the web method can’t call from that code .

My data can’t save into data base I will check it.value should be passed but problem is that this function can’t call webmethod I will check it doing debudg.

my function should be call  webmethod

Following my code

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {


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Now, editting the word

csNeedsPO => the autocomplete populates as expected succesfully.

csAux.Value => doesnT trigger the method in the background.

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However it doesnt seem to change the onclick event for that button, it doesnt throw an error though.

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I noticed these web methods execute synchronously on the server which means they run sequentially and affect performance negatively, some methods are waiting, when some of them are slow.

I read this article and I am not sure if I understand that WebMethods which implement Scriptmethod can run synchronously only (they implement IHttpHandler not IHttpAsyncHandler).

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and I call this function from JavaScript as below:


I want to know what is this technique called and what is the advantage of calling the function on that way

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AJAX :: External Javascript Not Called While Calling It From A Control Inside Modal Popup?

Mar 27, 2010

I am getting an error while calling a javascript from a dropdownlist which is placed inside a modal pop-up panel. if i am ebeding a small script like onchange="javascript:alert('hello');", it works fine. But if i m using <script> </script> for embeding a javascript its showing 'object doesn't support this property' error. when i debugged it the compiler does not get into the javascript function.

Below is a screenshot of that page.

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AJAX :: Fire A Javascript Onclick Function Before The Server Side Event(SelectedNodeChanged) Called?

May 12, 2010

I have developed a web application which contains aspdotnet treeview control. In this treeview control has binded with some database value.. that controls has one parent node and more than one child nodes for each parent node.

my problem is here, when the user clicks the parent node, I need to fire a javascript onclick function before the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged) called..

If I provide javascript to the parnet node when it is binding, then I could not fire the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged).

How to provide onclick javascript event for parent node in treeview control even the parent node has SelectedNodeChanged event.

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AJAX :: Use CascadingDropDown Without WebService?

Feb 2, 2010

Can I Use CascadingDropDown without WebService?

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AJAX :: Using JavaScript And WebService?

Mar 10, 2010

I am planning to use a Javascript call to a WebService to retrieve data from the database. At the moment I am using Ajax to do this. But since the Ajax is slowing down the performance of my application. I have read in some article that even though Ajax only refreshes the Update panel contents, Ajax does a full round trip to the server. What I need to know is how can I populate a Grid from data coming from a WebService via a Javascript call.

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AJAX :: How To Populate Listview Using Webservice

Jan 19, 2010

i have application with 2 cascading dropdownlists that got populated using web service, when a value was picked in the first one the second filled with values, now when the second one got selected i want to poulate listview with images links.

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AJAX :: Broadcast New Data Using Webservice?

Jun 8, 2010

I am working on an application just like any fast food restaurant uses for example McDonalds.

Basically, application consists of three parts.

1) Web Application # 1 to take orders (Used by the clerk(s))

2) Web Application # 2 to process orders (used by the chef back in the kitchen)

3) WebService returns new orders (with PENDING status) to Web Application # 2.

Write now, Application # 1 adds new orders to the database. Application # 2 calls the WebService to get new ordes by REFRESSHING the page again and again. Refreshing the page over and over again is the problem.

I want the WebService to automatically send new data (oredrs with PENDING status) to Web Application # 2 whenever Application #1 add new order.

Application # 1 can call WebService (sending true flag) to let it konw that something has been added so the WebService can broadcast new date to Application # 2

Here is the flow which I am trying to achieve

Application # 1 (Takes new Order)
Application # 1 then call WebService (sending true)

WebService (if true is received), send new data to WebApplication # 2, cause postback on Applicatin # 2 automatically

For Example just imagine when you walk in McDonalds

Clerk takes your order -> New order is automatically send to the Kitchen (to process order)

Here is the breakdown

Application # 1 = Clerk taking order
WebService = Mechanism which is sending new order to Kitchen
Application # 2 = Monitor in the Kitchen receiving orders.

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AJAX :: Looking For A Real Time Example For Webservice

Apr 2, 2010

Iam new to webservices,Till now I did not use web service.Anybody can you give a real time example for webservice.Please it will be very useful for me.

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AJAX :: Cascading Dropdowns Using 'webservice'

Apr 13, 2010

This has totally spoiled my .net 4 vs2010 realease day happiness. Running Cascading dropdowns using 'webservice' asmx method. Everything worked on .3.5 and i solved the running 'code In page' method with this post. Method error 500 [URL] Thought I was sorted but seems the rules are totaly different for the 'webservice method'. For example where did ToolkitScriptManager come from Ive been using ScriptManager for years. Anyway below is the Webservice and Page code. Ive looked at and tried everything of the forum but all of it is pre .4. This is demo code, the real version has 3 dependant dropdowns and the lookups are used several times so it HAS to be a webservice. My current theroies are:

1. Permissions- dosent makes sense.
2. Something missing in web.config to enable webservices.
3. Something to do with placement of 'System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()>'

<%@ Page Language="VB" ValidateRequest="false" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Default.aspx.vb" Inherits="Default2" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<%@ Register assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" tagprefix="asp" %>
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DDListManufacturer" runat="server" CssClass="ddsearch" Width="140px">
<asp:CascadingDropDown ID="DDListManufacturer_CascadingDropDown" runat="server" Category="Manufacturer"
PromptText="Select a manufacturer"
</html ............................................

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