Add Additional Content Into A Known Content Placeholder From A User Control

Aug 26, 2010

I have a UserControl that has some javascript I'd like to inject into a known ContentPlaceHolder.

I was hoping to do something like the following except when I append to add the control to found control I get an exception which says I cannot modify the control collection in the Init, Load or PreRender events:



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Similar Messages:

Master Pages - Content Web Form - Content From Placeholder Disappears

Apr 9, 2010

I'm attempting to set a class on the body tag in my site which uses a master page and content web forms. I simply want to be able to do this by adding a bodycssclass property (see below) to the content web form page directive.

It works through the solution below but when i attempt to view Default.aspx the Content1 control loses its content.

Here is how I'm doing it. I have a master page with the following content:


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VS 2010 - How To See A Control In Another Content Placeholder

Apr 13, 2012

I'm using a masterpage and having some trouble with my ContentPlaceholders. I have a combobox(DropDownList1) in the sidemenu content placeholder and in my main placeholder I have a gridview. The gridview is supposed to do a select in the db using the selected value of DropDownList1. When I set up the connection SQL within the datagrid, using the wizard; I select to get a parameter from a control and then I select DropDownList1.

Now, When I try to run the page, it returns an error "Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: A control with ID 'DropDownList1' could not be found", however if I move DropDownList1 to the main placeholder, everything works perfectly.

How do I get to see the control sitting in the other placeholder?

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Web Forms :: Accessing The Content Of A PLACEHOLDER Control

Feb 18, 2010

Need accessing the rendered content of a PLACEHOLDER control. I dynamically add a web forms page to a placeholder using "TABLE" this works great (cell row table placeholder ) now I wish to take that placeholder and use the rendered page to generate a PDF document.

If it possible to access the rendered code how would this be done?

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Web Forms :: Label Control Inside A Content Placeholder Using Master Pages

Aug 2, 2010

I am having a slight problem with adding text (output from a stored procedure) to a label control that is nested inside a contentplaceholder (ContentPlaceHolderProductsLeftCol). The page is also using master pages.

Below are excerts of the code - I think I would have to use teh findcontrol property however I am quite lost.

Label name is lastname and is located in ContentPlaceHolderProductsLeftCol


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Custom Server Controls :: Property Collections Not Persisted When Control Inside Update Panel And Content Placeholder

Apr 13, 2010

I'm creating an ASP.NET Control which has a property collection for Columns which the user can edit in the Property Collection Editor..

In most circumstances this works fine, the collection can be edited in the designer and the appropriate tags are added inside the control in the ASPX file.

It works fine when

My control is added to the form


My control is added inside an Update Panel



However, if My control is inside a Content Placeholder which is inside an Update Panel, it fails to work as it should. In this scenario, when the Columns collection is edited in the designer, if you then switch back to Source view, the Columns collection is emptied. I have to save the aspx page before switching back to Source view for the changes to be kept.


how to get around this problem? Is there something I may have missed?

Here's the code for the Control


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Web Forms :: Master Page Content Going Out Of Placeholder?

Sep 8, 2010

in my master page content place holder.

i have a grid which is going out of placeholder (as its bit bigger ), when page is loaded. i would prefer it to stay inside the placeholder or expand the placeholder.

Currently its going out side and when it moved out of placeholder it becomes transparent to the materpage default template.

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C# - Want To Find Master Page's Content Placeholder And Add Text To It?

Dec 21, 2010

I tried this much:-

protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)
class1 obj = new class1();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = obj.get_text();
ContentPlaceHolder ContentPlaceHolder1 = ContentPlaceHolder)this.Master.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder1");
ContentPlaceHolder1. ????

