Crystal Reports :: Image From SQL - Give One Hyperlink To Display

Jun 22, 2010

I developed crystal report using the tool available with VS2005. In SQL i have one image column, which is storing binary data.My requirement, is in crystal report i need to give one hyperlink to display that image.

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C# - Display Image In Crystal Reports Using URL

Mar 31, 2010

I want to show image in a crystal report. Scenario is something like this.

I have a database where my path of an image is persisting. eg ftp://Images/1.jpg

Now i want to repeat this image in a crystal report.

When i fills my datatable it shows me complete url. When i displays this field in GridView i uses imageBox to display my image and it works for me very fine.

But when i tries to do the same with crystal reports, it starts me showing image path as it is. Now here instead of path i want an image to be displayed.

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Crystal Reports :: Image Not Display Constantly?

Jun 22, 2010

I have an image in a report (a school logo stored in a folder).

My issue is that this image does not appear constantly on my reports, all of which use the same code to load it.

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The data set is filled as follows

public static DataTable SchoolLogo()
string ImageFile = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.MapPath("~/Images/ReportImages/logo.jpg");
DataTable data = new DataTable();


I have about 6 reports that use this code and the image is loaded sometimes and sometimes it is not (even within the same report if it is loaded several times.)

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I have a typed dataset that is displaying an image using an iBlobFieldObject on a report. I need to use a crystal report formula field to hide the image when the value is null, does anyone know how to do this?

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Crystal Reports :: Hyperlink Truncates In Textobject?

Sep 17, 2010

I am using the new Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010. I am trying to add a simple hyperlink with querystring parameters to a textobject. I add it via right clicking on the TextObject | Format Object | Clicking on the Hyperlink Format Editory button and I paste in the url. The problem that I have been incurring is that the url gets truncated at the first incounter of the "=" sign.

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Has anyone else incountered this, is there some setting to allow querystrings in the url's of CR 2010

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Crystal Reports :: CrystalDecisions/hyperlink Is Broken Down Onto Many Hyperlinks?

Aug 12, 2010

my hyperlink is broken down onto many hyperlinks when

1. displayed on a webpage

2. link takes more than 1 line

I have hyperlnk CSS highlighting and it looks quite strange when only a part of the link is highlighted.I have tried to fix it through Format Object dialog in Crystal Reports, but unsuccessfully.Tweaking CrystalReportViewer did not help either.What I do:

1. Create a text object

2. Make it a "WebSite on Internet" (Format object > Hyperlink tab)

3. Bind datasource field to "Website address" (Format object > Hyperlink tab > Hyperlink information)

3. Make it multiline (Format object > Common > Can Grow)

The resulting HTML on long links looks like:<a href="..."><span class="fc2c1d044e-bf85-4d44-aff2-4cda991b748c-2">Link</span></a><a href="..."><span class="...">01</span></a><a href="..."><span> to</span></a>
<a href="..."><span> my business object</span></a>

and I expect it to be:<a href="..."><span>Link01 to my business object</span></a>

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Aug 19, 2010

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