Configuration :: Decimal Place - Convert String To Double

Oct 9, 2010

i have a strange error creaping into my web app but am unsure as to how to fix it. When i run this code on my debug workstation it works fine but when i transfer it to my server things seam to go wrong.

dev station (windows 7) + VS2010
regional and language settings all set to uk
server (windows 2008r2)
regional and language settings all set to uk

What seams to be happening is that when converting a string to a double it works correctly on the dev environment but moves the decimal place to the end on the server.

example code(vb)
dim lat as string = "52.983829"
dim long as string = "-0.036500"
dim latint as double = lat
dim longint as double = long

now on the dev server the value of latint is 52.983829 as you might expect but on when published to the server it becomes 52983829.0 the same with longint on the dev staion it is -0.036500 but on the server it becomes -36500.0 i get equally confusing problems if i try to change it to an integer instead.

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'This is some text in the textbox on line 3
'some text on line 4
'some text on line 6
'some text on line 9

now somehow i want to remove line 1 and 2, and line 7 and 8

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