AJAX :: Disable Rest Of Screen While Showing ConfirmButton Modal Dialog?

Feb 22, 2010

I have some basic code to show a confirm popup, but it doesn't disable the rest of the page until the user sleects an option.

(so the user is still able to click on another link, etc).


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Data Controls :: Showing A Modal Dialog Box Or Form When Application Is Not Running In UserInteractive Mode

May 7, 2015

When I develop a program in asp.net using vb it run 100% fine in my system but when i upload in domain server and click any button then error comes

Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserInteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or DefaultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.

I develop some simple projects and all of projects can not run on server. Is it problem with our controls ?

I have any new way to program for server side program?

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Cannot Prevent Users To Interact With The Rest Of The Page

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I am new to ASP.Net. I use the Modal Popup. The popup works but I can still interact with the rest of the page. what I am doing wrong?

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Dialog Validation?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a button Import on my page. Upon pressing this button, a modal popup dialog appears where the user can enter path of the import file. I have a required field validator to make sure the user entered the path. And I have there a Submit button. My problem is that validation happens not only when I press the Submit button on the modal popup, but also when I press any button on the page itself, which is wrong.

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MVC :: Show Ajax Modal Dialog And Get The Data?

Dec 8, 2010

what i want to do is that , i have html.actionlink and i want when the user click show a ajax modal dialog to it and get the data.

for example in my view INVOICES i have <%html.actionlink("Select Customers","actionresult","controller")%> and i want when user click the link , show the modal dialog who contain the list of customers. after the user click one customers come back to my INVOICES view with the ID of selected customers.

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I am using MVC2 on VS2010 Express edition. I followed a post by Dino Esposito on UI with JQuery passing data to a dialog from strongly typed views. I can't make the dialog work with modal:true option.Here I have a simple page that includes RenderPartial for a dialog. The dialog is supposed to pop up when a button is clicked. However, if I include modal:true as one of the dialog options, then when the button is clicked nothing happens. The dialog does not pop up. When I remove modal:true from the dialog options then dialog pops up as expected and closed as expected.

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AJAX :: Open Up A Modal Pop Up Dialog With A Gridview Inside?

Oct 28, 2010

I m trying to open up a modal pop up dialog with a gridview inside. The problem is there is no pop up opens when i click the button. Here is the code below.Any help would be great.


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AJAX :: Modal Popup After File Download Dialog Window?

Jun 23, 2010

I am exporting a datatable to an excel sheet. When the ExportToExcel event is fire it pops up a "file download dialog" asking if I want to open or save. What I want to do is right after user clicks on open, or save I would like to show a modal popup saying "Do you want to finalize this download?".

Here is some code, it all works except it won't show modal popup after exporting to excel. Why won't mpeFinalizeDownload.Show() run unless I comment out the line above it?


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MVC :: Partial View In Modal Dialog (using Ajax/jQuery) - How To Handle Invalid Modelstate

Mar 18, 2010

After wading through quite a few articles on creating modal forms (using partial views and jquery) I got things working fine for my login....as long as you enter a valid login though!

What I did:

Created a partial view containing my login form.

In my action controller, the get action just return a PartialViewResult, which get dealt with by a bit of jQuery in my master:[Code]....

Like I said this works fine. Now the post action of my login check if it's a valid login, and if so send the user to the passed returnurl or the home page.

However, if the validation fails, I now return the partial view again, which work , but the partial get displayed by itself instead of rendering in the modal form that was opened by jquery.

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AJAX :: Validation Summary In JQuery Dialog Modal Popup Box Not Working With Update Panel

Dec 23, 2015

I'm using the ASP.Net Validation controls and I want to display the Validation Summary in a JQuery Dialog instead of the native javascript alert messagebox. I've found this solution (aspsnippets) by overriding the clientside WebForm_OnSubmit() function:

<script type="text/javascript">
function WebForm_OnSubmit() {
if (typeof (ValidatorOnSubmit) == "function" && ValidatorOnSubmit() == false) {
title: "Validation Error!",
modal: true,
resizable: false,

[Code] ....

