Data Controls :: Add Line Breaks To GridView BoundField Data

Jan 24, 2016

I used Save (Display) data from Multi-Line TextBox with Line Breaks to database in ASP.Net. But now I want show data from database into multiline textbox. Separate textbox by two column. In result output this:




How I can solve this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Prevent Line Breaks In GridView Cells?

Feb 24, 2011

One column in my GridView has the format 1-2345 (one digit followed by a dash followed by four digits. Normally, everything looks OK, but sometimes the other data in my GriView will expand to two or more "lines" in the same row of data. Unfortunately this causes my cell to look like the following:


This looks really really awful and I need to fix it. You know how in HTML there is the non-breaking space symbol? Well I want a non-breaking dash symbol.

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Data Controls :: Save (Display) Data From Multiline TextBox With Line Breaks To Database

May 1, 2014

How to display data from textarea the way it is been typed as ineg. hiiihello what are u doing I want to display the data typed in textarea shown above inside the panel the way it is typed.

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Data Controls :: Save Text From MultiLine TextBox To Database With Line Breaks

May 7, 2015

I want to add below paragraph using TextBox multiline in one column without richtextbox or fckeditor.

No dent no scratch.. single hand driven only 11000 km running till now original condition no part break till now ...

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Data Column Fields In One BoundField Of GridView?

Sep 5, 2013

how to put three rows of one table data in gridview one coloumn

 how to add text1,text2,text3 rows data in upper as i write but the proper code

<asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width = "150px" DataField = "LT_SHOWNAMETEXT1" HeaderText = "SHOW NAME"/>
<asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width = "150px" DataField = "LT_TEXTTYPE" HeaderText = "TEXT TYPE"/>
<asp:BoundField ItemStyle-Width = "150px" DataField = "text1,text2,tex3 " HeaderText = "TEXT"/>


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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Data Type Of BoundField In GridView?

Mar 9, 2011

I am tring to write some custom filters for a gridview and want to base the filters available based on the datatype of the Columns in the GridView. How would I go about determining the datatype of each column?

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Data Fields In BoundField Of GridView

Jul 23, 2012

I have the above html for gridview instead of first name, middle name, last name

I need one single column name

<asp:GridView ID="gridview1" runat="server" Width="450px" DataKeyNames="id" OnRowCommand="OnRowCommand"
AllowSorting="True" Height="170px" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowPaging="True"

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Gridview Line By Line?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a gridview which i want to update line by line.Its for confirmed users.SO i have a list of users and they are confirmed by clicking the checkbox and updating the value in the database.But how can i find the checkbox on the gridview and get the value. Ive tried the following code but no joy


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Multi Line Text Box With Line Breaks

Jul 28, 2010

I insert a text box, change the parameters to multi line and then pass the string to sql. Users insert comments etc, using line breaks, however because I just pass this as a string the line breaks are not there when they view the text box after input. Example: Here is a well formatted comment. as I typed in the text box today. Inserted in to sql as a string, returns this on select:

Here is a well formatted I typed in the text boxtoday. How do I insert the line breaks in the string from a textbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview RowDeleteing - Get Value Of A Boundfield?

Apr 20, 2010

In how can I get the value of a gridview's boundfield value? I'm basically putting a value in that boundfield that I need to access in the RowDeleting event so I can pass that into a stored procedure. I'd be open to also trying to get the value of a control from a template column too if that's a better method?

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Data Controls :: How To Set GridView BoundField Column Width

Dec 3, 2013

Hw cn v assign different width to columns in a datagridview vb when the autogenerate columns property ="false"

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Data Controls :: How To Set Session Value In GridView BoundField Column

Dec 9, 2013

i am trying to give a session value in Gridview databound field by using

<asp:BoundField DataField="Papercost" HeaderText="Paper Cost" DataFormatString='<%=Session["CurrencySymbol"]%>'"{0:0.0000}" />
But its a giving error like

Literal content ('<asp:BoundField DataField="Papercost" HeaderText="Paper Cost" DataFormatString="') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection'.

how can i give a session value here?

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Data Controls :: Format DateTime In BoundField Of GridView

Mar 12, 2014

In My SQl Database table column (named "Enterance_DateTime"), datetime is saved in below format:

2014-03-05 15:17:45 as yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss in ASP.Net

But when I fetch this column in Gridview it shows datetime as below format:

4/5/2013 9:04:06 AM

I want to fetch exact datetime in Gridview what is saved in DB table.I tried using DataFormatString="{0:dd-MM-yyyy}" but is showing only date not time with it. How to achieve it.

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Data Controls :: How To Get Value Of GridView BoundField Set To Visible Is False

May 7, 2015

I am using gridview with sqldatasource , now i have a column

<asp:gridview ID="MyGrid" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"  datakeynames="Seq"
DataSourceID="ExistingConsPhaseSource" >
<asp:boundfield datafield="Seq" headertext="Seq" readonly="True" Visible="False" sortexpression="Seq" />
<asp:templatefield headertext="Description" sortexpression="Description">

[Code] ....

