AJAX :: "Year" Select Year Only From Calendar Extender?

Apr 13, 2010

i dont kn hw to do it, i'v a textBox "txtYear" and calndr ex "exYear"i want to select ' only year' when click on Year - it should not open months of that year i m shwng DefaultView="Years", bt need code to select year

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Similar Messages:

AJAX Calendar Extender Select Month And Year?

Mar 9, 2010

Is it real and how can I think about it.To make so the user will select only the month and year, not date, because he need a period on full month, not some date. here is simple control ...

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" />
<asp:CalendarExtender ID="TextBox3_CalendarExtender" runat="server"
Enabled="True" TargetControlID="TextBox3" />

but Calendar selects the day ... I need select the month.

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AJAX :: Another Stab At Calendar Extender Year Only?

Jan 28, 2010

A few posts in the last year or so with folks trying to get the calendar extender to work with year only. I know folks will say, "Hey make a dropdownlist!". not always. in my particular application I am having years that potentially would need to go back 40+ years, and I'd rather not have a dropdown with 40+ values in it. Not to mention in a few years have to update it again.

So building off of
http://weblogs.asp.net/aghausman/archive/2009/05/31/how-to-show-and-select-month-year-in-calendar-extender.aspx?CommentPosted=true#commentmessage I am trying to get it to be a Year Only view. Here's my code.



What I am having an issue with is that this code technically works. It works when I have the alert() in there. I take that alert out and it has weird behavior. Selecting the first or last cell in the calendar control without the alert will jump decades. For example I will click 1989 and I'll get 1969 in the texbox with the extender on it. I'm pretty sure I am lost in the loop somewhere or I have a elementary code/logic error. But after spending way too much time messing with this I figured another set of trained eyes might be able to help.This if resolved would be a nice feature to be able to have at the communities finger tips, an ajax year selector.

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AJAX :: Calendar Extender For Finacial Year?

Mar 24, 2010

need current finacial year when i select a date from calendar extender.i use the below function and it working fine without master page but not it working in master page.Error is :-_selectDate is null or not an object


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AJAX :: Calendar Extender With Year And Month Dropdown

Aug 3, 2010

Is there a way to show year and month drop down on the calendar extender like the jquery ui calendar, If so could you kindly post it for me. If not would you be willing to show me how to do the jquery ui calender with Start Theme.

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How To Insert A Drop Down List For Year And Month Into An Ajax Calendar Extender Control

Mar 4, 2011

I am having an application which should contains a datepicker with drop down list for year and month. So how can I insert Drop down list into an ajax calendar extender control. I can't use 3rd party .dll like Calendar extender plus or 3rd party tools like jquery.

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Calendar Extender - Day Of Year - Day Of Week

Feb 8, 2016

I am trying to verify what day of the year has been selected from the calendar extender in asp.net.I know that in vb.net for example I would verify if the day selected is after the 121st day of the year, the syntax would be:

If DateTimePickerCheckIn.Value.DayOfYear >= 121
Then some code...

It seems that value is not accepted after the declaration of the calendar extender. how to know if the day is Friday. For example, in VB.NET, the syntax would be :

checkInDate.Value.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.Friday

It seems I can not find any documentation on this subject.

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AJAX :: Financial Year In Maskedit Extender?

Jun 1, 2010

i use following code to calculate financial year.when i select a date in calendar extender then financial year dispaly in a textbox.i need it in maskedit extender.how can i do in in Maskedit extender.



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AJAX :: MaskedEditExtender Auto-fills In Year As "0001" When Year Entered Is 01?

Feb 23, 2011

I am facing an issue in MaskedEditExtender control on date.The valid date format is mm/dd/yyyy in my application.If I enter 2 digits in the year like 11,then automatically it takes as 0011 but i want it as 2011.I tried setting default century as 2000 but of no Further after some research,i tried to locate MaskedEditBehavior.js file but was unable to do so.

View 13 Replies

AJAX :: Automatically Add One Year To Selected Date Of Calendar Using JavaScript

May 7, 2015

<cc1:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" />
<asp:ImageButton runat="server" ID="ImageButton1" ImageUrl="~/Calendar.png" />
<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1"

[Code] ...

This is the code I want to add 1 year here Sender._SelectedDate

<script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientDateSelectionChanged(sender, args) { $find("<%=CalendarExtender2.ClientID %>").set_startDate(sender._selectedDate); }</script>

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AJAX :: Ajax Calendar Control How To Jump To Specific Year

Feb 2, 2010

I am using ajax calendar control, i can only go month by month when the arrows are clicked.is it possible to open a year combo box to jump to specific years months.If i want to put a date of 2012, i will have to click almost 24 times to get to 2012 year.

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AJAX :: AJAX Calendar Control -show Year Only In Textbox?

