Configuration :: Session Timeout On Job Application Page?

Jan 12, 2011

We have a application where users will apply for jobs online. When users fill out the form the page isn't timing out the session. If a user goes back to the main page the last user's information is still available.

I have setup many websites and have never had to make any changes on IIS, under the configuration within the website. The default is 20 minutes we can change it to 8 or 10, but I think this issue should be taken care of in the code. The setting will affect the entire site instead of the pages that need to timeout.

What is the best way to do this within the code?

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State Management :: Form Timeout Vs. Session Timeout Vs. Connectionstrings Timeout?

Jan 27, 2011

We have the timeout value set to 120 in our <form> tag within the web.config. We do not have a session timeout set.. and we have various connection strings.

We are having a problem where a session variable will disappear (become NULL) .. but, the form evidently remains 'open'.. or no re-login is required..... so, my question(s):

1. what is the relationship between form timeout and session timeout

2. how do I set session timeout

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<sessionState mode="InProc" timeout="524601"/>

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Session Timeout And Page Response Time

Feb 16, 2011

I'm load testing an app.The load test is simulating 500 user doing searchs on the site and browsing the results. I'm observing that the more I reduce the session timeout limit (in web.config) the better the page response time.exemple, with a timeout at 10 minutes, I got an average response time of 8.35 seconds.
With a timout at 3 minutes, the average response time for the same page is 3,98 seconds.The session in stored "InProc".

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Setting Session Timeout At Page Level?

Jul 28, 2010

I have a site that when a user logs in it sets their initials into a session variable and sets the timeout value like so:


I want the user to be logged in for 3 hours. This does not work, the session expires after a short period of time, maybe 20 minutes. What do I need to change to make this page level validation work?I have tried setting in web.config also, but this doesn't work either.

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="true" timeout="180" />

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Differences In Forms Auth Timeout And Session Timeout?

Feb 1, 2010

The session state timeout is set using this web.config element

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="120" />
The forms auth is configured using this web.config element
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="Login.aspx"
enableCrossAppRedirects="false" />

What is the difference between the timeouts specified in each of these elements? If both are different, how would it work?

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How Would Be Able To Detect A Session Timeout And Do A Postback On The Parent Page

Jul 21, 2010

I have a button that executes a script using AJAX.Normally when a session is still active the script will return some data that will be placed inside the parent page.If the session expired the AJAX will return the login screen which gets placed inside the parent page which looks really odd.How would I be able to detect a session timeout and do a postback on the parent page?

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Security :: Redirect To Login Page After Session Timeout?

Nov 22, 2010

i would like to redirect user to login page after defining session timeout

how to redirect the user to my login.aspx and how to set session time out within web.config

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State Management :: Session Timeout On Page Basis?

Dec 14, 2010

How can I remove or Dispose a session once user navigate from one page to other. I just want to use a session which should expire when user navigate to other page..its same like view state..we don't get viewstate information on page to page. why session: i need to keep one value on page constant on page refresh where as Viewstate will be reset to null on page refresh...and i just don't want to use that session once user navigate to other pages.. where i need to plcae the session dispose in page events or methods?..or is there any way to keep viewstate on page refresh?

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Configuration :: Application Configuration With Sticky Session On WebForm

Dec 8, 2010

We are going develop a web application using This applicaton is going to server 50 users per day and 40 users concurrently. As the user count is less, we are planning to have two webservers clustered under a webfarm. We are planning to go for a Sticky Session. Netscaler is the load balancing and reverse proxy we are using at hardware level to route to the same webserver till the end of the client session.

1. Do I need to implement any handler at level to route the session or to provide browser cookie details of session to NetScaler? If so, what should be implemented in detail. Any sample code will also be helpful.

2. I need to maintain a big chunk of object information in session. Does a webserver can handle it?

3. At the hardware level how ReverseProxy works to navigate it to the same webserver? I want conceptual details of it from a web application end.

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Javascript - Sync JS Timeout And Session Timeout?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a page of each every click has ajax call to my server (hence, the ASP extends the session)

I have ASP.NET session set to Xmin. I want when X+1 min expires, I have expiration page. what I did was to set the JS timer to validate every x+1min to see if the session expired (the problem is that the JS and the ASP session timeouts are not synced)

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Web Forms :: Automatic Page Redirect On Session Timeout Using Meta Tags

Dec 15, 2013

I want to redirect to login page,when session is timedout. Here is the link i am following [URL] ...

