Architecture :: How To Pass Data Between 2 Apps On Different Servers

Feb 23, 2010

i'm facing a problem with transfering data between two web applicatins on two different servers. For example on page A

I have a login box with LoginName textbox and Password textbox and Login button. What I am trying to achieve is that when i press Login button I will transfer data from Login and Password textboxes to page B and .net code on page B will try to validate the logging user. I was trying code like this but it won't works on page A


and on page B in Page_Load event


I was thinking of using Web Service between these apps, however i am not certain that it will works.

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Split Site Apps In Two Servers?

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What is the best way to do this ? How can i do this as far as dns related stuff ? Should i install the php forum in a category, like all domains are, or in a subcategory inside it, like a domain's subcategory ?

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Architecture For A Web Application With Sub-Apps?

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I'm starting to plan an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on where to begin and which technologies and/or frameworks to use.The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using SQL Server and ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main/shell application with sub-applications that are "pluggable" based on some configuration settings.

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Architecture :: How To Develop Web Application With Sub-Apps

Jun 18, 2010

I'm starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use.The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main web application with sub-web applications. Essentially, the entire scope is a composite browser-based,Intranet application that is composed of discrete, functionally complete modules or sub-applications.

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Architecture Suggestions / Recommendations For A Web Application With Sub Apps

Jan 17, 2011

I'm starting to plan an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on where to begin and which technologies and/or frameworks to use. The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using SQL Server and ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main/shell application with sub-applications that are "pluggable" based on some configuration settings.

The main or shell application is to provide the overall user interface structure - header/footer, dynamically built tabs for each available sub-app, and a content area in which the sub-application will be loaded when the user clicks on the sub-application's tab. So, on start-up of the main/shell application, configuration information will be queried from a database, and, based on the user and which of the sub-apps are available, the main or shell app would dynamically build tabs (or buttons or something) as a way to access each individual application. On start-up, the content area will be populated with the "home" sub-app. But, clicking on an sub-app tab will cause the content area to be populated with the sub-app corresponding to the tab.

For example, we're going to have a reports application, a display application, and probably a couple other distinct applications. On startup of the main/shell application, after determining who the user is, the main app will query the database to determine which sub-apps the user can use and build out the UI. Then the user can navigate between available sub-apps and do their work in each. Finally, the entire app and all sub-apps need to be a layered design with presentation, service, business, and data access layers, as well as cross-cutting objects for things such as logging, exception handling, etc.

Anyway, my questions revolve around where to begin to plan something like this application. What technologies/frameworks would work best in developing a solution for this application? MVC? MVP? WCSF? EF? NHibernate? Enterprise Library? Repository Pattern? Others? I know all these technologies/frameworks are not used for the same purpose, but knowing which ones to focus on is a little overwhelming.
Which ones would be the best choice(s) for a solution? Which ones work well together for an end-to-end design? How would one structure the VS project for something like this?

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Architecture :: Single Sign On Web And Windows Apps?

Sep 18, 2010

We, at our company, are developing a file sharing application which will allow users to upload/download files. This application will be part of the suite of other applications. We will be adding a desktop client (windows app) which is an upload/download manager which will assist users to queue in multiple large files for upload/download. There are a couple of questions related to design for these applications:

1. We would like to implement Single Sign-On for all these applications (including desktop client). We would like users to login to web and once they do that, they can browse through applications without logging in again. We will be implementing a authetication service using WCF. The requirement is that we do not want to add authentication functionality to desktop client. So users will need to login to our web application. We can write cookie to user's machines and will work for web applications. Can the desktop client use the same cookie to autheticate itself? Or there are other ways we can achieve it? 2. We also do not want that when desktop client is uploading/downloading multiple files that its session is expired and the user need to re-authenticate through web. How can we achieve it? How does other Upload/Download Managers (like MS File Trasnfer Manager) work?

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Security :: Pass User Between Two Different Apps/websites/projects?