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Content Placeholder Javascript Object Expected Error

Jan 29, 2010

I have the following code behind that was, until recently, working fine and dandy!

tbxProdAC.Attributes.Add("onclick", "$('#" + GridView1.ClientID + "').remove();
$('#" + radProdAC.ClientID + "').attr('checked', true);
$('#" + ddlBuyer.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Buyer--');
$('#" + ddlSub.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Sub Category--');
$('#" + ddlProd.ClientID + "').val('--Choose Product--');");

However, ever since I have introduced the notion of content place holders (from a master page), I am repeated getting the Object Expected error.Now I understand why this is happening, is amending the control names to take into account the CPH i.e. $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_radBuyer').attr('checked', true);

How do I go about reslving this issue, effectively 'renaming' my controls to take this into account?

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C# - Creating Web Controls Inside A Content Placeholder Programmatically?

Mar 31, 2011

I've got a master page and a content page. How can I add controls to the master page's content placeholders programattically?

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Web Forms :: Setting Up Each Of TabPanels.ContentTemplates To Be Content Placeholder

Mar 8, 2010

Is there a benefit from putting a Tabcontainer control on a master page and setting up each of the tabPanels.ContentTemplates to be a content placeholder rather than putting everything into a regular .aspx page?

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Web Forms :: Content Placeholder Hosting Silverlight Size?

Mar 11, 2011

(vs2010 sl4

When I create a default silverlight application in VS2010, I get a silverlight user control and a web site that hosts it. The object tag in the apsx page that hosts the silverlight object has its width and height set to 100%. The silverlight user control takes up all the broswer window and it also grows and shrinks properly as the browser is resized. Perfect.

If I add a master page and child page, in the child page I copy the object tag, still set at 100% height, the rendered page does not expand to fill the browser window/ I can set the object tag height to, say, 600, and it now is static at 600, but I want it to be dynamic just like when it was not hosted on a master page.

I do not believe this to be a silverlight issue, but rather a content placeholder sizing issue. I have tried a lot of diffferent ways to set the height, but nothing I do allows me to make the child page hosted object size itself based on the browser window,

Is it possile to get this to work or is this a consequence of using master pages? I can post sample code demonstrating this if needed.

EDIT: I was able to use a javascript function on window.onload to get the browser height and set the div height that contains the object tag, this works but is not dynamic. I would like it to be dynamic like the non-master page hosted object is.

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Web Forms :: Response.Write Output To A Content Placeholder?

Mar 18, 2010

the response.write() output does not show in content placeholder but on top of the page.


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AJAX :: Updating Content Within A Placeholder (updatepanel) Using A Timer?

Feb 1, 2011

GOAL: on a web page ( content in a placeholder will refresh with a different .ascx (user control) every 30 seconds (rotating 3 in total) and of course i dont want to refresh the whole page, just the placeholder.

I'm new at AJAX (that's my first problem - lol)

I set the timer up to call a function, but not sure how to go about refreshing the placeholder with a different ascx file. I'm sure i'll be using UpdatePanel to do this, but haven't been able to figure this out. Easy to replace a value in a label using AsyncPostBack trigger, but nothing on how to achieve this.

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Content Control Not Accessible From Content Page?

Nov 10, 2010

My content page looks like this:

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPage.master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Basket.aspx.cs" Inherits="Basket" Title="Untitled Page" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="head" Runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">

Now, I would like to add some controls dynamically to the content when page loads, so I am trying the following code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Content2. // I want to add controls to it dynamically

The problem is that the Content2 control is not visible by the compiler and I am getting error about missing directive or assembly reference.

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AJAX :: How To Work Update Progress In The Page Inside Content Placeholder

Jun 11, 2010

Is there possible to work update progress in the page inside content placeholder.

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Anchoring A User Control At The Bottom Of 4.0 Content?

Nov 6, 2010

I'm using the ASP.NET 4.0 ASP.NET application. It comes wired up for menu, login, roles, etc. This question is about placing a user control (which just contains a label with Copyright info, always at the bottom of the page. It found the Site.css entry to make the border it puts around the content always the same size - so it's consistent on every page, but I've not found how to make the user control stick to the bottom of the page. Right now I use the "footer" class which auto centers the content in the user control, but nothing to make it appear at the bottom of the page, without putting a bunch of <br> tags (a different number of them for each page, to keep the user control at the bottom. I've currently putting the user control inside <div class="footer"> which picks up the centering from the Site.css.

