Architecture :: Scalable ASP.NET Architecture

Mar 2, 2011

We host a web portal for the recruitment of staffs. The portal had close to sixty thousand (60,000 applicants/day) successfully registered applicants a day and at its peak period during the day the portal was hit with close to ten thousand (10,000 applicants/hour)
registrations an hour.
The Application process includes a number of functions such as
- Mail confirmation
- Upload of images
- Generation of unique Identification Numbers
- Providing information for the completion of the Application Form of various categories
- Print out of the Application Form
The form also maintains a login profile for each successful applicant and this is seen at the top of the application form when the user is logged in.

- The system was built using ASP.NET and MSSQL was used as a database for the data collected on the same physical server

- ASP.NET membership was the Application Programming Interface (API) used for user authentication and role management due to its flexibility and the ease of use.
- The passwords are hashed in the database.
- LINQ was used as the adapter for data handling to the database server
- Uploaded images was stored in a folder in the file system

- 32-bit processor
- Rackspace cloud computing
- 8Gig RAM
- Windows server 2008

- At peak period, the portal was overloaded and had a very slow response time
- SQL server reporting services ran out of memory when we generated reports due to size of the report.

We want an overhaul of the architecture that would enable more applications to be filled simultaneously without issues i.e. a site that can sustain the load, But I am not sure what to do.

any advice would be great in regards to architecture?

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i am in the process of creating 3 tier architecture for with Microsoft Studio 2005.

My architerture is as below

Presentation Layer Business Logic Layer Data Access Layer

-------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------

Form1 BLTable1 DaTable1
(NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable1) (NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable1)
Form2 BLTable2 DaTable2
(NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable2) (NameSpace =
MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable2)
Form3 BLTable3 DaTable3
(NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.BL. BLTable3) (NameSpace = MyCompany.MyProject.DA. DaTable3)

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So,I'm looking for online training that maybe help me to learn about the architecure and design pattern and how to use them in my website project?

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some link of some articles for learning N-tier architecture ....

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