Feb 3, 2010

We have two different websites that run two seperate web sites (a backend and a front end) for our peice of software. The way we do our authentication is to put the user id into the session when the user logs in, all the pages on the site inherit from one base page if this base page cannot find this value in session it kicks the user out to the login screen.

What we want to be able to do is have a link on the front end after the user logs in and when they click on it it takes them(redirects them) to the back end. However I cannot think about how to do this in a secure and sensible way. I did think of putting the users username and password dynamically generated into the hyperlink that takes them from the front end to the back end. Would this be advisable. It will be clear text but then again we done use ssl in any case just plain forms authentication. I mean I will hash the values anyway but still be sending them. I suppose is there a way to share a session across two app domain without too much dificulty?

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Architecture :: Pass Data From DAL To BLL And From BLL To PL?

Sep 29, 2010

I am developing an application for online examination system. It is 3 - tier application. I know how PL, BLL and DAL layers interact with each other but only one way. I meant, PL called BLL and BLL called DAL. However, recently I came across a scenario where I want to transfer a data from DAL to BLL and from BLL to PL or may be directly from DAL to PL.

I have "retrieve.aspx" page to reset forgotten password which contains a textbox and button. This page will ask Email address from user and when user hit the "Go" button, application will hit the database. If it finds the entered email address into a database, it will redirect to "questionanswer.aspx".

"questionanswer.aspx" contains a label, textbox and submit button. In the page load event of "questionanswer.aspx", application will show a security question (a fetched question from database related to entered email address) and ask user to fill an answer. On the click event of submit button, application again hit the database and authenticate the user, if the answer is correct it will redirect the user to password reset page. I can go up to fetching a question from database. But I do not know where to store it in DAL and how to pass it to PL where I can assign it to lable.text. I have 3 classes Users.cs, UserBAL.cs and UserDAL.cs. Retrieve.aspx.cs:

protected void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Users PwdRetrieve = new Users();
PwdRetrieve.EmailAddress = txtEmailRetrive.Text.ToString();
Session["EmailAddress"] = txtEmailRetrive.Text.ToString();
UserBAL balPR = new UserBAL();
if (balPR.CheckEmailPR(PwdRetrieve))
lblErrorMsg1.Text = ("We have not found an Email Address in our databse.");
lblErrorMsg2.Text = ("Please enter a valid Email Address.");
public bool CheckEmailPR(Users PwdRetrieve)
UserDAL dalPR = new UserDAL();
if (dalPR.CheckEmailPR(PwdRetrieve) > 0)
return true;
return false;
public int CheckEmailPR(Users PwdRetrieve)
int rows = 0;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString2"].ConnectionString))
string SP_CHECK_EMAIL = "CheckEmailForPasswordRetrival";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SP_CHECK_EMAIL, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@Email", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = PwdRetrieve.EmailAddress;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@rows", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters["@rows"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
rows = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());
rows = (int)cmd.Parameters["@rows"].Value;
return (int)rows;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Users QuestionAnswer = new Users();
QuestionAnswer.EmailAddress = (string)Session["EmailAddress"];
UserBAL balQA = new UserBAL();
if (balQA.FetchQuestion(QuestionAnswer))
lblQuestion.Text = "Do not know how to assign a fetched question to this lable.";
lblErrorMsgQA.Text = ("Sorry! Please enter a correct answer.");
public string FetchQuestion(Users QuestionAnswer)
UserDAL dalQA = new UserDAL();
if (dalQA.FetchQuestion(QuestionAnswer) != null)
public string FetchQuestion(Users QuestionAnswer)
string question = string.Empty;
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString2"].ConnectionString))
string SP_FETCH_QUESTION = "FetchQuestion";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SP_FETCH_QUESTION, conn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = QuestionAnswer.EmailAddress;
SqlDataReader read = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (read.Read())
question = read["tblSecurityQuestion"].ToString();
return question;

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Architecture :: How To Pass Data Between Layers

Jul 6, 2010

I have three layers like UI, business and data access in my web application project. If I pass say a company code from the UI to the business to the data access and I query the company details like company name, address, phone etc from the database using sqlhelper executedataset() which wil return me a dataset. Then how do I pass these company details back to the UI layer. Is it correct to just pass the datatable object to the business and UI.

