AJAX :: Display AlwaysVisibleControl Demonstration Clock

Apr 20, 2010

I am a newbie C# programmer and would like to display a running clock on my Asp.net web page such as the one used in this demo.

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AJAX :: Display Digital Clock In Master Page

Feb 1, 2010

I want to display a digital clock in master page, i have done this, using Timer control & updatepanel. when Timer_tick event happens, my content page gets reloaded, this is due to updatepanel in content page. Here i dont want to reload the page. Is there any other way to do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert 12 Hrs Clock To 24 Hrs Clock

Feb 27, 2010

clearanceDate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString();

The above code is displaying dateTime in 12 Hours clock.I want to convert it into 24 Hours clock.

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AJAX :: AlwaysVisibleControl Not Visible?

Jul 27, 2010

I have a page with an AlwaysVisibleControl with dynamic data inside of it. I have three link buttons, option 1, 2 and 3. When option 1 is clicked a bunch of 'about me' data is displayed, for two some photos etc.The problem comes when the data is longer than the page size. Becuase it's an alwaysvisiblecontrol it the page's scrollbar doesn't adjust to allow the user to see all of the information.

Is there a way around this? I'm pretty clueless on how to solve this so any advice / tutorials / examples would be great. I have googled this problem but to no avail.

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AJAX :: Disable AlwaysVisibleControl In Javascript?

Mar 31, 2010

It's about 100px from the top of the window. As the user scrolls the first 100 pixels, I want the panel to be static until the panel reaches the top of the window. Then I want the AlwaysVisibleControl behavior to kick in keep the panel visible as the user continues scrolling. This is the javascript I have set up to do it:

function window.onscroll() {
var tblTop_vscroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
var avceTopBehavior = $find('avceTopBehavior'); //BehaviorID of panel
if (avceTopBehavior != null) {


This isn't working. Am I misunderstanding what dispose() and initialize() are supposed to do? Is there a better way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

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Sep 27, 2010

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AJAX :: Collision Between Alwaysvisiblecontrol And ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript?

Jan 12, 2011

I use AlwaysVisibleControl in a page and show a result of data access in popup with ClientScript(or

ScriptManager). RegisterStartupScript. ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "error",
"<script language=javascript> alert('* Saved well.');</script>", true); When popup window appears after postback, alwaysvisiblecontrol is on wrong location. (Initial html coded place not the alwaysvisible targeted place) After I click OK button of poput, alwaysvisiblecontrol locates at target place. I want this popup locates target place before popup window popups up.

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Oct 4, 2010

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Feb 3, 2011

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Jul 6, 2010

how to suppress the "AM" in the gridview (template Bind("RideTimeMin", "{0:t}")? Don't tell me to use military time because the function is not "time on a clock"; it's how much time is allowed for a task (in this case the min/max hours & minutes that horses have to complete a 20 mile trail; e.g. 05:00, 05:27, etc). I'm currently accomplishing this in the "ondatabound" function by "..RTmin.Replace("AM","")". I have looked and looked at all the websites that talk about datetime formatting but have yet to find a way to do it upfront in the gridview bind statement.

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Sep 20, 2010

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Mar 12, 2010

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