AJAX :: Update A DIV Without Updating The Whole Page Using Update Panel?
Jan 12, 2011
Above is my code to call a hidden DIV:
And above the html for the DIV:
on Code behind:
Now i was trying to use an UPDATE PANEL, in order to when i click button Save, only the DIV updates. Because the whole DIV is closing when i click on SAVE, even if i put a div in an update panel.
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Similar Messages:
Jun 5, 2010
I have a panel withitn an updatepanel with some buttons.
When one of the buttons is pressed, I'm updating a different update panel.
The problem is that when I click the button, nothing seems to happen.
If I click the button again , then I see the first update. If I click it again, I see the second update and so on..
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Dec 9, 2010
I am having a weird issue with the update panels. I have an update panel in UpdateMode = Conditional . I have a dropdown list and a grid view..the gridview has to be updated ÖnSelectionChanged event on the dropdown.
The issue here is on changing the selection on dropdown, the onselectionchanged event is triggered, new data is grabbed, bound to gridview..but does nt update the update panel even after the updatepanel.update();
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Aug 3, 2010
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<asp:Content ID="BodyContent" runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent">
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Aug 4, 2010
i have my master page with one update panel working like a banner, so when the timer do tick every 5 sec
the image change. That works fine, but i have an update panel in my index page, this update panel works with some buttons that change the text inside the panel when click.
Now, the problem.
When i click one button to change the text and the banner change, the text returns to his default text. The update in master page is affecting the update on index page.
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Dec 29, 2010
My code behind: Label lblError = row.FindControl("lblError") as Label;
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Oct 12, 2010
I need to update the div tag based on the selection made in the dropdownlist. I'm not able to update my div tag. My code goes like this:
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May 10, 2010
i have a page it contains a Update panel Pannels.
in it we have a Button it will open a pop up window.
when we select any item in the Pop up the update panel in the Parent window would Relaod with the selected value iun the pop up.
How can i achive this requirement.
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Sep 5, 2010
We have two update panels on our webpage. Now first update panel is having button cancel. While second update panel is having a file upload control.
Now if the user uploads a file that is going to upload in about 2 mins, and in between, say after 30 seconds the user clicks the cancel button, the upload taking place in update panel 2 should stop.
How do we achieve this ?
View 2 Replies
Feb 16, 2010
I have a user control, that has an update panel and update progress control in it.
I use this user control in more than 1 location on the same page.... problem is, when ucA posts back, I see the update progress control for both ucA and ucB. I assume this is because it is a user control and the update panel and progress are named the same?
Either way - how do I make it so that the update progress only displays for the proper user control?
View 3 Replies
Aug 27, 2010
I have 2 gridviews in an update panel that for some reason will not update. There is no data entry, paging, sorting going on, the data is just there to be displayed. I'm using a timer that initiates every 5 minutes to trigger the updatepanel. I also have an updatepanel on an additional page where I am also using a trigger to fire the updatepanel with 2 charts and 1 oneline/column gridview. The 2 charts update just like they are supposed to however the gridview does not. Here is the code for the 2 Gridview aspx page:
Does anyone know the solution to this issue or if Gridviews just don't refresh in UpdatePanels.
View 7 Replies
Mar 17, 2010
I have 3 update panels on a Web User Control. Two of them are nested inside of a main panel. It is supposed to update the database with the user input, then update the panel changing the validation. (I change the textbox border to red when it is empty). However, none of the panels are working. I have ever retyped the entire pages, and no luck. I have tried using trigger collections, and even putting everything in one content collection. C# Code - Web User Control
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Jul 14, 2010
I am using Ajax to update my UpdatePanel every 1 second and it is working perfectly with my gridview. However, when I placed a image into the UpdatePanel, which it supposed be changing and updated every 1 second, it does not update but the gridview does. Gridview is getting active changing data from the database without any problem. The image which I want to see the updating is the StreamImage.jpg. StreamImage.jpg is inside my local directory. It only updates when I hit the refresh button.
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder2" Runat="Server">
View 11 Replies
Feb 4, 2011
I have an Asp.net page which requires certain sections to be partially updated automatically at an interval of 5 seconds. I was planning to use the good old Timer control with the AJAX Update Panel for this purpose, but after a bit of reading on this control i found out that it may have some problems especially if,
1) The time difference between the async event performed ( 4 seconds ) by the update panel and the Timer's tick interval ( which is 5 seconds ) are quite small, the update panel will be held up in the async operation all the time.
