Crystal Reports :: One Record In Each Page?
Sep 28, 2010one record in each page
View 2 Repliesone record in each page
View 2 RepliesI display only one record per page in crystal reports??. Im new in using crystal reports, someone show me what to do?.
View 1 RepliesI have data in 2 rows with 1 booking no each rows have different data. But when trying to view crystal reports shows only top row data.. i want 1st row data should come on 1st page and second row data on 2nd page.
View 1 Repliesusing 2005 and crystal reports. in the code I am querying the database, processing the results and then binding to the crystal report.
What I need to do now in the code is this: I need to create a new page to display the results so that there is one page for each row in the dataset that I'm binding to the report.
am using crystal reports and directly exporting it to pdf. I want to filter records based on record selection formula but below mentioned code is not filtering data for particular employee. All records are coming to pdf. I want only selected records based on selection formula.
ReportDocument report = new ReportDocument();
string ReportPath = Server.MapPath("Reports/PayRollReport.rpt").ToString();
Im new to Crystal reports. I need to make a statement in which three columns are displayed.Debit, Credit and Balance.
something like:
Debit Credit Balance
51613 3656854
7599 3664453
3398 3661055
I just have top Balance amout in DB which is 3605241. now I have to display the updated balance After debit or credit. I want to get the Previous Balance amount for addition/subtraction.How can I do it using Formula field?
How to print the particular record to the crystal report. I have a gridview control in webform1, in that gridview I have a link button like salary check, the link button passes the particular empid to the next form and display all the records in the webform2, in the webform2 I am having print button, if I click the print button,all the fields in the webform2 wants to print in the crystal report...
View 1 RepliesWhen i run the application locally it works fine but when i publish it n access from it it gives the error asEither the Crystal Reports registry key permissions are insufficient or the Crystal Reports runtime is not installed correctly.
View 2 Repliesere is a record selection where clause in a crystal report.
I'm not sure if the report is selecting the enddate or is selecting everything upto the end date.
I have 2 parameters 1. InvoiceNum: this is array of InvoiceNumbers and 2. CompanyNickName. A single string value Now when I am passing these parameters to report only 1st record is getting displayed and not others. Ideally no. of records should be equal to no. of InvoiceNums e.g. if there are 3 invoice no. it shoudl display all 3 invoices. here is relevant code
void SetCurrentValuesforParameterField(
ArrayList InvoiceNumList)
ParameterFields param =
ParameterValues vals =
ParameterField parameterfield =
foreach (object submittedValue
in InvoiceNumList)
ParameterDiscreteValue InvoiceDiscreteVal =
ParameterValueKind.StringParameter; //ParameterField parameterfield1 = param[1];
parameterfield =new
ParameterDiscreteValue InvoiceDiscreteVal1 =
ParameterValues(); //
CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = param;
parameterfield.CurrentValues = vals;
InvoiceDiscreteVal1.Value = CompanyNickName;
vals =
parameterfield.Name = Parameter_Field_Name1;// 2nd Parameter CompanyNickName
parameterfield.ParameterValueType = parameterfield.CurrentValues = vals;
}// End of Loop
InvoiceDiscreteVal.Value = submittedValue.ToString();
parameterfield.Name = Parameter_Field_Name; //1st Paramt name InvoiceNum
parameterfield.ParameterValueType =
ParameterDiscreteValue InvoiceDiscreteVal1
CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = param;
parameterfield.CurrentValues = vals;
InvoiceDiscreteVal1.Value = CompanyNickName;
vals =
CrystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = param;
parameterfield.CurrentValues = vals;
I have create crystal report with select * from table name command and designd it but when it is shoiwing i want to show as filterd record that i am using follwing code
OleDbConnection gn = new OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conStr"].ConnectionString.ToString());
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void PrintReport()
show only 10 Invoice.. after 10th record next 10
View 3 RepliesI'm trying to generate crystal report based on the two dates selected by the user ... the selection formula editor gives me
the error "a string is required" when I want to save and close my formula , can any1 help me whts wrong with my formula shown below ,
{records.entrance_date} >= {?entrance_date} and {records.entrance_date} <= {?entrance_date2}
both ?entrance_date and ?entrance_date2 are of date data type
how to count total no of record in different group section in seagate crystal report
View 2 Repliesi have maked a form which is saving used detail . how we can print the same record after saving. i have maked a report viewer which is print the data when we give the date and name. but i want print report currenty which saved.
i need i have a print button in form so i need when i click them it should print the current record which is i saved currently.
I have requirement that have to add header and footer into 50 over reports. So I dont want to change one by one.
Is there a way to create master page header and footer and used it in multiple reports?
I am developing we application using Csharp on Visual studio 2008.How can I pass values from Page or GridView to a Crystal Report? For example I want some details on a Default.aspx want to appear on the Crystal report when I click on it. How do I pass theses values from Page to crystal report at Runtime?
View 3 RepliesI am working with Parametrized Crystal Reports. There are only two page called Source.aspx and Target.aspx.
Only One text box data shows Not 2nd One.Can any one help me with this by checking my code?
I create an ASP.NET Crystal Report Web application using VS.NET 2010. In ASP.NET page, I stored two values in Session state and need to pass them as input parameters to Oracle stored procedure. In Crystal reports 2010 once you connect to a stored-procedure as data source, it automatically creates the parameter fields with Crytal Report Viewer. how I pass values to store procedure at runtime automatically.
Detail code:
1. ASP.NET page store the values in the Session:
2. I like to pass above values to the store procedure with IN parameters named P_CourseNo and P_StudentNo to print out the Crytal Report with Store Procedure as data source.
I am using Crystal Report 2010 with C#, have a web form and want to display Page N of M to user in a Label while printing crystal repots. How can I implement this?
View 2 RepliesI'm new to Visual Studio.NET . I need to integrate the crystal reports into an ASP.NET application. I generated Crystal report with the help of crystal report XI developer edition(Stand alone version and NOT from the one which comes from visual studio).
How to integrate this report with the web application.
We have quite a few reports which were developed earlier in Crystal Reports 8.5. We are now planning to use these reports in our web application developed in VS 2008 (C#).
What dlls are needed for calling 8.5 in the application and how should they be added to the application while shipping it to the client?
They are also struggling to get the code running. Would also need the code to call the report with parameters.
I have already generated crystal reports but i've made them static. but now i want to make the user to select the criteria for generating the reports. for eg., in one of them i want to show monthwise data so user should be able to select the month and year and that would be passed as parameter and compared to the existing data. provide me with proper exact code that can be used for giving parameters in such a report using C#.
View 3 RepliesIn my system Visual studio 2008 with sp1 and Crystal Reports XI Release 2.In Visaul studio 2008 ,while adding add reference it showing crystal reports version 10 instead of 11.How to solve the version problem.
View 1 RepliesI am considering using Crystal Report 2008 as my tool of creating reports on my webpage.The only problem which I'm facing is that I have no control of the remote server which hosts my site (besides uploading files). I can't run a MSI to deploy the CR runfiles.I can't find anywhere in the CR user manual of how to deploy the runtime files without running the msi, and I'm not even sure it's possible.Have anyone deployed CR 2008 without running the MSI and without having to register any files?
View 8 Replies