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Double Hop On Workgroup Servers Vs Domain Servers

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to set up my web site on a stand alone server using Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 which will access SQL server database (2008) on windows 2008 R2 server (also not in the domain) I am using form authentication and I have configured a custom identity account in IIS6. The local account is on both servers with same password and I have registered the account using aspnet_regiis.exe -ga The application pool in my iis6 has the custom local account set as the identity and my web.config file has the appropriate tags in the system.web element <identity impersonate="true" />

The problem is the local account does not seem to get passed to the sql server. Right now my iis settings are anonymous access (using the local acct vs isr) and no authentication specified under that - I did try Integrated and basic but it prompts for the username and password which I do not want. One article I read stated this: windows authentication does not support delegation (passing credentials from one server to another) and is limited to the one hop rule, only a primary token can be passed to a second server. windows
authentication on iis (all versions) gives the thread a secondary(impersonation) token which can not be used to access any network resouce

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Architecture :: How To Pass The Data Between Data Access Layer And Business Acces Layer

Jun 3, 2010

here i have in 3-tier architecture , how to pass the data between DAL and BAL. i am using grid view to edit the data,when ever i click on the edit button all the corresponding fields should come to textboxes. i tried for delete ,it works fine bt not working to EDIT.

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Architecture :: How The Data Pass From One Layer To Another Layer In Mvc Design Pattern

Apr 1, 2010

how the data pass from one layer to another layer in mvc design pattern...

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Not Updating / Created Simple Apps To Edit Data In An Access Database?

Dec 18, 2010

I have created a simple application to edit data in an access database using gridview but its not working , the results are shown correctly , but when i click update nothing happens..

Here is my code

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" EnableModelValidation="True" DataKeyNames="id" >
<asp:CommandField ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="id" HeaderText="id" InsertVisible="False"
SortExpression="id" />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="NAME" SortExpression="NAME">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("NAME") %>'></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("NAME") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:BoundField DataField="FATHER_NAME" HeaderText="FATHER_NAME"
SortExpression="FATHER_NAME" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="MOTHER_NAME" HeaderText="MOTHER_NAME"
SortExpression="MOTHER_NAME" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="CLASS" HeaderText="CLASS" SortExpression="CLASS" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="gram" HeaderText="gram" SortExpression="gram" /
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Remark" SortExpression="Remark">
<asp:DropDownList ID="PS" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("Remark") %>'>
<asp:ListItem>NOT APPEARED</asp:ListItem>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Remark") %>'></asp:Label>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2 %>"
ProviderName="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString2.ProviderName %>"
UpDatecommand = "update [REGULAR] set [NAME] = ?, [FATHER_NAME]=?, [MOTHER_NAME]=?, [CLASS]=?, [gram]=?, [Remark]=? where [id] = ?"
SelectCommand="SELECT [id], [NAME], [FATHER_NAME], [MOTHER_NAME], [CLASS], [gram], [Remark] FROM [REGULAR] WHERE (([CLASS] = ?) AND ([SCHCD] = ?))">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList3" Name="class"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="schcd"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />

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Architecture :: How To Pass The Values From Presentation Layer To Business Logic Layer

Oct 26, 2010

I am new to this .NET what is the difference between N-Tier and 3- Tier Architecture. If they are same. How to pass the values from presentation layer to business logic layer.

For Example

I have 10 controls in presentation layer. I passing values to these controls. How the architecture works.

