Change The Url Of Page From Code Behind?

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to change change the url of current aspx page to the other url on a click of button. Using Request.Url.AbsoluteUri i can get the url but is it possible to modify?. If yes, what actions will it take i mean will it be a new request or a post back.

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C# - Change The Master Page From Code Behind?

Aug 4, 2010

I have a web page named MyPage.aspx and two master page named Home.master and BlanK.master. By default MyPage.aspx uses Home.master.But based on some condition I need to change the master page from Home.aspx to Blank.master.So, how to do this from code behind in c#?I mean how change the master page from code behind?

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Web Forms :: Want To Change Code - It Loads On Aspx Page

Sep 20, 2010

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<asp:DropDownList id="lstBannerType" runat="server" CssClass="input_nosize" AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="lstBannerType_SelectedIndexChanged">
<asp:ListItem>Top banner</asp:ListItem>
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gvContacts.SkinID = "NPTResults_m";

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C# - Can Change The Font Size Through Code Behind

Sep 22, 2010

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Web Forms :: Can Change The Properties Of A Div In The Code Behind

Dec 7, 2010

I'm struggling once again to get something centered on a page, and fighting with recalcitrant browsers. I can fix the problem for one browser by adding a style. I can fix it for the other browser by NOT adding the style. I can determine which browser I'm using. If I can change the properties of a div in the code behind, I can create a class and apply it to the div as needed. I added an id to the class:

<div id="alignLV2" runat="server">

but in the code behind, alignLV2 doesn't seem to have a class property. Is there a way to add a class or change the style?

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Dec 1, 2010

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Dec 2, 2010

I am using

In my .cs page I am setting a value for a variable [count = 12]. count is a var, which I have declared on the aspx page.

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Is their any way I can modify the code in the production site whitout re deploying it?

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Cannot Change Control's Visibility On C# Code

Oct 5, 2010

I want to change controls visibility on c#, but nothing happens. The controls are in an AspxPopupControl and 3 of them are hidden in design time, 1 of them is visible. I use this code to visible them

if (paramType == "Grup")
gv_Answers.Visible = false;
trlGroup.Visible = true;
chkShowItems.Visible = true;
gv_Answers.Visible = true;
trlGroup.Visible = false;
chkShowItems.Visible = false;

This code is in a CustomCallBack event of a gridview. So i don't know what to do from this point. It's an easy task but i couldn't handle it.

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Web Forms :: Change The IMG SRC String With The Code Behind?

Feb 18, 2010

I m trying to change the img src using the code behind.

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My trouble is that when I change the image using the code behind the img src doesn't come with html content.

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Controls :: How To Dynamically Change SVG Code

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<svg width="250" height="250" xmlns="">
<!-- Created with Method Draw - -->
<rect fill="#fff" id="canvas_background" height="252" width="252" y="-1" x="-1"/>

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Change Label Text With C# Behind Code?

Dec 29, 2010

I created a new project in VS2010. It automaticly creates masterpages and other stuff.

In the login page i create a connection with my local database. To test my login-routine i want to change te text of a label.

I wanna do this with behind code (C#).

But i continue get errors that the refered label doesn't exist: Error 1 The name 'Labeltest1' does not exist in the current context l:DocumentenVisual Studio 2010WebSitesWebSite1AccountLogin.aspx.cs 46 13 l:...WebSite1

I tryed different solutions, but nothing .


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Web Forms ::to Run This Code And Change Text In Tb TextBox, Nothing Happens?

Nov 25, 2010

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

TextBox tb = new TextBox();
tb.TextChanged += Test;
private void Test(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Label2.Text = "ok";
When I run this code and change text in tb TextBox, nothing happens.

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How To Change Border Properties Of ASCX From Code-behind

Feb 25, 2010

I am building a library of user controls which I am deriving from a custom UserControlBase class which further derives from actual UserControl class. Hierarchy looks like this :

ASCX -> UserControlBase : UserControl

I have this requirement to put a border around all the ASCX's. So, I thought if I can modify UserControlBase it will apply to all ASCXs. I tried following code in Page_Load of UserCOntrolBase but its not working


this.Attributes.Add("style", "border-color:#FFFF66;border-width:4px;border-style:Dashed;");

What should I do to make it work?

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Code So That When Published Online

Oct 3, 2010

I have the following code in visual studio 2010:

TextBox1.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText("C:UsersBabyDesktopSimulator websiteResourcesTextFile.txt")

It reads the text in the textfile and displays it in the textbox. However, this link only works on my computer. How do I change the code so that when published online, it still works on anybody's PC? I think i need to refer to a relative path, but do not know how this should be done.

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Jul 31, 2010

string lvStatus =

if (ClbLeaveStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) [code]..

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Change Border Properties Of ASCX From Code Behind?

Feb 25, 2010

I am building a library of user controls which I am deriving from a custom UserControlBase class which further derives from actual UserControl class. Hierarchy looks like this :

ASCX -> UserControlBase : UserControl

I have this requirement to put a border around all the ASCX's. So, I thought if I can modify UserControlBase it will apply to all ASCXs. I tried following code in Page_Load of UserCOntrolBase but its not working

this.Attributes.Add("style", "border-color:#FFFF66;border-width:4px;border-style:Dashed;");

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