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Can Insert User Control With Inner-tag Content As Property Value

Apr 16, 2010

I have a control that I want to be able to mark areas as editable. When a user enters a username and password, they can then edit these editable areas.One of the area to edit is the main content of the page. Since I want them to be able to edit this on every page, I have put the editable control into the master page, wrapped around the ContentPlaceHolder of the master page.I found out how to allow the parser to allow <prefix:tag></prefix:tag> rather than just ending it with />, but I can't figure out how to get the text within the tags to be accessible through something like a Text property. A prime example of this behavior is the Label control, where you can put <asp:Label>Hello!</asp:Label> and access Hello! through the .Text property in the code.

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Web Forms :: How To Render User Control Content

Aug 17, 2010

I have a scenario where, the content is:


The entire div code is rendered and is sent at a mail using the code:


This works fine except that the User Control does not get rendered.

so that the User Control content is also rendered ?

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Print Div Content From User Control Without Opening A New Window?

Feb 2, 2010

I have a USER CONTROL with a <div> tag and a button. I want to print the content of the <div> when the button is clicked. Only the content of the div and nothing else no matter where the control is used. This without opening a new window.

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C# - Attach User Control's Event In Content Page?

Apr 3, 2011

I have a form in user control which submits data in database and clicking button. how to attach this button press even directly in the aspx page. I do not want to make delegate and want to use default event.

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C# - Handling MasterPage Event In User Control Of Content Page?

Aug 23, 2010

On my master page , I have "Search textbox" and "Search Button".On My content page , I have a "User Control" which has a "GridView".It shows some data about Vendors.Also, on this User Control's Page Load, i have code written to display all vendors in GridView.Now, when user enters Vendor Number in "Search textbox" , and hits "Search Button" , i want to handle this event inside my User Control.How to do this ?

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Web Forms :: Change The User Control's Properties From A Content Page?

Jun 12, 2010

I have a master page with a user control on it. How do I change the user control's properties from a content page?In my ascx file I created this 2 property:


In content page PageLoad event I wrote


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Web Forms :: Handling MasterPage Event In User Control Of Content Page

Aug 19, 2010

On my master page , I have "Search textbox" and "Search Button".

On My content page , I have a "User Control" which has a "GridView".It shows some data about Vendors.

Also, on this User Control's Page Load, i have code written to display all vendors in GridView.

Now, when user enters Vendor Number in "Search textbox" , and hits "Search Button" , i want to handle this event inside my User Control.

How to do this ?

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Changing Size Of Content Placeholder Based On Browser Size?

Oct 14, 2010

I know the content palcehlder does not have a size ,I have a masterpage and content page, the master page has a table with a header, content area, and footer, header and footer are fixed size, content area is 100%. As the user sizes the browser the content area grows and shrinks and the footer stays at the
bottom of the browser window - perfect!

Problem: The contentpalceholder does not grow to fill the available content area. Now, the contentplaceholder gets its size from its contents, which in this case is a div holding a silverlight object.I was thinking I could hook the master or child page's re-size event and somehow pass that info onto the SL object, but as it turns out (and I'm surprised I never knew this) there is no page re-size event! (really?, wow.)

So is there a way to get a SL object hosted on a master page to size itself based on the size of the browser window?Or more generally, a way to size the contents (like a div or panel) of a contentplaceholder based on the browser? on a standard aspx page (not a master page) I CAN get the SL object to size itself based on the broswer, the problem seems to come from the fact that I'm hosting the SL object in a content placeholder.

I guess I could 'unroll' the master page into several standalone pages and have it work, but the menu is on the master page and I'm used to using them, plus it's already done...<sigh>

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