AJAX :: Pass Multiple Parameters To Wcf Service Using Auto Complete Extender?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a wcf service and method returns a string array as follows


How can I pass required multiple parametes (name, cuo, year ) to this service using ajax AutoCompleteExtender.

If I could not use autocopleteExtender what would be the best way to achieve this.

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Are Not Firing

Jan 5, 2010

i have created one user control in which i have to show ajaax autocomplete extender. i write all the code for this in my other it works fine.... but in this code this is not working. for this i have teaken coutry list.xml from net.


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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Does Not Trigger

Jun 3, 2010

I followed the exact step on the tutorial, but it seems that the GetCompletionList never get triggered.


This is in my code behind file:


I put a break point on the return line, but that was never triggered.[URL]

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Stops

Aug 24, 2010

when the textbox of the autocomplete extender looses focas the auto complete xtender stops the returning any results or even firing events(onpopulating, onpupulated).

and I there any way to know when the extender fires the request(provide code example if you can).

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Is Not Working?

Nov 24, 2010

I am using Autocomplete Extender and it is not working .I am sending my Code Please Checked it.


<asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" runat="server" CssClass="txt" Width="500px" AutoComplete="Off"/>
<cc1:AutoCompleteExtender ID="txtSearch_AutoCompleteExtender" runat="server"


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AJAX :: Using Auto Complete Extender Using Web Method?

May 1, 2010

i want to make my auto complete clickable and populate my gridview

i.e if i choose company name as 'hts' the following details of that company should be displayed in gridview from my auto complete textbox

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender With Database?

Feb 4, 2010

I have decided to use the Ajax Auto complete extender with a database, i found some cool articles on google to do this, but i cannot get it to work, I am trying a simple example where i have 1 textbox and i am trying to obtain products from the products table in the northwind database, heres my code (its not working)




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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Not Working?

Aug 25, 2010

I have written everything in that Control but that extender is not working.

my Webservice is working properly

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AJAX :: Cannot Drop Down Position For Auto Complete Extender

Jun 1, 2010

I am using ASP.net 2.0 and AJAX 2.0. I implemented successfully auto-complete extender for my text box and it is working very good. But the problem is for Drop down list position. When the page first load and at that time if we use auto complete drop down will come properly but if the scroll bar position change then drop down will overlap the text box and it will change the position. For more info I will put screen of it.

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Key Value Pair In Listview?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm pretty new to ASP.Net and I came across a problem using Ajax AutocompleteExtender. Currently I'm trying to update the database table through ListView. More precisely - I'm trying to update foreign key (PARTNER_ID). Basically I need the DropDown functionality out of a Autocomplete Extender because I have a very long list of partners. I managed to get key/value pairs back to Autocomplete Extender but I can't insert the value into a hidden filed that I use to update the table. This is as far as I got - the error I get from compiler is:

Compiler Error Message: CS0103: The name 'ACEValueEdit' does not exist in the current context

Here is the code:

Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="OdgovorneOsobe.aspx.cs" Inherits="Farmex_CRM.WebForm3" %>

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AJAX :: Is There A Way To Speed Up The Auto Complete Extender Control

May 31, 2010

I did the tutorial on this site for the auto completer control. It can be found here[URL] to see the code.

It uses a page method that has the words in a string array for the auto-completer. It works but it's really slow. There is a delay of a half second or so before it appears. Even when I have cache enabled it's really slow. The array only has 5 or 6 words in it. I can't imagine how slow it would be with a much larger list. Which is how this would really be useful.

Is there a way to speed this up? I know I've seen these on the web that worked better. It seems like if this were done using a service that it would be way too slow.

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender In Embedded Control

Nov 15, 2010

I have a simple page createuser.aspx

on that page is a custom control userdetails.ascx


But is the use of a control if i have to place the methods in every page, might as well copy paste the whole this.

From this i assume that it can be done differently, properly.

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AJAX :: How To Use Auto Complete Extender In .master Page

Mar 11, 2010

I have to use auto complete extender in .master page The problem i am facing is, the copy of ServiceMethod should exists in each and every page then only the autocomplete extender is working.

Is it possible to have the code only in .master page, if so how it is. I tried with webservices also but not working.

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender With Firefox Issue?

Dec 14, 2010

I have this weird problem with the auto complete extender not firing in firefox, but it gets a little more complex let me try to explain.In IE it works fine (always).In firefox it works only if i directly browse to the page /newmember.aspx,I'll elaborate on this.

In my index.aspx i have a menu,when you click on a menu item that page gets loaded into the content div (using jquery's load command).