2) Also, the fact that timer control doesn't work very well with Firefox.
I just wanted to get your opinion as to whether if i should go ahead with the timer and update panel approach, write some custom javascript that does the partial page update or some other strategy altogether.
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Feb 7, 2011
l want to block my ui when update panel is updating
like this
we have some issues so we are not using this plugin
how to do this using update panel progress or javascript
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Jul 14, 2010
I've exempted the irrelevant bits of code. Essentially, I am trying to change the URL of an image control inside of an update panel inside of a custom user control from a function called inside an update panel from my main page. Using UpdatePanel.Update() isn't working: I end up waiting for the next full page POST to occur before all the updates I make to CustomControl from buttons within the main page's update panel are visible. I verified that Update() was being called via the debugger: there are no issues in that department.
Here, you can see Custom Control and the Button declared. The button is in an update panel to avoid giving a full POST and causing the whole page to reload.
<cust:CustomControl runat="server" ID="CustomControl1">
<asp:UpdatePanel runat="server" ID="UpdatePanel1"> <ContentTemplate>
<asp:Button id="Button1" runat="server" OnClick="DoStuff" />
</ContentTemplate> </asp:UpdatePanel>
This control stores images within their own seperate update panels because rerendering the images is very slow (it requires processing arrays of millions of datapoints) and the user only ever needs to modify one image at a time. I'm using Image1 as an example.
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Oct 5, 2010
I have one update panel which is having tPlaceholder which is loading dynalically.
in the CS file on page load, adding Placeholder dynalically
And in Topics.aspx file, I have added one more updatepanel
onclick of Add Topics button, both the update panels are getting updated. I want only the inner update panel should update.
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Aug 21, 2013
is there any other way by which we can update a section in page except Update Panel?
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Jul 28, 2010
I am a new developer and working on a ASP.Net Site, I am using an Update panel which is updateing the data from SQL database after every few seconds, there is some records in the table for the login user. Now I want to generate a Popup, or Alret Message autometically, every time when update panel is updated, My Update panel has SQLDatasource and gridview its working correctly with timer after every 15 seconds.
But When I am Coding under the Timer Tick the Alret massege is not showing. While I need a notification alret also with every trip of update panel if there is something avilable in the data tabel. I am using Code in Timer Tick: ra is getting from function return value if the table has some records. if(ra>1) response.write("<Script> alert ('something')<Script>); but its not working
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May 16, 2010
I have one update panel inside updatepanel i have one dropdownlist .When i change dropdownlist value so as per value button1 which is out of updatepanel not visible =true or false as per dropdownlist value.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a formview in Edit Mode, within an update Panel all and these arewithin a Modal Pop Up extender.On clicking Formview Update button, I want an image to appear within the pop up.I have put the image within another panel1 and runat server.For some reason the image is not showing on clicking update button.
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Jul 22, 2010
how to catch update panel's request start (before partial updation request is sent to server) and response receive (before update panel is updated) events.
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May 17, 2010
i am attempting to use javascript to update the chart, because how i have setup now causes the chart to just disappear. Here is the code i have now: I am calling the chart to page using: on default.aspx
Code on the dataURL_Infrasturcture_Capacity.aspx page:
PROBLEM: So how would i update this using an update panel and timer. Currently when i do it the chart just disappears on update. I believethis is due to the fact that i am calling a dataURL. How would i get this to work javascript?
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Mar 18, 2010
I am building a system for a school project. I currently have several Update Panels on the page that have many different controls on them. I also have a single Label control that i use to display messages to the user. I would like to have this label within an update panel also but there are literally hundreds of triggers that would require it to be updated and i dont want to type an absurd number of triggers for this one control.Is there a way for me to have this one panel update regardless of what happens?
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Jul 29, 2010
i am confused about the fact that if partial update of dropdowns is possible through Update Panel ,then why we should use asp.net ajax Cascading drop down extender ,that has made same task bit complex by making callback to web services ? what is difference between using update panel and cascading drop down extender ?
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