Custom Server Controls :: Extend FormView To DeleteItemTemplate?

Dec 28, 2010

all i want to extend FormView with DeleteItemTemplate

<asp:FormView id="sth" runat="server"....>

<%-- here goes my custom template %-->


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Similar Messages:

Custom Server Controls :: How To Extend A Web Control's Methods?

Jan 19, 2011

How do I extend a web control's methods?

For example, I want to do this:


I know how to create the loop that checks for the value, I just don't know I to create an method extension to a control.

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Custom Server Controls :: Extend Existing Button?

Mar 19, 2010

I want to know if it is possible to extend the properties of a button and possibly override the render() method?I know how to create a custom server control and that is not what I want to do.I have a lot of web application that need to inject some java script on the button render event based on a new properties value.So what I want to do is extend the properties and hook into the Render method of the button control that ships with .net, I want to do it this way then I can still use the default button control but am able to effect all of the buttons in all of the web applications by simply re-publishing them.Inheriting from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button class enables me to add the property but then I have to register the "new" control and I have to go and change all of the buttons in all of the web applications.

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Custom Server Controls :: Extend A Datagrid Control And Use It In Program

Mar 6, 2010

I want to extend a datagrid control and use it in my program.

public class MyDataGrid : DataGrid

Now i want to make use this new control in my web page. so i need to register this user control in page.

<form><sam:MyDataGrid id="test" runat="server" /> </form>

When I build it is fine. When i run the application it throws the error.

MyDataGrid is a unknown element.This error occurs due to compilation error or web.config does not exists. But there was no scenario like this.

Unknown server tag 'sam:MyDataGrid.Error occured due to parsing.

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Custom Server Controls :: Extend The TreeView To Create A HierarchicalTreeView?

Mar 29, 2011

how we can extend a TreeView control and change its appearance to look like a hierarchical tree structure (or binary tree)? so that it can be used for generating a MLM tree from the database with clickable nodes.

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Custom Server Controls :: Extend Web Controls Using IExtenderProvider?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm creating a custom wizard which has a small tip area. So i wanted to extend all controls inside the wizard view to have the property "tip".

To better demonstrate what i want to accomplish:

<trokas:Wizard ID="wizard" Text="Adicionar jogo" runat="server">

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Custom Server Controls :: CompositeControl Does Not Retrieve FormView Data On PostBack ("Save")

Feb 10, 2010

Background:I'm building a custom control as a base class that derives from CompositeControl. It consists of a FormView, a ObjectDataSource and a CRUD-Button Series (Create, Read, Update, Delete - Buttons). I'm loading the different FormView templates within the deriving classes dynamically from file with Page.LoadTemplate().

Class structure:




Each deriving class knows the specific template-paths for loading FormViews templates.

The ObjectDataSource is connected with a DAL using a Select and an Update Method. The Select-Method works fine: When loading the CompositeControl the data of the DAL are shown in the Labels of the embedded FormView (ReadOnly-Template). When I'm switching to Edit Mode the data also are displayed in the TextBoxes (Edit-Template).

The problem occurs when I'm trying to update data using the "Save" - Button: The connected DAL-Method is calling properly, but the parameters all are NULL.Tree structure of this custom control:

Panel -
--- FormView
EditTemplate (ascx): Name, Name1, Segment
--- ObjectDataSource
--- CRUD-Button Stack: New, Edit, Delete, Save, Cancel, Copy, Print

All controls will be added dynamically in the base class "TabControlBase" within the overridden CreateChildControls - method. The CreateChildControls method is called by the deriving classes e.g. Employer after setting specific properties e.g. templates,
object data source methods etc.The control is placed in a simple abc.aspx-Page. What I detected so far on PostBack

- When I'm looking at the ViewState Collection within the OnLoad-method of the abc.aspx the ViewState-Collection is Null (Count = 0)

- It seems that the control tree is empty. I'm not able to find any control using a proper working recursive FindControlMethod

- Only the Page.Request Collection shows the expected controls

Conclusion for now:It seems that the CompositeControl "forgets" the values of the FormView TextBoxes on PostBack. It seems it has to do with ViewState Management.

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Security :: How To Extend The RoleProvider To Have Custom Code

Feb 24, 2010

I am obviously missing something here and it is driving me batty. I am trying to implement a custom role provider so that I can add some of my own custom code to it. I have created my CustomRoleProvider class, I have inherited the RoleProvider base class and implemented its members. I have made the required changes to my web.config so that my CustomRoleProvider is used. This is all working great.

