Can Call A Webservice From A Controller Action In MVC
Oct 27, 2010
Can I call a webservice from a Controller Action in ASP.Net MVC?
public ActionResult Index()
PersonObject person = new Person("Sam");
//Call a webservice which is located in the same app under /Services/General.asmx/WebMethod and pass it person
Basically I want to do this from my Action...
type: "POST",
url: "/Services/General.asmx/WebMethod",
data: JSON.stringify(DTOInternetPricing),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(res) {
error: function(res) {
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I have one problem with actionlink. My Example is: i have one view(xyz.aspx) and controller(abc.vb) , in this view i put below line
<%=Html.ActionLink("Manage", "Index", "Advertisement", New With {.aintCampaignid = Cam.CampaignID})%>
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Aug 12, 2010
In the view I have a HTML button:
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
Also I have a dropdownlist, how do I call the controller's action after I click the "Submit" button?
And how do I pass the Model back to the controller action as well?
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May 12, 2010
ia ma working on an mvc 2 app and i have a Users view, displaying all the users of the database. Then, i would like to add the ablility to display "users starting with fisrt name" capabaility on the same view. For this i created a list of all english leters that actually are links (<a href="#">A</a>, etc...)
I managed to handle the click event of each one of the letters and get the corresponding letter via jquery, but i don't know how to call theHttp.Post Users/FindUserByFirstLetterName(string letter) on the click event.
I cannot use the Html.ActionLink<> helper, since it redirects me to the HttpGet controller action.
I also tried using using jqery.Post but i also couldn't manage to call the action.
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Jul 6, 2010
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Jul 13, 2010
I am quite new to MVC development and facing some basic issues.
I am having a form on which I am taking input form user. It is bould to one of the properties on Model class.
I am having a submit button
<input type="submit" value="Save"/>
Now I want to call Save Action in my controller on click on this Save button.
But it is not working. I have checked on following things:
1. My HTML page is correctly point to the controller
2. I have written HTML code as
<%= HTML.BeginForm("Save","ControllerName", FormMethod.Post); %>
<input type="submit" value="Save"/>
<%= HTML.EndForm();%>
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Jan 1, 2010
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Apr 9, 2010
i have a website where i provicde a link. On clicking the link a controller action method is called to generate a zip file after creation of zip file is done, i show the link to download the zip file by replacing the link to create a zip with the link to download the zip.
the problem is that after zip file creation is over and link is shown, when user clicks on the link to download the zip file, they are sent to login. After providing correct credentials in the login page they are prompted to download the zip file. they sould not be sent to the login page. In the action to generate zip file i haven't abondoned the session or haven't not done anything that abondons the session.
the user should not be sen't to login page after successful creation of zip file user should be able to download the file without login. i search internet on this problem, but i did not find any solution. In one of the blog written by hanselman i found this statement that creates the problem with the session: Is some other thing like an Ajax call or IE's Content Advisor simultaneously hitting the default page or login page and causing a race condition that calls Session.Abandon? (It's happened before!)
so i thought there might be some problem with ajax call that causes the session to expire, but i don't know what is happening? it's like this after users click on the link to create zip file the zip file is created successfully but the session gets expired. this is not what i want. Why does the session has to get expired after making a jquery post call to controller action to create a zip file? i hope u understand the problem.
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Apr 29, 2010
Lets say I have a simple controller for ASP.NET MVC I want to test. I want to test that a controller action (Foo, in this case) simply returns a link to another action (Bar, in this case).How would you test TestController.Foo? (either the first or second link)
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public class TestController : Controller
public ActionResult Foo()[code].....
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And here is the controller code:
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From UserController how do I set DepartmentListModel ?
I tried doing so
But RedirectToAction returns RediretToRouteResult
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1 equals the application ID.
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<%: Html.ActionLink("Add New Assistant", "Create", "Assistant", new { applicationID = "id" }, null) %>
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public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "FooController", action = "SomeAction", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
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Dec 17, 2010
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Dec 20, 2010
I am calling a Controller Action from a view, within that controller I need to invoke another Action which I will invoke to save the view to a network location as either HTML or Image.
How do I retrieve the URL to an Action from within a Controller. I need the actual URL, this means RedirectionToAction or View() wont work.
Why? I need to pass in a URL which will contain a call to a View. This view will be used to generate an image or HTML document using the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser.
.NET 3.5; C#; MVC 1;
I could do something like this, but its dirty ... well it leaves me with that dirty feeling.
using(Html.BeginForm("Action", "MyWorkflowController",
new {
MyId = "bla",
URLToGenerateImage = Url.Action("GenerateImage", "MyWorkflowController")
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Nov 2, 2010
I would like all actions of a controller to read some master page level values from the querystring and write those values to ViewState. How do I do this in ASP.NET MVC?
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Mar 8, 2010
What's the correct way to get the controller name and action from an httpContext object? I can see the values in the debug, but I don't seem to be able to get to them in the object code?
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a user control in a modal popup for login form. It's ajax post so when login is successfull it doesn't update the rest of the page. Would like to just redirect the user to thier current page but not 100% on how to do this from the accountController.
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