The WebForm_OnSubmit() function is being rendered by the BaseValidator control and in the form tag te following attribute is being added: onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();

I am running into a problem on a page which has an UpdatePanel. The input field with the validator (1 to make it simple) is in a Panel within an UpdatePanel. The Panel is set to Visible=False at the first Page Load. There's a button inside the UpdatePanel which makes the Panel with the Validator Visible.

When this happens, the WebForm_OnSubmit() function and the onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit(); attribute of the form tag are not being rendered because it's an AJAX callback and the form tag is outside the updatepanel (in a master page), so the validation summary will not be shown in the jquery dialog.

Validation is being performed, so the validation summary wil be shown in a div on a page, but the validation is not being called by the WebForm_OnSubmit() function in this case, because it's not being rendered.

Here's the markup of the page:

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:Button ID="btnNew" runat="server" Text="New" />
<asp:Panel ID="pnlEdit" runat="server">

[Code] ....

So, when the validators are not visible at the first load and they will be made visible by an AJAX callback, the WebForm_OnSubmit() function and the onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit(); attribute of the form tag are not being rendered on the pag. Because of that, the WebForm_OnSubmit() function will not be called and the validation summary will not be shown in the JQuery dialog (although it is being shown in a div on the page). How can I get the Validation Summary to be shown in de JQuery dialog in this case?

Is there another function that has to be overriden for this case? I know I can use a Full Postback for the New button and then all the stuff needed is being rendered on the page, or I can make the panel not visible by using a style, but I don't prefer that because there are a lot of pages with this situation.

One solution is to use a dummy textbox with a dummy validator (with a dummy validationgroup) of which I set the display to none. Then this dummy validator will cause the the WebForm_OnSubmit() function and the onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit(); attribute of the form tag to be rendered.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup And Other Extenders Not Showing?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm trying to add a modal popup extender to a site I'm working on, which I've done before, but its not working. The markup below is inside an update panel in my site and the function is in the code file. how I can get this to work? I've tried re-downloading the AJAX dll and replacing it but that didn't change anything and some of the controlsare working (like the slideshow extender but not the hovermenu extender or parts of the html editor control, both of which I also need to use) which leads me to believe my web.config is correct.


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AJAX :: Modal Popup Showing Behind The Background?

Jun 23, 2010

I am having a problem with the modal popup in that it never seems to popup and can be seen behind the background and not able to be accessed. I have tried setting the z-index of the panel above that of the background using css but this makes no difference.

My code is as follows:


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AJAX :: Modal Popup Disappears After Showing In IE7

Aug 25, 2010

Currently having problems with a modal popup. When you click its target control it will show up the hide itself again.

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Showing Incorrect Data

Nov 11, 2010

I have a buttonfield which is being handled by the gv_RowCommand function to Show() the modal popup extender which will then do the actual submission of data. When I actually try it out, the ID which is being displayed on the popup is not of the index of the row that triggered the Command, but the previous one. If no row is actually Selected in the beginning, no value pops up. Here's the source... I need help resolving this so that the ID of the row actually selected is displayed in the label. That way I can use that value for the commands that will then be executed by the modal panel's buttons. MPE Panel


<asp:GridView ID="gvFillReceived" runat="server" AllowPaging="true" Width="95%"

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AJAX :: Showing Progress Bar Right After Closing Modal Popup Extender

Nov 2, 2010

i have a question, i have a list box with a button below that, when user click on the button modal popup will open (created by Ajax modal Extender ) then user enter somthing on the text box and click on the save next, modal popup will close , and user can see his/her added item in the list box, how can i add some progress bar showing 3 to 5 seconds progress right after closing modal popup window? my code has enclosed:


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AJAX :: Trigger Confirmbutton Every 10 Minutes After Pageload?

Jan 10, 2010

How can I trigger a ajax confirmbutton every 10 minutes after pageload? Like a warning before the sessions ends.

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AJAX :: Change ConfirmButton Buttons Text?

