Active Directory/LDAP :: Get The User Details Based On The Group
Sep 28, 2010
I am getting the details from groups but some groups have data but did not return any data is there any problem with this code. some groups have returned data.
CN=Tets App_Reviewer,OU=Tets Appl Groups,OU=District Wide Groups,DC=tets,DC=com;
Tets App_Reviewer is the group name
public List<ADUserDetail> GetUserFromGroup(String groupName)
List<ADUserDetail> userlist = new List<ADUserDetail>();
_directoryEntry = null;
DirectorySearcher directorySearch = new DirectorySearcher(SearchRoot);
directorySearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=group)(SAMAccountName=" + groupName + "))";
SearchResult results = directorySearch.FindOne();
if (results != null)
DirectoryEntry deGroup = new DirectoryEntry(results.Path, LDAPUser, LDAPPassword);
System.DirectoryServices.PropertyCollection pColl = deGroup.Properties;
int count = pColl["member"].Count;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
string respath = results.Path;
string[] pathnavigate = respath.Split("CN".ToCharArray());
respath = pathnavigate[0];
string objpath = pColl["member"][i].ToString();
string path = respath + objpath;
DirectoryEntry user = new DirectoryEntry(path, LDAPUser, LDAPPassword);
ADUserDetail userobj = ADUserDetail.GetUser(user);
return userlist;
catch (Exception ex)
return userlist;
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// Bind to the native AdsObject to force authentication. Object obj = entry.NativeObject; DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry); search.Filter = "(SAMAccountName=" + username + ")"; search.PropertiesToLoad.Add("cn"); SearchResult result = search.FindOne(); if(null == result) { return false; }
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<authentication mode="Windows"/>
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My code is like this:
Dim oEntry as New DirectoryEntry
Dim oSearcher as New DirectorySearcher
oEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://myServer/ou=test, dc=example, dc=com", username, pwd, AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind)
oSearcher = New DirectorySearcher(oEntry, "(uid=" & uName & ")")
oResult = oSearcher.FindOne()
if not oResult is Nothing then
Dim ADUser as DirectoryEntry
ADUSer = oResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
end if
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