Mar 16, 2011

define OnClientShown client event for calendar, and you can set the mode to "year only" in this event,


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Databases :: Data Storage - Handle Record Year By Year

Jan 28, 2010

I develop a asp.net web application with mysql database. Our monthy data entry records will be over 700. Here I would like to know : could mysql safely handle this monthly records year by year?to handle these records, should I need to make any registration to mysql for any services?is mysql a totally free database?

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AJAX :: Ajax Calendar Jump To Specific Year?

Jan 24, 2010

i am using ajax calendar in my project but i can only navigate month by month, jump to specific year is it possible is it possible to jump to specifuc year or navigate year by year option via arrows.i see arrows going month by month.

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Web Forms :: Validate Year Should Be Less Than Current Year Using Customvalidater

Feb 25, 2016

In an Textbox to accept the year before the current year how will validate.

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AJAX :: Allow User To Select Particular Month Year Within Date Range In CalendarExtender

Jun 23, 2012

I have two drops downs one for dislaying month & other for year till the current year

Here all months & year from 1900 till current year is displayed

I need to display the month or make user select the month & year only till one year back , not beyond that current month is june 2012

The user should be able to select months from may 2011 to june 2012  only

 Same thing I need to accomplish with calendar control....

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C# - Create A Calendar That Displays One Year From Today?

Jun 17, 2010

I would like to create a calendar that displays a year from today(everyday) and allows the user to select the multiple dates.

I tried to use the asp:calendar without any success

I am developing in C# .NET

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Web Forms :: Calendar Control - Changing The Year?

Jul 14, 2010

I want to know if it is possibe and a general idea on how to do so: Populate a calender control's year based on a value selected by the user in a drop down menu.

The layout will have the general description of: 2 Drop down menu's side by side with one populated from 1900-2020 (the years) and another populated with January - December (the months). Once a user selects a year (which is a auto post back drop down box) the year should reflect on the load event, or on the index changed event on the drop down, and show the year / month that is selected in the drop down menu's.

Is this possible to accomplish? I thought it would be as easy as Calender1.SelectedDate.Year = 1909 ; however, this throws the error saying that this particular property on the control is "Read Only".

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Availability Calendar Showing Full Year?

Jan 18, 2011

I am looking for a asp.net control that will display a full year in a grid format, with each month as a row and each day in the month as the columns. I have found the following classic ASP script which produces the correct format: http://www.livio.net/code/calendar_36/CalendarTestYearly36.asp?infomode=HELP (see Yearly Calendar)Is anything like this available or is there a way to do this simply without a specific control? I am new to asp.net.

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Web Forms :: Calendar To Navigate To Next Year On Button Click

Jan 6, 2010

I need to add a button above a Calendar Control that "jumps" forward with 1 year in case the user wants to book for an event next year, without having to click the >>NEXT MONTH linkButton 12 times?

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Web Forms :: Add A Drop Down Month And Year For The Calendar Object?

Dec 24, 2010

I want to do a drop down for the year and month for a calendar object. How would I go about that:


Using: VB.net code; Visual web developer 2008; Asp.net; SQL server 2008 db

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Set Year In Calendar Control From Code Behind

May 7, 2015

I have a dropdownlist with year value i.e. 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014 etc... and a calender control.

I want a user when select a particular year from dropdownlist then the calendar of selected year should show..

For ex :- if i choose 2012 then only calendar of 2012 should be show 

And one more question can i display each calendar of 12 months if i use one calendar control ? if it is, then how ?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Month-year Of The Calendar Control Into Label.text

Nov 29, 2010

I have a standard calendar control and is now showing Nov 2010 calendar on page.

I want it return to label1.text as Nov-2010. Then I want when users click forward arrow and turn Calendar to Dec 2010, I want Dec-2010 be displayed in label1.text. ie not when user click a particular date but when user click Calendar to a particular month the Calendar is showing.

What is the code for that ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Gridview To Show A Year Overview Calendar?

Feb 25, 2011

I need to develop a custom calendar/scheduler view in ASP.NET that show all days of the year, with the days in row header, and the months in a column header. Is this achievable in a gridview? If so, can anyone help me provide the basic logic to do this? If possible at all? I've looked at all of the calendar/scheduler controls out there, but none of them have a good full year overview, so I'm trying to develop a custom one and thought about the gridview. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC 1 blabla1 blabla2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ...

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Web Forms :: Select Day / Month And Year In DropDownList Using Date From TextBox

May 7, 2015

i have complete date in a textbox i want to make the selected value in drop down list_days equal the day part of textbox,the selected value in drop down list_months equal the month part of textbox & the selected value in drop down list_years equal the year part of textbox to make the user update it if he want i tried to find the answer but i coudn't.

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