All of this is wrapped up in a wrapper class as provided by the MVC Membership Starter Kit that I am using and wish to extend.

Now I want to add my own custom functionality.

When I add a function to my CustomRoleProvider I cannot see it or access it.

How do I add functionality to my CustomRoleProvider so that I can use it?

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Tag Not Found For Control / Error: Unknown Server Tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'

Jan 3, 2011

Hope this is the correct forum for this question. I am using VWD 2010 an have a web project and get the following error upon execution:

Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'custom:AjaxValidator'.

My code is as follows in the .cs file:


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Security :: Extend Default Profile Fields Into Second Custom Table

Apr 23, 2010

I am trying to use a second (custom) table to extend my users profile info. This table is in the same database as the 'aspnet_Users' table but has a different name. I create a FK relationship between the 'aspnet_Users' table and my custom table. Here is my web.config code:

<profile defaultProvider="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider">
<clear />
<add name="AspNetSqlMembershipProvider"
applicationName="/" />
<add name="MyCustomProfile"
table="MyProfileTable_Employees" />
<group name ="MyProfileInfo">
<add name="FirstName" type="string" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="FirstName;nvarchar" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
<add name="LastName" type="string" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="LastName;nvarchar" provider="MyCustomProfile" />
<add name="EmployeeNumber" type="int" defaultValue="[null]" customProviderData="EmployeeNumber;int" provider="MyCustomProfile" />

I have the table "MyProfileTable_Employees" poplulated with data the 'userid' matches to the aspnet_Users table. In my web application (vb), when I type in Profile.MyProfileInfo, there are no custom fields. Actually, when I type profile., there are no profile related entries. What am I missing here? Am I miss-interpting what a custom profile provider is?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Get The Value Of Readonly Properties Of Server Controls Inside A Custom Server Control

Apr 4, 2010

I have a custom server control inheriting from CompositeControl. It consists of two RadioButtonlist controls that are rendered side by side in an html table. The number of ListItems in each RadioButtonList is not known until runtime. Depending on how many items each list contains, the RepeatColumns property of each list is set differently. To do this in the handler for the ItemDataBound event I need to get the count of ListItems in each RadioButtonList. How do I expose the Items.Count property of each internal RadioButtonList as a top-level property? I tried using a getter to return the count but this generates a compile-time error to the effect that the count cannot be assigned to--even though I have not created a setter.

Similarly, in the handler for the Submit event, I need to get the ClientID of each internal RadioButtonList to pass to a method that checks for data changes. How do I expose the ClientID of each component RadioButtonList as a top-level property?

I can of course index the Controls collection of the composite control to access the child control and read its properties--but that defeats the whole point of making a complex, independent custom server control.

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Composite Control With Custom Templated Child Controls?

Mar 22, 2011

I am trying to build a custom composite control, which allows me to add custom content to each child control. It's a similar concept to what you have with a GridView and TemplateColumn. The markup used to place the control on the page would end up being something like this:


I have the code below, which allows me to put that markup on the page without throwing any errors, and it renders all the correct HTML, except it doesn't render the contents of the ColumnTemplate. I have replaced the Render() code with a comment because it's quite long winded and doesn't add anything important here:


I have tried to follow examples on MSDN and other forums but I can't make this work. I think I'm missing the code to render the contents of the template, but I don't know how to hook that up.

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Custom Server Controls :: Video Tutorial Link For Composite And Rendered Custom Server Control?

Aug 20, 2010

i am new to technology so go easy on this post according to what i read from web there are 3 type of custom server controls 1 superclass2 composite 3 renderedi found video tutorial for superclass custom server control but couldnt find video tutials for other forward me link for composite and rendered custom server controls video tutorial

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Server Control Rendering Method In Multiple Class?

May 17, 2010

I am creating custom server control. I have two classes in project. One is main class that render control and another will be used to render content based on condition.I just want to know how to render content from other classes in main class.For example. This isjust an example.My main class code


My TopLeftPane class


My page code on page load event


When I run the page, Header title always getting null. This is a just sample code. I will have more than 20 classes so I dont want to write a code in main class to render whole control.I hope all of you understand my problem.

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Custom Server Controls :: TemplateField [TextBox] Binded To DataSource (Custom Server Control)?