So basically it looks like this: $('#Content').load("/newmember.aspx");
While newmember is embedded is in index.aspx, the auto complete extender won't work in firefox (works fine in IE).


Using firebug i see that no requests get sent,Starting to lose my marbles.Auto complete extenderD

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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Is Not Working In Web User Control?

Nov 25, 2010

I am using auto complete extender and it is not working in Web user Control . But Working in Web form.

Cs Code


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AJAX :: Auto Complete Extender Not Working On Master Page?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm using ajax autocomplete extender(from database). Its working fine in content page. But its not working in Master Page. I'm using VS2008. I'm using webservice...

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1"
<asp:ServiceReference Path="Autocomplete.asmx" />


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AJAX :: Auto - Complete Extender And Default Button Of A Panel - Enter Key

Sep 25, 2010

I have a text box with an auto-complete extender attached to it. This is in a panel. Now, I have set the default button of the panel to the submit button of the panel.

<text box/>

Now, I find that when the auto-complete options show up and I try to select an option using the enter key, the button is pressed (triggering a postback) due to it being the defaultbutton of the panel. I want to be able to select an aut-complete option using the enter key and yet not post back. Therefore, the enter key (when the text box is in focus) should not trigger a postback. How can I achieve this?

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AJAX :: How To Fetch Data From Db And Bring It On To The Text Box Using Auto Complete Extender

Sep 17, 2010

i would like fetch data from db and bring it on to the text box using auto complete extender i have 2 column--- Emp_name and Emp_id in db. i want to see the name of employee when i type in the letters but when i select it from the selection of names, i would like emp_code to fill in the textbox

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AJAX :: Auto Complete - Web Service - Prevent Authentication Form From Showing?

Jul 19, 2010

I have set up the Auto complete control and the web service to populate it, this web service resides within the project that uses it, it works fine on my machine (if I had a nickel for every time I heard that from a developer...) , but when I install it on Dev, the site asks for authentication, then when I select the tab with the textbox that has the Auto Complete control, it asks me for authentication again. If I remove the Auto Complete control, it no longer asks me. The funny thing is, I can enter authentication info OR just click cancel and the web service works fine.

In the IIS site on Dev and in the Web config, I have turned off authentication (in IIS I use anonymous and in the Web.config, I set it to "none") My development machine is in a domain, for some reason beyond my control, both Dev and Prod are not in a domain; both Dev and Prod machines are Server 2008. how to prevent this authentication form from showing???

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AJAX :: How To Increase The Performance Of "Auto Complete Extender"?

Mar 15, 2010

I have used "Auto complete Extender" ajax control. It is working fine.But , fetching the data from database is very slow. Even though i have used stored procedure, Datareader, and caching on that controls. I m expecting like "Google type" .

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AJAX :: Darg And Drop "auto Complete Extender"

Feb 13, 2011

I have installed the ajax tool kit and i wanted to use the "Auto complete extender"

I tried to drag and drop it on my .aspx page but i can't do it.

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AJAX :: Pass 2 Parameters To The AutoComplete Extender?

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to pass a static value (from a list box) into an Autocomplete Extender. I've had Autocomplete working with just the prefixText but can not get it to work when passing an extra parameter through the contextKey.Please see below:On Page Load:


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AJAX :: Pass Some More Parameters In WebMethod While Using Cascading DropDown Extender?

Jul 28, 2010

I am using AJAX Cascading dropdown extender,and i have made a running dummy example.Using web service second dropdown is filled based on the selection of first drop down. But actual query that should fill second drop down have some more constraints in 'where' clause of the sql query, and that's value is too dynamic that (i cannot assume its value to be static). So i need that that variable's value in my web method too.

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Auto Complete Extender Not Calling The Webservice Method?

Apr 4, 2011

auto complete Extender not calling the webservice method the exact problem is ., Am using AutoComplet Extender in Example project its working fine. but the same code(aspx code as well as webservice code) am using in my live project its not calling the web service method. my live project is dotnet 2.0 version


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Jquery Ajax Call To Web Service - Canīt Pass Parameters?

Nov 6, 2010

Iīm using jQuery to make the ajax calls to web services. Iīm not using json, I want the information in XML. If I donīt pass parameters and I make the WS parameter less it works but if I want to pass a value as parameter (I tried int and string) it doesnīt work. Here is my code:

jQuery: [Code]....

The web service


The error that I get from firebug is an exception System.InvalidOperationException and it says that the parameter region_id is missing.It canīt be very difficult because it works without parameters but all the information I find in internet

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