Architecture :: Using Data Sources Vs. Using Data Access Layer To Populate Presentation Controls?

Mar 17, 2010

We are using a tierd design with a Data Access Layer and classes for everything we need. This serves as an advantage because we do not have to write querys over and we can separate the Presentation layer from the Data Access Layer and Business Rules.I have always in the past populated GridViews, DataLists, repeaters,etc with SqlDataSources. This is what I have become accustomed to and I feel like it is simple. For querys such as Select * from Members, I feel like using a DataSource is simpler than having to go in the code and calling methods to populate and DataBind these presentation controls.

I am working with a gentleman who has introduced me to the world of Data Access Layers and we are breaking everything down into simeple, but effective queries to populate controls and do what we need to accomplish with this application. He is not very approving of using any type of DataSource. We are disagreeing on the time and place to use these class methods to call the database.So my question is, which is more widely used in the programming world? Do most people use DataSources to populate presentation controls regardless of the Data Access Layer they are working with? Which type of queries are best suited for a DAL - simple, populating queries or complicated joins and upserts?

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public int GetProductName(string productId)
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public IEnumerable display()
using (TestDataContext db = new TestDataContext())
var display = obj.USP_Actor_View_Speciality(p_UserName, 1);
return display as IEnumerable;

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