Mar 23, 2011

I would like to change the 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons texts without using the ModalDialog option thing. I suppose that using JavaScript will be the answer, but how?

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AJAX :: Call ConfirmButton From Hyperlink If Javascript Is Enabled?

Feb 19, 2010

I know normally you call ConfirmButton from a control that does postbacks, but afew of my users don't have javascript enabled which is a showstopper.

So I'm trying to use a standard asp:hyperlink with a URL to the next page, and if the user has javascript it will call the ConfirmButton on the onclick event (and if returns true will follow the URL in the hyperlink).

If they dont have javascript, it will just follow the hyperlink without a confirmation.

This is similar to have a return confirm ("sure?") in the onclick event of a hyperlink, to fire a traditional js confirm

So far I have only got this:



how I can manually call the ConfirmButton with an onclick even in the hyperlink, and return true or false?

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How To Search A Gridview In A Modal Popup On The Screen

Feb 28, 2011

In a project I need to show a gridview in a popup modal panel that includes a gridview binded, textbox and a button. I want the user to enter a customer number in the textbox, click the button and update the gridview with the sqldatasource control binded to it. Obviously there needs to be a postback. How do I do this keeping the modal popup on the screen?

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Using JQuery UI's Modal Dialog Inside .NET?

Nov 17, 2010

Currently I have a project where I have a form in ASP.NET that needs a look up service. For example the input below wants a Customer ID, but maybe the user only knows the customers by name.

<input name="CustomerId" type="text" id="CustomerId" />

I'd like to use jQuery UI's modal dialog to append an image to the right of this input, which fires dialog("open") containing the necessary code to look up a customer by name, returning the ID back to the form input upon closing the dialog. This is extremely similar functionality to the Datepicker's icon trigger found here: http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#icon-trigger .Right now, I have this javascript:

autoOpen: false,
modal: true,[code]....

I need to be able to pass the ID of the input element into jQuery, probably using the $(this) selector somehow. I'd like to be able to re-use the same code for multiple elements on the same form that require the customer ID look up. I also don't know how to create this kind of functionality inside the ASP.NET environment because it doesn't fundamentally allow more than one form inside one .aspx page.

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MVC :: How To Show Logins In A Modal Dialog

Nov 22, 2010

What is the easiest way to show logins in a modal dialog? I'd prefer using JQuery but whatever will show up the login page (in a partial?) whenever i decorate a method with [Authorize] would be great.

Ive been searching for the past couple hours and i cant find anything useable.

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How To Populate JQuery Modal Dialog

Nov 30, 2010

I have a application that contains a gridview. When a user selects one of the items from the gridview, I want to be able to show a jQuery dialog box that contains a form with some pre-filled information from the selected item from the gridview. Right now I have a div with some html text boxes that is set to be a modal dialog box. The user clicks on it, and the selected item's ID is easily to retrieve. The problem comes when I want to go out to the database, get some of the details, then pre-fill in some of the textboxes and other elements before displaying the dialog box to the user.

An easy comparison is having a user click on an item so that they can submit a form to be processed with some of the items from the selection already filled in. I was wondering what the easiest way to go about this is. Right now I have it so that selecting an item from the gridview uses jQuery to do a Ajax post with the ID to a [WebMethod] in the code behind where it can then go off the database and get all the details of the record. The problem is that for obvious reasons the WebMethod can't magically fill in the fields of the form. I could send back all of the information to the ajax query to fill in, but that also feels pretty messy because there is no real strong connection from the random data I send back and which field they belong to.

A lot of this is pondering out loud, but I am really interested in better understanding how to use jQuery and Ajax within ASP.NET.

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C# - Modal Dialog - SharePoint 2010?

Jun 22, 2010

I am currently working on creating a ModalPopUp for SharePoint Web Part.I am facing compatibility issues with ModalPopupExtender (with IFrame).

What are the other options available in SharePoint 2010 or ASP.NET for getting a Modal Popup?

Note: I have tried ModalPopupExtender and OpenModalDialog.

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