Configuration :: Active Directory Security Doesn't Work On Server

Aug 19, 2010

The Security is working fine when testing on a local machine, but when it gets published to the server, it seems that It can't get any active directory information at all.

For example, on the local computer <asp:LoginName ID="LoginName1" FormatString="(Welcome {0})" CssClass="loginname" runat="server" /> returns "Welcome DOMAINusername" but when it's published, it doesn't return anything at all.

Using code i've added users to the correct roles and checked they are really in the roles, but security when published won't recognise the current user's name, so it all fails.

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<authentication mode="Windows"/>

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//web page
<script src=""></script>
var attributes = { code:'ImageApplet.class', archive:'ImageApplet.jar', width:864, height:1000} ;
var parameters = {jnlp_href: 'image-applet.jnlp'} ;
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public void init() {
public void buildUI() {
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public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
add("South", jumbleButton); }

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UserName0 As
String= [code]......

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