I also have a button outside gridview , on its click event i want to delete all rows in a grid view. So far i have done like this :

protected void DelAllExisting_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
foreach (GridViewRow row in ExistingConsPhases.Rows) {
string query =
"UPDATE [dbo].[myTable] SET IsDeleted = 1, DeletedBy = @DeletedBy, DeletedDate = GETDATE(), DeletedByPrefix = @DelPrefix WHERE Seq = @Seq";
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand(query,_connection);
comm.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Seq", ???);

What to type instead of ??? I want my bound field of Seq to be place here ? how ?

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Data Controls :: GridView BoundField Column Readonly - Disable Specific Columns In Edit Mode Of GridView

May 7, 2015

How to disable editing the data in the cells of datagridview in c#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Level Breaks In A Gridview Control?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a gridview on my web page. I bind the gridview to a dataset. The dataset has the following fields:

facility, date, patient name, description. Presently, the gridview looks like this when rendered:

ABC Hospital 10/1/2009 John Doe Sore Throat
ABC Hospital 10/2/2009 Jane Doe Mumps
ABC Hospital 10/3/2009 Bill Smith Flu
XYZ Hospital 10/2/2009 Tom Jones Migraine
XYZ Hospital 10/2/2009 Mary Mills Cold

I would like to ony display the facility once for each group. For example, ABC Hospital would only display on the first line and would be blank on the next 2 lines. I think I did this once before but cannot find the code. I have not been able to find a good example on the web.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With Hover Menu Breaks In 4.0?

May 4, 2010

I have a gridview with a popup menu that successfully runs against Framework 3.5.

In 4.0, the popup no longer seems to be tied to the row that was mouse-overed. the popup still appears, but near the top of the gridview (not near the row) regardlesss of the row that mouse-overed and clicking "Edit" will only edit the top (first) row.

I even tried to simplify and use this example [URL] as a test, the same results occur, run this against 3.5, it works fine, run against 4.0, it breaks. I think there's something wrong with the C# code


there's a better solution with the ClientIDRowSuffix?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Boundfield To A Gridview After It Gets Bound To A List

Feb 8, 2011

DLRepository is a class with method getDLandRules. I am binding the gridview with the list that is returned by method. Now I would like to iterate through the list and add 1 more column to each row that is returned. currently, I am getting an error

GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7].Text 'GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7]' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' strin

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Programmatically Set The HeaderText Of A GridView BoundField

Jan 8, 2010

I need to set the HeaderText of GridView BoundField in codebehind file based on a flag at runtime.

I tried setting the column name as

e.Row.Cells[0].Text = "XXXX";

It is worked out but not able to sort that column.

here my requirement is to set the HeaderText programmatically in codebehind and able to sort the column.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView BoundField Vs. TemplateField For Updating?

Feb 17, 2011

I have one two GridViews on a page. One Gridview uses BoundFields inside of the GridView and the Update statement works just fine. The other GridView utilizes TemplateFields due to the fact that Validation Expressions have to be used. I also want This GridView to be able to update the vlues when the user clicks on the Update link on the right side of the GridView. The GridView that uses the BoundFields updates just fine, but the GridView that uses TemplateFields will not update. I have checked and everything is correct other than this difference of BoundField and TemplateField.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView, BoundField, SqlDataSource And DeleteParameters?

Oct 29, 2010

I I have a GridView attached to a SqlDataSource and all is working well. I also have and edit and delete icon attached to each record in the GridView, and again, all is working well.My problem is when I add a BoundField named 'statusCode', the delete stored procedure fails with:"Procedure or function 'up_delReference' expects parameter '@statusCode', which was not supplied."When I remove the BoundField named 'statusCode' from the GridView list, the delete works fine. I need to show the status in the GridView as the user can chose to see Avtive, Inavtive or Both records and they need to see the status when in Both.Here is the Code:


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Data Controls :: Group Same Rows In GridView With BoundField Column?

Nov 30, 2013

How we can group data in bound field...

 1        1-1-2013    x           a 1        1-1-2013    x           b
1        1-1-2013    x            c 

  2        2-1-2013    y            a   2        2-1-2013    y       b
 2        2-1-2013    y            c

i want to show it in this format... 

serialNo      date      name      item

    1        1-1-2013    x           a                                        b

   2        2-1-2013    y            a                                        b

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Data Controls :: Format DateTime In BoundField Column Of GridView

Jan 1, 2014

In database I have column date but when i enter date my font end view also display time for every date time remain same 12:00 AM ... I don't want to display date how can I do this?

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Data Controls :: Add Dynamic BoundField And TemplateField Columns In GridView

Aug 24, 2013

How to add dynamic columns in Gridview?

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Data Controls :: How To Access BoundField Column Rows Within A GridView

Aug 20, 2013

I have a gridview with databound fields with a checkbox for each row. Only the check box is not bound to any field in the database. I have a button outside of the gridview. By clicking the button, I am trying to get the values of the partyID fields for all the rows that have the check box checked.

Upon clicking the button, nothing gets displayed but no error either.

Here is my code so far:         

aspx code:

<asp:GridView ID="gvFindDupe" runat="server" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#3366CC"
BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowSorting="True">
<FooterStyle BackColor="#99CCCC" ForeColor="#003399" />


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