Crystal Report Viewer Control Isn't Loading The Images Inside The Report
Feb 12, 2010
I have an ASP.Net (.Net 2.0) application that creates Crystal Reports (version 11.5) and shows them with CrystalReportViewer control. For some reason the control isn't showing the logo image in the header of the report. It renders the following html
<img width="320" height="76" alt="Imagem" src="CrystalImageHandler.aspx?dynamicimage=cr_tmp_image_e47fba99-96fc-471b-ab11-06fd2212bbdd.png" border="0"/>
I already included the aspnet_client folder in my Virtual Directory in IIS.
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Similar Messages:
Feb 24, 2014
Is it possible to show 3 "Crystal Report" in single "Report Viewer Control" page??My current code for 1 Crystal Report and 1 Report Viewer control Page is below:Below code Page name is "JpsCrystalReport.aspx"
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine; //for crystal report
using CrystalDecisions.ReportSource;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SQLConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
I want that when i click on button it redirects to "JpsCrystalReport.aspx" page as per condition given. Then on "JpsCrystalReport.aspx" page it should execute the 3 crystal reports as per conditions given on button click.Or I had to create 3 different "JpsCrystalReport.aspx" pages (that contains Report Viewer control) to show 3 Different Crystal Reports as per condition on button click?
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Jul 23, 2010
I got a code from internet for creating Crystal reports in Visual studio 2008 .net. It shows on how to pass parameters from web form to Crystal reports. Everything is ok, except the report crystal report viewer. How can I declare and assign report crystal report viewer manually in Visual studio .net?.
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Feb 24, 2011
I am trying to use crystal report for my project. I have made .rpt file as instructions in the tutorials now the problem is with crystal report viewer control... i hav set its its report source to the one that i have made using its properties.. but still its not working..I am using professional edition of visual studio 2008 with .net frameowrk 3.5
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May 7, 2015
protected void btn_showReport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
ReportParameter Comp_Name = new ReportParameter();
Comp_Name.Name = "Comp_Name";
ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://dell-pc/ReportServer");
ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/Companies Report/Companies";
the above code is in "reportpage.aspx" when I click on it the company report is shown according to the parameter "Comp_Name"
I want to show report in "reportpage.aspx" according to parameter name passed from another .aspx page, how to do that?
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May 28, 2010
I am trying to print a report containing the single record using print option available in Report Viewer control. But print is coming in more than one page.
How can we shrink the report to a single page?
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Jan 8, 2010
Report viewer from SQL reporting services in VS 2008 report control If I create a new report in VS 2008 they have a .rdlc extension and work correctly.
I have some reports that I was using in SQL reporting services. Extensions are .rdl and want to get them to work with VS 2008.
I copied the rdl files and the files over to VS 2008 (SP1) project but when I go to select the report in the control it does not see the file (I assume it is looking for a .rdlc file)
I tried rename the file to .rdlc and loaded the file up and got
The report definition has an invalid target namespace [URL] which cannot be upgraded.
I see this
It says
"RDL files are fully compatible with the ReportViewer control runtime. However, RDL files do not contain some information that the design-time of the ReportViewer control depends on for automatically generating data-binding code. By manually binding data, RDL files can be used in the ReportViewer control."
But the link for how to manual bind the data is broken.
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Jun 16, 2010
That's my C# code but i the "ReportViewer1.LocalReport.Render("PDF", null, out mimeType, out encoding, out filenameExtension, out streamids, out warnings);" came in error everytime i try to generate the report. Can you show me the way so i can view the pdf from the browser or save the pdf from the browser?
View 6 Replies
Jan 20, 2011
I have a strange problem with a web application. This was developed using Visual Studio 2008 in C# .The web application has been developed, tested and hosted on 32 bit OS without any problem.I have since installed the same Web App on Windows 2008 r2 64bit.
I had to install the Crystal Reports Distribution 64.I now connect to that server via a link and I login.Once logged I have a Main Menu. From there I can select other web pages of which several (not all) have a Crystal Report Viewer on it.I cant be 100% sure but it seems that on the web pages I have a Crystal Report Viewer I get strange behaviour problems from Link Buttons and Buttons. Every time I click on one of these buttons that has a Crystal Report Viewer I get redirected to the Login page.The other pages also have Link Buttons and Buttons but behave as they should.
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Jan 8, 2011
I am using VS 2010, Web application with .net 4, I downloaded Crystal report from the website that Microsoft suggests. I added a crystal report to my web page, dragged a CrystalReportViewer, and a button.