Jul 28, 2010

Case : a templatefield Text Box created by class TemplateHandler and added to the composite

control Grid .how to bind it to the DataSource Object of the Grid Class ?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Use A Custom Server Control That Is Defined In Inline Code In The Same Page

Oct 22, 2010

I have to use inline code for an aspx page and I need to use a custom server control that is defined in the same aspx page but the control does not get processed as a server control. it gets returned as is as static html tag.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Add A Dropdownlist Of Available Values For A Custom Server Control Property

Sep 13, 2010

How would I add a (dropdown) list of available values for a custom server control property?

(Just like 'Visible' property of most controls has valid values of 'True/False' and nothing else can be entered or selected)

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Custom Server Controls :: Embedded Javascript File In Custom Server Control?

Oct 19, 2010

I am creating a custom server control, and I am wanting to include a JavaScript file in the dll file when the control is built. I have tried suggestions from the following websites:[URL] But after following the directions, If I use firebug to see what errors show up, the JavaScript functions that are being called all say "goNext is not defined" which leads me to believe the JavaScript file is not being added correctly.

Some information on what my control looks like

I have the JavaScript File in a folder called Script. The namespace of the project is CustomControl, and the Name of the project is MaskedDateTextbox.

In my AssemblyInfo I have the following:

<Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")>

View 24 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Client Side Functionality In A Custom Server Control Using Vb?

Oct 4, 2010

is it posible to add client side functionality to a custom server control in am looking at msdn library and there is no code for vb :/ fount this on MSDN Library Adding Client Capabilities to a Web Server ControlWhat i'm trying to do is to add some client functionality to my control, so that you can get or set some properties/values on client side. From the above link i see that this is doable with Ajax Server Control, but i don't have it, i have Custom Server Control. Can i do this with Custom Server Control and how?

View 16 Replies

Custom Server Controls :: Implementing PostBackUrl Feature In A Custom Server Control?

Dec 20, 2010

I've build a custom server control inheriting from WebControl. Basically it is a kind of button. All is working perfectly except one thing: the PostBackUrl is inoperative.

I probably forgot to implement something. Actually I just added the property PostBackUrl. Probably I should also implement an interface of call something.

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Custom Server Controls :: Initialize Background Image Url In Css File Into Custom Server Controls

Sep 29, 2010

i registered an image in AssemblyInfo.cs like this:


now i want to initialize that image in css file for background-image but it dose'nt work.
my css file is:

i also try with this :


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How To Extend Server-side Validation Controls To Raise An Event If Validation Fails

Feb 23, 2010

I am using ASP.NET's server-side validation. In the page_load event I'm calling Page.Validate(), and if Page.IsValid is not true I'm then polling the controls to figure out which ones are not valid, and then determining what actions to take.It would be much easier if each control would raise an event as validation fails, allowing me to take action for that particular control. I'm very much a naive programmer when it comes to validation, but is there a way to extend these controls so that a validation error raises an event?

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Method Can't Find Controls In A FormView

Jan 19, 2010

I have method that I call which needs to find all the panels in the page but it fails. I have another method that was created by the VS has the traditional paraeters such the object sender, EventArgs e that the similar code works fine but the (simplyfied) code below. It is clear to me that these parameters contain information that makes one method work while the other not, but I don't know why.

The code breaks on the last line of code: _pnlAssetInfo = (Panel.....


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Custom Server Controls :: How To Create Custom Property (DataSource) In Custom Controls

May 15, 2010

I know that how to create custom control and add custom property.

I want to create property like DataSource to my custom control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview - How To Link A Custom Error Page

Jan 20, 2010

Being A C++ programmer this is fairly new to me - I am working on a formview and have been facing a problem- The issue is simple - I want to display a success page after I insert a row successfully and a custom error page if the insertion fails (due to datatype or format mismatch with table in database).

To achieve this I am doing as follows -

1. Defining a custom error page in ASP.NET configuration tool (webconfig)

>> This page never works if I enter an incorrect format in formview. It would rather display the ugly page with Server Error information (for example) -

The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 0.

question - Why my default page is not getting displayed? Is it because I am testing from same development machine or is it because the error page doesnt work for "Server Error" pages?

2. In the "iteminserted" event I am redirecting it to Response.Redirect("~/newitemconfirm.aspx")

>> If I do this, irrespective of whether the row insertion was successful or not, this confirmation page always gets displayed! I want it to be displayed only on successful insertion.

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