Architecture :: Design A Class For Product Searching?
Oct 21, 2010
I'm refactoring an old website that has product search code littered throught the codebehind. I'm trying to encapsulate the search logic into its own class so I've created a Product class with a Search() method. I would like some suggestions about OO best practices so that the class is reusable and maintainable. The questions I have are:
- Should I make the search() method an instance method or make it static? For now the class is just really there to encapsulate my search logic
- If I make it an instance method should it return a list of products or should it populate a member property that I can access like p.Search(); var x = p.ProductList;
- The search method requires upward of 7 parameters of different types, what's the best way to provide them?
- pass them all i.e. p.Search (param1, param2, ..., param7)
- create a SearchParams structure in the class, populate it and pass that i.e. p.Search(searchParams)
- Instantiate a Product object and set properties on it that are used by the Search method i.e. p.ID = 123; etc.... p.Search();
I've used variations of the above before but would like to know what's the best way.
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plan cerement TST Shipped Each work center should have due dates User will have to update manually due date for each work center and this will be different for each job.
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Could and should my BL object inherit those entity model in the DAL, so I dont need to recreate their object's property?
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Aug 7, 2010
I want to know what is the advantages of using aggregates in c# for design patterns.
suppose i have tree tables
"One member can place more than one bid on more than one item."
so there is one to many bidirectional association between Bid and Member table.
And one to many association between bid and item table Now According to defination of aggregates in this case Item table is the root of aggregate item and item has aggregation with bid table.
and bid table holds unidirectional reference to member table and hence only bid table has access over member table.
But ultimately this will also map in database same as without using aggregate then what is use of aggregates?
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Apr 24, 2010
I have a ordinary Category/Product database relationship Design structure.
Now i wish to add a sub category to this architecture.
for example, Cloths Category needs to be sub divided - Women,Men,Children categories.Also what about other Ctegories such as: Car,this also has sub divisions: Model,Type.
My Products table contains ProductName field together with generic field for Size,Colour and Price fields.
How do you therefore incorporate this sub division into the existing Category/Product relationship model and is there a model example?
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