Accessing And Renaming Text Block Inside Datagrid Column Header

Jul 22, 2013

I was using the VisualTreeHelper trying to locate a textBlock inside the datagrid columnHeaders. I have just learnt that : "The Header object of the DataGridColumn is actually the visible header of that column, whatever you set it to be. DataGridColumn is not part of the Visual Tree so there is not direct way to access the DataGridColumnHeader for it (we can't even be sure it exists yet)... " This has set me back by a couple of days. I tried to convert the suggested code to in order to use it but I don't seem to get it right. The code in c# is :


ataGridColumnHeader headerObj = GetColumnHeaderFromColumn(column);
private DataGridColumnHeader GetColumnHeaderFromColumn(DataGridColumn column)
// dataGrid is the name of your DataGrid. In this case Name="dataGrid"
List<DataGridColumnHeader> columnHeaders = GetVisualChildCollection<DataGridColumnHeader>(dataGrid);

[Code] ...

How to apply it in my scenario shown below. I want to access in order to rename the textblock 'columnHeaderName'. How can I do this?


<DatagridTemplateColumn Header="header1" Width="100">

[Code] ....

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Want To Have A Header Text In A Datagrid?

Aug 25, 2010

i want to have a header text in a datagrid but i dont want the text to belong only to one column of the grid but to the hole grid i mean i want the text to be writen in the hole place over the columns and not only over a specific column i dont know if i am can be that done??

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DataGrid Header Text Set Dynamically But Not Being Retrieved

Mar 26, 2014

I have a DataGrid defined with columns such as:

<asp:BoundColumn HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" ItemStyle-Width="10%" DataField="MONTH_PREVIOUS_YEAR" HeaderText="Month Hours (Previous Year)" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Right"></asp:BoundColumn>

At a certain point in my program, I successfully re-set some of the Header titles programmatically:

Private Sub dgAccountability_ItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataGridItemEventArgs) Handles dgAccountability.ItemDataBound
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Header Then
Dim previousYear As Integer = (Integer.Parse(year) - 1)
e.Item.Cells(1).Text = "YTD Hours " & previousYear.ToString


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Binding Dataset Table Values To Datagrid's Header Column?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to dynamically bind dataset values into datagrid's header datafield.

Is it possible? To be more clear, when you click on datagrid's (Collection) from properties window, you get selected columns created from Bound column. So in those columns I want to dynamically display dataset's table values in those columns.

i.e like ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].

Is it possible to do it in Datagrid ItemDataBound function like,

e.Item.Cells[1].Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]

or something like this? I know the above code is wrong and wont work since I tried it out and while building it throwed error saying, Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'string'.

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C# - Dynamically Changing Header Text Of A Gridview Column?

Feb 1, 2011

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.NET Web Site Gets Recompiled When Renaming Or Deleting A Folder Inside?

Apr 23, 2010

I develop a simple file manager inside an ASP.NET Web site (not web application). I notice that every time I rename or delete a folder, the site gets recompiled - i.e. the very next web request after delete or rename operation takes considerably much time to execute.

It's only true for folders, not for files.Why does this occur?

P.S. I use WebDev server (Cassini), haven't tested in on IIS yet.

UPDATE: The same disaster happens with ASP.NET MVC Web Applications :(

UPDATE 2: Here are similar discussions:

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C# - How To Get Sorting Without Removing Row-Created Function(Use For Changing Column Of Header-text In Run-time)

Nov 15, 2010

The following code is my Grid View AA from aspx page.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView_AA" runat="server" OnSorting = "Gridview_AA_Sorting" OnRowCreated="GridView_AA_RowCreated">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Period Name" SortExpression="PERIOD_NAME">

I cannot sort after adding GridView_AA_RowCreated function. Each column of Grid view header-text worked well before I add this Row Created function. If I cut the following code: e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Period Name";
Sorting works. I want to get sorting without removing this Row Created function. Do you have any brighter solution about my problem?

protected void GridView_AA_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Period Name"; //Change header text in run-time

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Mar 30, 2010

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Protected Sub GridView1_DataBound(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)Dim HeaderRow
As GridViewRow = GridView1.HeaderRowFor
Each c
As TableCell
In HeaderRow.CellsIf c.Text.EndsWith("S")
c.BackColor = Drawing.Color.OrangeRed

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Forms Data Controls :: Inline Expressions - Get The text Value of A Column Of Datagrid And Insert?

Aug 31, 2010

using .net 4 and vs2010

I'd like to get the text value of a column of my datagrid and insert that text into the subject line of an email.

The partial code I've tried is below in bold, however, it does not produce the correct result.


I've also tried various other inline expressions, including <%#DataBinder.Eval (Container.DataItem("FullName")) %> and <%# Eval("FullName") %>

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Oct 27, 2010

I have a grid view control with Template Field containing Item Template as Checkbox control and the Header Template is containing the label with column header name.

I want to click the coulmn header label and all the check boxes must be checked once.

provide me some examples or ideas how i can achieve this


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GV = new GridView();

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Apr 2, 2010

I wrote a stored procedure call with the format:

bool isValid=true;

using (OracleConnection myConn = new OracleConnection(connectionString))
OracleCommand myCmd = new OracleCommand("sproc", myConn);
myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
myCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("p1", a1);[code].....

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Sep 22, 2010

Simply put... I want to duplicate the example found at this link, in rather than C#.


I would like the selectedvalue of the dropdown to display additional data base on its selection in multiple text boxes.

I have tried using the DropDownList OnSelectedIndexChanged property, within a DataGrid EditiItemTemplate, but I cannot retrieve data from the selection. (AutoPostBack is "True"). I can however use a button onclick event to fire a "prre-defined" selection value.

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Mar 25, 2011

i have a table which showing the food data from my Model, including Name, Amount, Storage and Expiry Date. I wish to either:

1. Let user click on the column header and sort the column they want

2. Or default showing the food which almost expired on the top of the table

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