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State Management :: Multiple Servers - Data Lost

Apr 16, 2010

I have 2 front end servers and 2 back end servers. There is a registration form in my web application. The registration form uses a Microsoft Wizard control. Lets say the Wizard control has 4 steps. After the fourth step, users click "Finish" and I display the "Thank you Message". The way the request is routed between the 2 servers is round robin. So lets say till the fourth step, the response comes from server A. After the user clicks "Finish", lets say the response now comes from server B. After they click "Finish", I am trying to access some information in the Wizard control (like Name, address and so on). Because the servers are now switched, the data is lost (at least thats what I think is happening). So all entries in the wizard control are now blank and when I try to read those values, they are null.

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Forms Data Controls :: Seeing Domains Of Servers Ip On Textbox?

Jun 29, 2010

There is a textbox, a visitor inputs a domain or ip address after that a gridview shows how many domains are there on the ip address.

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Configuration :: Using Linq To SQL Data Sources With Clustered Servers And Mirroring?

Jul 7, 2010

I'm a developer new to 3.5. My client asked if there were any implications of using Linq to SQL data sources with mirrored clustered servers with Failover clustering.

So my questions are can you use Linq to SQL with mirrored Clustered Servers?

If yes to the above, do you need to add or modify any code for mirrored Clustered Servers?

View 2 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Can Load The Data Into SQL Servers Table From FoxPro

Jan 8, 2010

I am using SQL Server 2005 and i have a application that using FoxPro.

Can I load the data into SQL Server's table from FoxPro? if yes, i would like schedule this job daily, can i write it in Store Procedure and run daily in special time?

View 7 Replies

Architecture :: Best Way To Pass A Values From One Application To Another Application?

Dec 8, 2010

Which is the best way to pass a values from one application to another application in

View 5 Replies

Php - Communication Of Two Apps On The Same Machine?

Oct 15, 2010

I have an ASP.NET app running on a webserver. A third party is created another app in PHP which needs to send data to my app for processing. Initially it was assumed that the PHP app would be deployed elsewhere so we agreed that the communication would occur over the internet via HTTP (over SSL). My app would simply use a generic handler (ashx) file to recieve the data and send confirmation back.

Now it seems that the PHP app might be deployed on the same machine as my app. I like the fact that using HTTP (as opposed to say direct database access), the PHP app needs to know nothing at all about how my app works. But using the public internet seems silly for communication between two apps on the same machine. If the PHP app simply used a localhost address, would this ensure that all the data stays within the machine? Is there a better way to do this?

View 4 Replies

How To Work With A Web Application And Sub-Apps

Jun 18, 2010

I'm starting to think about and develop an architecture for a big web application, and I wanted to get suggestions and/or recommendations on which technologies and/or frameworks to use.The application will be an Intranet-based web site using Windows authentication, running on IIS and using ASP.NET. It'll need to be structured as a main web application with sub-web applications. Essentially, the entire scope is a composite browser-based, Intranet application that is composed of discrete, functionally complete modules or sub-applications.

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Using OpenIdButton For Google Apps?

May 27, 2010

I am an ASP.NET newbie and I am trying to design an OpenID/SSO system for an internal web application. The web application is pretty simple and the authentication is currently being managed by a database with usernames and passwords. I want to replace the existing accounts stored in the database with Google Apps accounts.

I have downloaded the latest DotNetOpenAuth- package and got the OpenIdRelyingPartyWebForms sample up and running on IIS. I have built my own login page using just a OpenIdButton object that points to a development Google domain.

The button seems to work fine in FireFox, at least it is forwarding me to the Google Apps login, but nothing happens when I load the same page in IE. When I click the Google button, nothing happens, zip. The same is true for the Yahoo button in the login.aspx page given in the sample.

Here is the .aspx code I am using...


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Sending SMS Through Email But Not Web Apps?

May 28, 2010

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Transfer An Object Between Two C# Apps Over The Web?

Jun 15, 2010

I have written an application that basically gathers up a bunch of text and numerical data from the client PC and stores it as an object. Right now I'm implementing XML serialization so that the file can be saved.

The issue is now, how do I get this data to the server? I have a server running IIS 7 setup but I don't quite understand the life cycle, so I'm not sure how to implement the receiving app.

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