I put in the button_click the following code:
ReportDocument cryRpt;
cryRpt = new ReportDocument();
cryRpt.Load("C:\Users\Yazan\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\WebSites\WebSite17\CrystalReport.rpt");
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cryRpt;
So it is obvious that when the button is clicked, the CrystalReportViewer appears (showing the Crystal Report I already created). when the export button (that is already exists in the toolbar of the CrystalReportViewer) is clicked, a window is poped up letting me choose the type of format that I want to export to, and specify which pages of the report I want to export. When I click the export button, the page is postback, and the CrystalReportViewer disappeared, and I god my old web page (without CrystalReportViewer) containing the following message: "Failed to export using the options you specified. check your options and try again." Note that this error happens for all types of file format to export to (pdf, doc...)
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Oct 20, 2010
WE developed system integrated with crystal Reports, with Crystal Report viewer on page. but the problem is we hosted it on 32 bit server but when access it and try to print the report it gives the error and does show any dialogue. we have installed full crystal report version with License but error is there. I tried to find but no success, one person said on net that if Crystal Report viewer is in updatePanel, but in my case is not there is no updatepanel on this page even.
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Jul 25, 2010
I have an ASP.NET webapplication with an Oracle11g backend using DevArt's Oracle data provider.
The application works fine however when producing Crystal Reports, the web Crystal Report viewer renders only the FIRST page and none of the toolbar buttons function (ie: next page, zoom, export, search ...) The Group-tree and Prameters views will toggle, but nothing else seems to work on the web Crystal Reports Viewer (neither on my local nor on the server). The group tree shows all of the appropriate groupings collapsed - however when clicked to expand, I get an animated gif at the expand icon (+) but nothing else happens...
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Sep 2, 2010
I am using MVC for a reporting website for our company. I figured out that MVC doesn't support Crystal Reports but webforms can be added to it and then there is a workout.
1) I have 25 Crystal reports to add to the website. Is it a good idea to add webforms and make crystal reports.
2) Is there a way that I can use one Report viewer and 25 Crystal reports display according to the condition?
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Apr 29, 2010
We would like to have an option to print a report directly from Crystal Report Viewer (from an APSX page).
When the user hits the print button on the report viewer, this brings up the preview in PDF and then the user has make an additional click on PDF file which inturn brings up the print settings window where we have the print option.
Is there a way to eliminate the steps in between so that when the user clicks the "Print Button" on the Crystal report viewer, it somehow directly brings up the print settings window. (Does not matter even if Acrobat Reader opens in background if the print settings window opens along with it)
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Mar 10, 2011
How to make group tree wider in crystal report viewer?
I used code below to set CrystalReportViewer (CRV1):
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Nov 10, 2010
I'm developing a report by using crystal report with viewer.The view toolbar print event can be captured?
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Mar 20, 2012
I'm using Crystal reports 2011 and visual studio and 2008 and I'm having a problem displaying my report in the Crystal Report viewer. I'm using themes and my data is not aligning like expected. I have a lot of numerical data on the report and I have the numbers right aligned.
I finally figured out that if I don't use themes then the report shows the data as it should - right aligned, but when I apply the theme the data gets left aligned.Am I correct in assuming that if you are using themes then your data won't align correctly with the crystal report viewer? how to get my data aligned correctly when using themes?
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Oct 21, 2010
have a report that worked fine until we upgraded the SQL server from 2008 to 2008 R2 and the report viewer to latest version as well.This report has a pie display, NOW instead of showing one pie, it is showing 20 pies!I am trrying to learn how to resolve and what is causing this.
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Jul 30, 2010
[Code].... Opening SSRS 2008 report in VS 2010 with Report Viewer?
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Mar 4, 2010
In Crystal Reports Viewer (2008) for ASP.Net, when you click on the Export button, the Export dialog shows up with File Format options:
how to remove some of these options so that end users wouldn't see it?
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Dec 5, 2013
i have maked a form which is saving used detail . how we can print the same record after saving. i have maked a report viewer which is print the data when we give the date and name. but i want print report currenty which saved.
i need i have a print button in form so i need when i click them it should print the current record which is i saved currently.
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Jan 31, 2011
Can you please point me to an example of how to implement drill down in RDLC?
I am in a situation where the first report appears perfectly, but when I click on a drill down link , i get an error A data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'RecuirtmentDataSet_ProfileTracker'.
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Dec 14, 2010
I have already created a report in SSRS 2008. I'm using the Report Viewer to view it. I have one Report Parameter which is a list of usernames. I'd like to programatically select a particular value from that list.
So for instance, user: sdsmith goes to the page. The webpage will grab that username, check it against the list in ReportParameter1, then set the value of ReportParameter1 to sdsmith if it's found in the list.
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Jul 17, 2015
Web hosting provider has set the .net trust level as Medium. so report viewer & crystal reports are not working. it required full is it possible to execute the reports in medium trust? and how?
DataTable dt = cm.DisplayUserInfo("select * from tblProposal_Master where proposal_id='000006'").Tables[0];
CRV.ReportSource = ReportDoc;
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Jun 16, 2015
I am having one button , two date pickers and one report viewer , not all these controls are under update panel. Now when i click on button it is not generating a report. While if i remove update panel then it works.
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