For example:   If i am in the page called http://localhost/RealWebApp/Dashboard/RealProfile.aspx

when session is timed out, this page is showing like http://localhost/RealWebApp/Dashboard/logout.aspx

But i wanted to be like : http://localhost/RealWebApp/logout.aspx

If I use like this in master page:

meta.Content = Convert.ToString(Session.Timeout * 60) + ";url=../LogOut.aspx";

then it is redirecting to http://localhost/Logout.aspx

But i wanted to be like : http://localhost/RealWebApp/logout.aspx

How to accomplish this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta();
meta.HttpEquiv = "Refresh";
meta.Content = Convert.ToString(Session.Timeout * 60) + ";url=LogOut.aspx";

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May 7, 2015

How to page redirect in  Global.asax Session_End ?

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Configuration :: Forms Timeout Vs Sessionstate Timeout?

Mar 10, 2011


I have an issue to where my users are logged into my system but thier session is null so when they try to do something in the system after 20 minutes, i get null reference expceptions because my session is gon
What is the best practice for handleing the session, should i kick the users out before thier session ends and when they log back in thier session will return or atleast a new one will be created right? How should I handle this?

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State Management :: Session Timeout Message Occurring Automatically When Going To Reports Page From Silverlight App

Aug 6, 2010

The Silverlight app has a link to a different group of reports. This *was* working fine but no more. In the following code you can see the 'Reports' part that it calls another page [URL] namely right here: WHat is happening is when the reports page is called, it goes into 'Session timeout ' right away.

StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal"
VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Right"
Margin="5, 1">
<HyperlinkButton x:Name


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Security :: Valid Session Isn't Created On Re-logging In After Session Timeout

Feb 3, 2011

I created a user control for my web application that checks for Session Timeout. If the criteria are met for Timeout, I use Response.Redirect to send the user back to the login page. I include this user control in my Master page, and run the SessionTimeoutcode in the user control's Page_Init event. That all works great. However, once the user logs in again after time-out (and I have verified that the OnLoggedIn event does fire) the user is redirected to the DestinationPageUrl. That page runs the Session Timeout check when it loads (as it should) and the Session Timeout code "says" that the session is still timed-out.

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ASP.NET: Session Does Not End, Session Timeout Checks Are In The Home/Customer Action?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm working to set up/correct my session timeout code, and have consulted numerous articles like this one and this SO post for ideas on how best to do this. The solution to detecting a session timeout that I continue to see over and over is to first check the Session.IsNewSession property for true, and if so, then check to see if a session cookie already exists. I guess the logic here is that the user has ended their last session that timed out, started a new session, but the old cookie wasn't yet removed. The code for those checks looks like this:


The problem is that the session does not end, and all of my session timeout checks are in the Home/Customer action (I use MVC). So I'm redirected to Home/Customer, and I run through the checks above, but when I get to Session.IsNewSession, it's false, because the session is still alive (I assume because I'm still within the 120 minutes I have set)

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Web Forms :: Show Session Timeout Message Before 5 Seconds Of Session End

Apr 7, 2013

I want some efficient way that how can i display a message to user that he is about to logout after 1 minute if user is idle and doing nothing on the page for 1 mintue.

on message if user want stay online so he must click keep me online or say logout.

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Web Forms :: In Session Timeout Page Is Not Redirecting To Defaulturl In Forms Authentication?

Apr 13, 2010

In our application we are using forms authentication, we have given defaulturl also in the config file. But the problem is that it is not getting redirected to the default url when the session timeout is occuring.

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Web Forms :: Display Session (Timeout) Expire Message 5 Seconds Before Session Expire

May 7, 2015

Using this code i want to show an modal pop up to the user that "your session will be expired within 5 minutes , Click here [BUTTON] to reset your session" , here's my code :

<asp:Button ID="btnReset" Text="Reset" runat="server" OnClick="ResetSession" />
<br />
Your Session will expire in <span id = "seconds"></span> seconds.
<script type="text/javascript">
function SessionExpireAlert(timeout) {
var seconds = timeout / 1000;


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How To Set Session Timeout

Mar 31, 2011

In ASP.NET application's web.config, I have something like this

<sessionState mode="InProc" cookieless="false" timeout="30"/>

Is this the only place where Sessions timeouts are defined Is this timeoout in web.config the only one for all the sessions in the application. Can I not set the session timeouts for each session individually.
IF so, where??

I am looking to use "Keep me Logged-in", where do I have to set the timeout to Maximum

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