Application Start In Global.asax?
May 2, 2010
I am developing my application in 3.5 and sql server 2005, and I want to record the visitor info into my database, like once the visitor enter my website, I'll insert his browser details to the database. [It's not necessary that visitor login my website].
Now I am confused where to put my code, If I put insert function in every page_load then on every page it will execute and I'll not be able to get the exact number of visitor, visited my website. Shall I go with application_start in Global.asax ??
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Similar Messages:
May 2, 2010
application start in global.asax file
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Jan 13, 2010
Not using Cassini, but IIS7 to run an ASP.NET app.
The debug behavior is flakey. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I was able to step into the application start event in global.asax but sometimes I can't.
Sometimes VS2008 opens the published global.asax so I have two instances of global.asax opened in VS, the source and the published.
I reset the AppDomain and IIS and I can't put my finger on why this is happening.
To add, while it won't go into application start, I have an OnChangeEventHandler event - it does step into the event handler.
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Jan 12, 2011
i am new in form authentication and sessions
i would like to know how to save session in masterpage or in global.asax and how to clear session.
how to better handle session timeout by redirecting to a page.
this is my web.config session settings
<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="1"></sessionState>
code in my masterpage
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Feb 1, 2010
My ASP.NET intranet web application uses Windows Authentication, and I would like to record the following details:
1) Windows ID
2) Session Start Time
3) Session Stop Time
4) URL being browsed to (optional)
I've got some basic code setup in "Session_Start" method of the Global.ASAX to log session start times (seen below), but that's it so far. I have the feeling this is a primitive approach and there are "better" ways of doing this. So I really have two questions:
1) Is this the right way to go about doing this? If not what are some other options?
2) If this is the right way, do I just need to drop some code in the "Session_End" method to record the time they exit, and thats a complete solution? Does this method always get called when they close the browser tab they have the site open in, or do they have to close the entire browser (I don't have logout functionality)? Any way users can skip over this session end method (or start for that case)?
Dim connsql As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnectionstring").ConnectionString)
Dim cmdsql As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = connsql.CreateCommand
cmdsql.CommandText = "BeginUserSession"
cmdsql.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure
cmdsql.Parameters.Add("@windowsid", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 30, "windowsid")
cmdsql.Parameters("@windowsid").Value = Session("UserInfo")
If connsql.State <> System.Data.ConnectionState.Open Then connsql.Open()
Catch ex As Exception
If connsql.State <> Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then connsql.Close()
End Try
'Stored Proc records start time
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Jul 26, 2010
I want to insitate a class instance in the session start of the application. code below
if (Session["user"] != null)
Session["user"] = new user();
I have created the "user" class as a separte dll and referenced and imported the namespace.But still i get 'are u missing assembly reference' it is not problem in 1.1 but seems has a problem in 2.0
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Aug 5, 2010
Question: When a webapplication gets started, it executes Application_Start in global.asax.Now, a web application gets started as soon as the first request for a page in that application reaches the server.But my question is: how long will the application run until the application is stopped.I mean when after the first page request, there's no traffic on the server.I need to know because I intend to start a server that listens on a tcp port in global.asax.And when the application stops, the server ceases to listen to its port.
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May 17, 2010
I'm trying to create Global.asax in a Winform. I could do it in ASP.NET, but i couldn't find a way for Windows Application. I have a singleton class called DataAccessLayer, i need to instantiate it once only, so i can call its method/properties anywhere in the application easily.
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a need to add an application level event (like Application_Start) but not in global.asax. The reason that I can't use global.asax is because this is a web application for which I don't have source code but I want to add some functionality to it. I need to insert an application start code and was wondering it there was anyway to do it. I'm not sure that if I add a class or aspx page to the sie if it will dynamically compile since this is a web application.
View 8 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
I want to make sure of one thing. I have implemented the Application_Error() method of Global.asax. In my application some where I have a try catch. If an exception is trown and that exception is handled by a catch block. Does this envoke the Application_Error() method in the global.asax
View 4 Replies
May 24, 2010
is it possible to get physical path to mvc 2 application inside Global.asax methods?
I need to get that path in Ninject IoC container configuration. This is a sketch of what i'm having now:
public class MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
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Oct 22, 2010
I have existing web application project in which i need to add new subdirectory. In this subdirectory i need to add WCF service.Question is: Can i use different AppDomain then services from root directory? Also, can i add new global.asax just for this subdirectory?
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Sep 28, 2010
I'm using a static Timer in my Global.asax to run a method at regular intervals. When the method throws an exception, my application is stopped. I have used an empty catch to prevent exceptions from stopping the application something like below code. Is there a disadvantage to use such an approach?
