Catch A Pdf Hyperlink Click From An Iframe

Jan 22, 2010

I'm loading pdf's into an iframe on my web page by setting the src of the iframe to the path of the pdf document. This works as I'd like for viewing the pdf.

The problem is that some of the pdf's have hyperlinks in them to external websites which, when clicked, load the external website in my iframe.

So my question is: is it possible to catch the pdf's hyperlink click in javascript in the parent browser window, set the target to either top or blank and then redirect the request?

Unfortunately the pdf's are supplied by a third party so I don't have access to change the documents themselves.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Clicking The Hyperlink Which Should Open New Page In The Iframe

Nov 29, 2010

I have a main page which display the results when clicked on the search button. Those results are in the gridview. one of the column is a hyperlink. when clicked on the hyperlink, it will display the detail page in an iframe(iframe is in the main page below grid view) which is on the same page.

now i need to make changes to the main page, to display directly the detail page in an iframe when there is a single record. or the grid view when there are multiple recoreds so that user can choose which details they want tlp see when a search button is clicked.

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C# - How To Catch Link Or Button Click

Jun 19, 2010

How do I catch all links and button pressed? Without having to add my JavaScript method to every link and button? Anytime my browser wanrs to redirect to page1.aspx stop it from redirecting and have mt browser click a link found on the page to page2.aspx

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Web Forms :: Catch Click From Link Inside Widget?

Aug 29, 2010

I have an ASP.NET (3.5) page. On the page there is a widget. Here is the page code:


The widget (script) displays a list of news from another website like this:

title1 (as link)
short description
short description

1. When a user clicks on one of the links in the above list I want to "catch" the link.

2. ISSUE: When the link (from the list) is clicked the URL is opened in another browser tab

3. If a user clicks on a link I want to redirect him not to the link's URL but to a page of my website.

I have tried using global.asax (application_beginrequest) but, since the link is opened in another tab that function is never reached. How to do this?

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AJAX :: ModalPopup Doesn't Catch Click Event

Mar 12, 2010

I'm developing a page which has a master page, and in the contentplaceholder I have an UpdatePanel with a GridView inside. Out of the UpdatePanel I have a button which calls to a ModalPopup, in the modalpopup i have two textboxes, an accept button and a cancel button. If I put the textboxes in a div in the contentplaceholder everything works fine, it recognizes the click button, it makes the insert into the gridview, and refreshes the updatepanel and the gridview But, if I try to make the same proccess from a ModalPopup the click event is not fired. I tried everything, and I didn't forget to put the triggers in the updatePanel to make asynchronoys calls to the server. How can I fire a click event from a modalpopup in order to make an insert?

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Feb 7, 2010

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@DepartmentID int
WHERE DepartmentID = @DepartmentID
IF @@ERROR <> 0
RAISERROR ('Error', 16, 1)
DELETE FROM Departments
WHERE DepartmentID = @DepartmentID
IF @@ERROR <> 0
RAISERROR ('Error', 16, 1)

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When Click A Treeview Entry, Display A Gridview In The Iframe?

May 18, 2010

I have a page that has a treeview and an Iframe. When I click a treeview entry, I display a gridview in the Iframe. The gridview has a link in the commands column that should display another page.The problem is, when I click the link, the page does not display. I have tried the following (partial code):


I can break in the LineItemDocs code behind, so it is getting to the page, but the LineItemDocs page does not render!The effect that I am going for is to click a treenode, display a page that has some functionality and contains a link. Click the link to display another page that contains additional functionality. Then be able to back-out to where I started. The treenode displays different gridviews (14 of them), depending on the node clicked.

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JQuery :: Click Link Inside Iframe Using Javascript?

Jan 13, 2011

i need to put an IFrame in my page, this iframe page include a link with text "logout", the link didnot has an ID or Name tags.

<a href="">Logout</a>

how can i click this link from outside this Iframe using javascript?

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May 19, 2010

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Sep 27, 2010

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Getting Unhandled Exception But Unable To Catch With Try Catch

Sep 14, 2011

I get this error in the browser:

Thread was being aborted.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.

Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:

[ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.]
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +486
System.Web.ApplicationStepManager.ResumeSteps(Exception error) +501
System.Web.HttpApplication.System.Web.IHttpAsyncHandler.BeginProcessRequest(HttpContext context, AsyncCallback cb, Object extraData) +123
System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestInternal(HttpWorkerRequest wr) +379

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3053; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3053

I have try{}catch(Exception ex){} in the right place:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// all processing occurs inside here
catch(Exception ex)

I even created a global.asax file and on the Application_Error event, I wrote a code that would email me the error (and i'm not getting an email regarding that error when I get the error shown above). I know for a fact that the thread is going inside the "try" statement because I send emails to myself whenever it finishes certain codes inside of it. So how come I'm getting that error in my browser instead of it being handled in my "catch" statement? I have two problems here, one, why is the exception not going to my "catch" statement, and two, why am I getting that error in the first place.

Note: my web app calls a webservice.

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VS 2005 Div Container Click Hyperlink?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a div which I am using as a container. In the container I have a hyper link, image and label control. The content is being dynaimcally being created from an access database. I use the hyperlink to load a different page. How can I make it so the user can click anywhere in the Div/Image/Label to activate the hyperlink? Basically I want the end user to be able to launch the new page by clicking anywhere in the div.

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Web Forms :: Hyperlink Is Not Working On Click?

Apr 21, 2010

On execution of webpage there is no click on hyperlink only text visible. The hyperlink is independent on webpage.

Here is the code:

Server.UrlEncode(Eval("Department").ToString()), Server.UrlEncode(Eval("Final_section").ToString()), Server.UrlEncode(Eval("Section").ToString())) %>'

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C# - Javascript To Auto Click On Hyperlink?

May 5, 2010

How do I javascript automatically click on a hyperlink (id is link_page) after 5 minutes?

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Change HyperLink NavigteURL On Click?

Jan 6, 2010

As you all know, HyperLink have a navigateURL property and whenever you click on a hyperlink you'll redirect to link destination, it is ok.

So LinkButton in visual cases are same as Hyperlink but it have not a navigateURL property and instead you can redirect user by using Response.Redirect on OnClick event of LinkButton,

the differet between thee mehods are that HyperLink has the ability to open the destinatio URL on a new browser tab or a new page, but linkButton just redirect user in current open window.

you can open a window by window.opn with javascript butall I need is use a HyperLink that generate his destination URL by a composition of user selected Items ( this is not possible with hyper link but is available with LinkButton)

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Sep 24, 2010

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JavaScript - How To Programmatically Click On A EIT Lightbox Hyperlink

Mar 28, 2010

On my webpage Im using EIT Lightbox to display images. I need to click on the Lightbox hyper link by code. I have tried the following

body.Attributes.Add("onLoad", "document.getElementById("lbh1").click()
body.Attributes.Add("onload", "eval(document.getElementById("lbh1").href);

But neither seems to work. If I use the following code

body.Attributes.Add("onload", "alert('popup');

The alert is displayed Is there another way to do the click?

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Sep 9, 2010

how to implement click event for hyperlink as I am using hyperlink to logout the application and need to write the logout code in the event. For some reasons I am not able to use linkbutton.

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Using Dreamweaver Cs4 And Want To Hyperlink It To An Other Page Using The On Click Of The Button?

Apr 10, 2010

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Web Forms :: Getting Hyperlink To Respond Like A Button Click Event?

Aug 9, 2010

I have some dynamically-changing text, which I would like to appear as a hyperlink (i.e. underlined text which changes colour as you hover the mouse over it). However, I would also like this text to behave like an asp:Button object when the user clicks on it. This is so I can add some VB.NET into the click event of the text. Does anyone know how I can do this?

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AJAX :: Update Listbox In Updatepanel On Click Of Hyperlink?

Jan 11, 2011

what im tryign to do is, onclick of a hyperlink, update a list box inside an update panel

im guessing you can tell i have no idea what im doing by the code below, i dont even know how to assign names and values to the listbox via c# i was just mashing together test code


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SQL Reporting :: Click Event For Hyperlink Using Reportviewer For Web Forms?

Oct 27, 2010

i am developing a web site in using visual studio 2010 i am developing reports using reportviewer and .rdlc file i have added a hyperlink column in my report.

i have set URL as [URL] and it works fine. but when i deploy web site on my server i have to change my url from "http://localhost/webform2.aspx" to [URL].

there are many reports in this website so every time changing this url from localhost to domain name is very hectic

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Display Modal Popup With Some Text After Click On Hyperlink?

Nov 3, 2010

How can I can display modal popup with some text clicking on Hyperlink. I would link use Ajax with 4.0. I am new to ASP.NET 4.0.

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