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm working on a new C# web application in Visual Studio 2010, and am having problems reading a value in Web.Debug.Config from the GLobal.asax.cs file.
In the Application_Start event I've got the following code:
Application.Add("AppID", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("AppID"));
I also tried:
Application.Add("AppID", ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppID"]);
And in the Web.Debug.Config file I have the following:
<add key="AppID" value="123" />
I also tried:
<add key="AppID" value="123" />
And I tried having it in a file path, like so:
<appSettings file="C:MyPathappSettings.config"/>
When running in debugger, I've got a break-point in the Application_Start event in Global.asax.cs. It hits the break point, but in all cases the value coming back from ConfigurationManager is coming back null. What am I doing wrong?
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Feb 8, 2011
I know there is a couple answered questions on here regarding "request scoped" globals, but I want to nit-pick on something specifically and maybe squeeze some extra enlightenment out of one or two of you.I have an ASP.NET C# Website and a static Dictionary of objects (loaded from DB once on Application start). Each page request will need to do a lookup in the Dictionary (based on a key derived from the request url/etc) and get the appropriate object.The issue is I'm trying to maximize efficiency by reducing the lookups to the Dictionary per Request. Doing just a single lookup within a Page itself is easy enough and I can pass the object to sub controls, etc too.. but global.asax is separate from the Page and it also needs to use the object (in Application_BeginRequest and Session_Start).
So is doing a Dictionary lookup once in Application_BeginRequest, once (when necessary) in Session_Start and once in the Page negligible speed wise, even if there are many requests coming in every second?I would like it if I could just have a Request scoped global variable that I can easily call upon.. the only one I see available though is HttpContext.Current.Items and that is a Dictionary itself.Am I beingridiculously nit-picky with my concern over efficiency? or will these milliseconds (nanoseconds?) get me in the long run when more and more requests are being made?
PS. I currently only have around 100 objects in the Dictionary although this may increase in the future.
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Apr 5, 2010
When debugging my application, I m getting an application level error in global.asax file. The Server.GetLastError() reads "File does not exist." but thats it. No more details on the filename or the location where the code is trying to find a file. I commented out the application_error method, with a hope that the exception would be thrown when the debug the application, but no errors were thrown. How do i find the source of the error, cos I want to resolve this issue by either putting the file that the application is looking for or by completely removing the code that is referencing the file.
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Feb 26, 2010
how can we use global.asax in and what is that?
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Jun 20, 2010
Is it possible in the global.asax file on session_start to check if a url string exists and it it does insert the string into a sql database? The url would be something link
I would want to capture the january bit and put that in the database for each visitor that uses that url.
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Jan 27, 2010
I want to make All Methods about Error handling in some one device me at using global.asax what is global.asax?
how can i use it ?
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May 12, 2010
I have a hosting account on , i use Global.asax in my project to start a schedule process in Application_Start.When i just publish my website, and upload it, the Application_Start does not Fire, but when i upload the Global.asax to my host it gives an Error but the Applicaiton_Start Event fires up, and then i delete the Global.asax file and everything works.just wondering, What am doing wrong ? or why this meaningless thing happens?
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a site with multiple domains pointing to it. I wanted to redirect all requests to main domain so I've created a method called RedirectToRealDomain("") to check and redirect all requests to my preferred domainAt the moment it lives on Session_Start but I am planing to move it to Application_BeginRequest event. As I understand Session_Start only raised when new session started but Application_BeginRequest raised on all requests. RedirectToRealDomain method doesn't do any DB lookups or anything expensive apart from comparing strings.
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May 21, 2010
I want to set the Masterpage property in Global.asax.
This is what I have done but I get a NullReferenceException on the first line.
protected void Application_PreSendRequestContent(Object sender, EventArgs e)
System.Web.UI.Page page = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler as System.Web.UI.Page;
if (Session["lang"] == "eng")
page.MasterPageFile = "SideMasterPageEng.master";
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Jun 29, 2010
I am trying to check if the user belongs to someone's friendlist from the database and redirect him accordingly.I am doing this in a routehandler called by Global Asax.I just want to know how to get the username (from the login information) in the route handler class (or Global asax)I used this: string username = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; and very strangely, its assigning ".aspx" as the username!! ps: i did search for similar question but in vain.
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Oct 19, 2010
I need replace double slashes in one slash. I am planning do this in Global.asax Application_BeginRequest event. Is it enough? or better do a http module?
Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Fires at the beginning of each request
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Feb 8, 2010
I was under the impression till now that Global.asax is used for application level events and it's a common file for all users. Then what does Session_Start event does in this file. If we have to create user session varaibles then Is this the write place to create those? If someone can kindly clear my confusion on this file and it's methods.
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